09-12-2018, 08:23 PM
ROFL. It was Alfred Hitchcock that said "Always make the audience suffer as much as possible." I wouldn't go THAT far as to make a game that is solely designed to antagonize the player. Well... if a minigame takes forever to complete, challenging could turn into agonizing.
On the other hand, one could put in some annoyance per-say. I trust my colleague who penned the article would note how the game "Drakengard" wished to put the player through hell so he/she could experience Caim's descent into madness.
And he's playing Devil's Advocate as usual.
On the other hand, one could put in some annoyance per-say. I trust my colleague who penned the article would note how the game "Drakengard" wished to put the player through hell so he/she could experience Caim's descent into madness.
And he's playing Devil's Advocate as usual.