Thoughts on the Interpreter's Script Command
Curiously, I can't stop wondering why are you so fixated on this topic. Happy with a sweat Not intending to sound harsh at all.
At the same time, I'm not saying this can't be a good topic for further discussion somewhere else. Confused (Like a development discussion thread.)

And honestly, I don't think I'll change it in the near or distant future as far as I can see now.

YET, I want to add one final thing that I've missed so far. In Ruby simply returning a variable's or constant's value is also a valid test, just as good as var == true or var == false or even !var .

Let's say I created an array like @triggered and it should return a given value based on the index we're providing.
Even if that specific position holds no value as of now, like index #100, nil as a default value should be treated as a falsey value based on Ruby's treatment of NilClass objects. Nonetheless, that's NOT what happens normally.

Yeah, people can add a bang! or two or use the equality operator, but that should not be mandatory in Ruby.

If you already have access to the array or variable, you shouldn't be in need of an additional method just for testing purposes. Not for a single value. I think it's different if that method would test other values one after another via operators like and, or, && and ||, of course.


Now that this is being discussed on the Development Discussion subforum, let's beat up each other's muzzles! Dog Let's get ready for rumble! Metalhead 
Happy with a sweat OK, I'm speaking figuratively here. Nobody would like to find some flame war-like posts here. Laughing
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


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Messages In This Thread
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by kyonides - 02-13-2025, 08:35 PM
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by Zeriab - 02-26-2025, 07:53 AM
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by kyonides - 02-26-2025, 05:45 PM
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by Zeriab - 02-26-2025, 07:25 PM

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