02-18-2015, 11:29 PM
Quote: I dislike VXA's focus on autotiles because of how limited they are (being 2x2 tiles instead of 3x3, as well as constrained to one layer),
Technically, the autotiles are set up for field or world format, which allows in many cases, two layers per autotile, which, when added to a preset parallax place-mat, give a lot more versatility. Buildings leave a little to be desired, with the lack of verticle roof styles, but with the proper configuration this too can be done with autotile sections and right click+shift, and shift + left click to copy the texture already palced elsewhere on map for format.
Then of course for other autotiling features, RMVXA has a beautiful Eventing system called 'EVENTS ALWAYS ON BOTTOM' which can ensure that all events lie just above priority zero tiles. and below Priority 1 tiles (as well as player)
There's also a beautiful Z-Level Script that makes sure that larger sprites stay in z-index depending on their row, but that's neither here nor there.
Then on top of that issue with the autotiles, with just a little bit of work, you can take advantage of the other version of EVENTS ALWAYS, and place events on top of the walls that you are certain that your player will never be on. Mountain caps, tree branches, and more can be placed on this Event layer.
AND, on top of that? We got fogs that can be added for even MORE parallaxing awesomeness... Events can also be placed in abundance on a map with very little problems with lag as direct events, and events, of course can have graphics that are tileset graphics...
So far, I count with this method, a total of 7 layers, and that's without extra scripts for multiple fogs or parallax backgrounds which can extend this even further.
BLOG: JayVinci.blogspot.com
Currently working on:
Ambitions: RPG Developer Bakin
Heart of Vox: RPG Developer Bakin