Thoughts on the Interpreter's Script Command
Thinking It sounds curious that Dog Wulfo wanted you to learn about that thread of mine or remind you of your 15-year-old thread.

Zeriab Wrote:Note: false is a falsey value. false is equal to falsenil is a falsey value. nil is not equal to false.

Indifferent Yeah, I know that. I hope other people do as well.

Yet, I'd call nil something more complex than a non existing object (actually an uninitialized object) or a falsey value. It also means it's not truly undefined. You see, internally nil or better known there as RUBY_Qnil is a runtime replacement for undefined value, usually only true if there's a zombie CRuby object still floating around, IIRC. Yet, it seems that there are times where a bug could rise because the object is undefined already, and there are some internal checks to prevent that from taking place in most cases.

And for people interested in the C part of the Ruby engine, you gotta know that RUBY_Qtrue and RUBY_Qfalse not only exist but are NOT equal to C and C++ true and false values. Not even to 1 and 0, respectively! Shocked

That's why Ruby Ruby tests that take 0 as a truthy value might easily enrage the C and C++ fans. Laughing

In regard to returning the same value, it could be used as a replacement for an actual test for a given child class that doesn't care about testing a value as long as it has been set to anything other than a falsey value. But yeah, defining a true as return value for a question? method is the preferred way to solve it in RMVX ACE, for instance.

OK, I opened the maker to check what happened to the single line and multi-line script calls, and yes, I gotta admit that false won't be an issue in multi-line scripts.

The thing is that I was fed up with the maker getting frozen because of stuff like:

@test_var = nil

And then testing it later on like in the example below:

@test_var == true a single line script call. Confused

And thanks for motivating me to keep testing the Interpreter#command_355 method because I ended up finding yet another way to fix it without even dealing with the result == false issue! Grinning I'll post it in my bugfix thread in no time!

The New Fix, It's SO Incredibly \"Stupid\" That I Can't Believe Nobody Thought About It Till Now!
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


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Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by kyonides - 02-13-2025, 08:35 PM
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by Zeriab - 02-26-2025, 07:53 AM
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by kyonides - 02-26-2025, 05:45 PM
RE: Script Commands Bug Fixes - by Zeriab - 02-26-2025, 07:25 PM
RE: Thoughts on the Interpreter's Script Command - by kyonides - Yesterday, 03:42 AM

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