09-21-2011, 07:03 AM
More work being done on this remastered version of the default theme. Slow going as css isn't my normal language. I also found out the theme/skin for the WYSIWYG editor is handled separately. URP! All the themes use the same WYSIWYG editor? Gotta see how to fix that one. ;)
In the meantime, I got the 'ProStats' board in a collapse/expand spoiler window now. Open by default. Unfortunately, its open/closed state isn't saved, so if you hide the stats and exit the forum, it's expanded and visible when you come back. Dunno how to work on that....
ACK! It's 2AM? *DerVVulfman hits the sack*
In the meantime, I got the 'ProStats' board in a collapse/expand spoiler window now. Open by default. Unfortunately, its open/closed state isn't saved, so if you hide the stats and exit the forum, it's expanded and visible when you come back. Dunno how to work on that....
ACK! It's 2AM? *DerVVulfman hits the sack*