I've been having some great fun implementing these gab windows to read out the vocal lines of your opponents and sometimes even you~!
The Visual of Sound
And these have been implemented all the way back through. From Disk 0 to the end of Disk 2, every fight which has voice acting from the opponent has seen use of these Gab Windows.
And I have a video here, now at present the text lasts a bit longer, but yeah- I reformatted this fight, and now it doesn't lag in the slightest.
Nine Tails Terminus
Using the boss event to activate the projectiles by coordinate matching is a laggy way of doing it, it turns out! So I opted simply to base it on waits, with each projectile fired off within 5 seconds, at intervals of five frames.
The Visual of Sound
And these have been implemented all the way back through. From Disk 0 to the end of Disk 2, every fight which has voice acting from the opponent has seen use of these Gab Windows.
And I have a video here, now at present the text lasts a bit longer, but yeah- I reformatted this fight, and now it doesn't lag in the slightest.
Nine Tails Terminus
Using the boss event to activate the projectiles by coordinate matching is a laggy way of doing it, it turns out! So I opted simply to base it on waits, with each projectile fired off within 5 seconds, at intervals of five frames.