06-28-2012, 04:58 PM
Horray for world map spriting! Here is a sample of what things look like transferring from the desert to the grasslands region.
Up until now I've been focusing on mixing some terrain samples and building a variety of mountains, but its mostly been just the generic needs of different natural elements and fitting them together. I've taken note of a couple to-dos such as; the forests have too much color saturation, I need to blend the colors of the mountain types to make it more unified, the road is going to be lightened up a bit so it doesn't distract from everything else, etc.
Oh yeah, going to make the water and beaches less square-ish! This is the flat color version, once all the last minute pixels are placed and things are textured, BAM! It'll... it'll look cool (I hope).
I've got some larger scale mountains and other crazy stuff in development too, I'll hopefully get further with that tomorrow :D
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Up until now I've been focusing on mixing some terrain samples and building a variety of mountains, but its mostly been just the generic needs of different natural elements and fitting them together. I've taken note of a couple to-dos such as; the forests have too much color saturation, I need to blend the colors of the mountain types to make it more unified, the road is going to be lightened up a bit so it doesn't distract from everything else, etc.
Oh yeah, going to make the water and beaches less square-ish! This is the flat color version, once all the last minute pixels are placed and things are textured, BAM! It'll... it'll look cool (I hope).
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I've got some larger scale mountains and other crazy stuff in development too, I'll hopefully get further with that tomorrow :D