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 KSkillTypes XP
KSkillTypes XP

by Kyonides Arkanthes


The following script is an overhaul of the skill menu. It is intended to show the same information the original provided plus a couple of details like skill power and a battler to test the skill on it! Shocked That battler even changes if the skill is cast to help allies or hurt your foes! Grinning

You will be in need of placing resources in the Icons, Pictures and Titles directories and creating extra Elemental tags in the System section of the database. What do those tags do? They will allow the script to determine how many sections the skill menu will have and how to select the right skills for any given section or category.

I do NOT expect it to be compatible with other skill menus! Laughing

[Image: kskilltypesxp03.jpg]

XP Script
# * KSkillTypes XP Hit Version
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   v1.0.2 - 2019-11-27

# This scriptlet allows the player to see the skill menu in a different way.
# He or she will retrieve the usual information AND watch a skill animation
# hitting a hero or monster after they have picked a category and chosen any
# skill available there.

# You are in need of creating extra elements in the System tab.

module KSkillTypes
  BACKDROP = 'magical place' # Placed in Graphics/Titles
  TEST_BATTLER_ID = 1 # Enemy ID to use as the skill target
  TEST_BATTLER_Y = 216 # Y Coordinate of the Test Battler getting hit
  SKILL_MENU_INDEX = 1 # Position of option that opens Skill Menu minus 1
  FIRST_ID = 17 # First Element ID used as a category tag
  # Icon & Picture Filenames
  ICONS = ['gem citrinus', 'physical', 'gem pale', 'gem dark',
    'gem ruby', 'gem emerald']
  DESCRIPTIONS = [ # 1 for each extra Element
    'Select a category',
    'Strength is the way of the fighter!',
    'Because health does matter!',
    'Patience is just for fools!',
    'Blood is a valuable resouce!',
    'Nature is your friend!'
  SCOPES = [ # 1 for each Skill Scope
    'Single Enemy',
    'All Enemies',
    'One Ally',
    'All Allies',
    'Dead Ally',
    'Dead Allies',
    'User Only'
  ALLY_SCOPES = [3,4,5,6,7]
  NO_STATE = "Normal"
  LABELS = {} # Ignore this line!
  LABELS[:title] = 'Skill Data'
  LABELS[:no_skill] = 'No data was found!'
  LABELS[:cost] = 'Mana'
  LABELS[:power] = 'Power'
  LABELS[:scope] = 'Scope'
  # End of Configuration #
  class << self
    def label() @elements[@index] end
    def type_id() FIRST_ID + @index end
    def description() DESCRIPTIONS[@index] end
    def get_scope(skill_scope) SCOPES[skill_scope] end
    attr_accessor :index
  @elements = load_data('Data/System.rxdata').elements[FIRST_ID..-1]
  @index = 0


module Graphics
  def self.width() 640 end
  def self.height() 480 end


class Window_Help
  def initialize
    super(0, 0, Graphics.width, 64)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)

class Window_Skill
  def initialize(actor)
    if (in_battle = $game_temp.in_battle)
      ny = 64
      nh = 256
      ny = 96
      nh = Graphics.height - ny
    super(0, ny, 220, nh)
    @data = []
    @actor = actor
    skills = @actor.skills
    skills.each{|n| @data << $data_skills[n] }
    @general_data = @data.dup
    self.index = 0
    self.back_opacity = in_battle ? 160 : 0
    self.opacity = 0 unless in_battle

  def no_contents!
    return unless self.contents
    self.contents = nil

  def refresh
    @data = @general_data
    if KSkillTypes.index > 0
      tid = KSkillTypes.type_id
      @data ={|s| s.element_set.include?(tid) }
    @item_max = @data.size
    return if @item_max == 0
    self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
    @bitmap = self.contents
    @item_max.times{|i| draw_item(i) }

  def draw_item(index)
    skill = @data[index]
    can_use =  @actor.skill_can_use?(
    @bitmap.font.color = can_use ? normal_color : disabled_color
    by = index * 32
    rect =, by, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
    @bitmap.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(skill.icon_name)
    @bitmap.blt(4, by + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), can_use ? 255 : 128)
    @bitmap.draw_text(32, by, 204, 32,, 0)
  def item_id() @data[@index] ? @data[@index].id : nil end

class KSpriteset
  def basic_setup(nx, ny)
    @x = nx
    @y = ny
    @sprites = []

  def dispose
    @sprites.each{|s| s.dispose }
  attr_reader :x, :y

class KIconSpriteset < KSpriteset
  def initialize(nx, ny, pictures)
    basic_setup(nx, ny)
    @pictures = []
    @icons = []
    @index = 0
    @max = pictures.size
    @max.times do |n|
      bit = RPG::Cache.picture(pictures[n])
      @pictures << sprite =
      h = bit.height
      w1 = bit.width
      this_x = @x - n * 6 + n * w1
      sprite.visible = false
      sprite.x = this_x
      sprite.y = @y
      sprite.bitmap = bit
      @icons << sprite =
      sprite.x = this_x + w1 / 2 - 12
      sprite.y = @y + h / 2 - 12
      sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(pictures[n])
    pic = @pictures[-1]
    @margin_right = pic.x + pic.bitmap.width
    @sprites = @pictures + @icons

  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
      @index = (@index - 1) % @max
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
      @index = (@index + 1) % @max

  def update_icon
    @pictures[@index].visible = false
    @icons[@index].visible = true

  def update_cursor
    @pictures[@index].visible = true
    @icons[@index].visible = false

  def dispose
  attr_reader :index, :margin_right

class KLabelSpriteset < KSpriteset
  def initialize(nx, ny, nh, picture=nil)
    basic_setup(nx, ny)
    @offset_x = 0
    @width = Graphics.width - nx
    @height = nh
    @sprites << @backdrop =
    @backdrop.x = nx
    @backdrop.y = ny
    picture = '' unless picture
    @backdrop.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(picture)
    @backdrop.src_rect.set(0, 0, @width, @height)
    @sprites << @title =
    @title.x = nx
    @title.y = ny
    @title.bitmap =, @height)
    @font_size = @height - 8
    @white =, 255, 255)
    @red =, 64, 0)
    @yellow =, 255, 64)

  def character=(new_char)
    @character = new_char

  def refresh
    set_label(8, 2, @width / 4,
    font = @title.bitmap.font
    @states = @character.states
    text = @states.empty? ? KSkillTypes::NO_STATE : retrieve_state_name
    font.color = @red if @dead
    set_label(120, 2, 120, text)
    font.color = @yellow if (fourth = @character.hp <= @character.maxhp / 4)
    font.color = @white unless @dead or fourth
    hpx = 132 + @title.bitmap.text_size(text).width
    terms = $data_system.words
    set_label(hpx, 2, 32, terms.hp, 2)
    hpx += 36
    set_label(hpx, 2, 64, @character.hp.to_s, 2)
    set_label(hpx + 64, 2, 64, '/' + @character.maxhp.to_s)
    font.color = @white
    set_label(hpx + 132, 2, 32, terms.sp, 2)
    hpx += 168
    set_label(hpx, 2, 64, @character.sp.to_s, 2)
    set_label(hpx + 64, 2, 64, '/' + @character.maxsp.to_s)

  def retrieve_state_name
    return "Knockout" if (@dead = @character.hp == 0)
    ratings ={|n| $data_states[n].rating }
    pos = ratings.index(ratings.max)

  def set_label(x, y, w, label, align=0)
    @title.bitmap.draw_text(x, y, w, @font_size, label, align)

  def set_title(title, align=1)
    by = @height / 2 - @font_size / 2
    b = @title.bitmap
    b.font.size = @font_size
    b.draw_text(@offset_x, by, @width - @offset_x, @font_size, title, align)
  def clear_text() @title.bitmap.clear end
  alias :set_text :set_title
  attr_reader :width, :height
  attr_writer :skill_window, :font_size, :offset_x

class KSkillStats < Sprite
  def initialize(w, h, new_skill)
    @skill_id = new_skill
    self.bitmap =, h)
    @white =, 255, 255)
    @black =, 0, 0)
    @dy = 38

  def skill_id=(new_id)
    @skill_id = new_id

  def refresh
    labels = KSkillTypes::LABELS
    bit = self.bitmap
    bit.font.size = 26
    bit.draw_text(0, 0, bit.width, 26, labels[:title], 1)
    rect =, 30, bit.width - 16, 4)
    bit.fill_rect(rect, @black)
    rect =, 31, bit.width - 16, 2)
    bit.fill_rect(rect, @white)
    bit.font.size = 22
    return clear_no_skill unless @skill_id
    skill = $data_skills[@skill_id]
    bit.draw_text(0, @dy, 100, 24, labels[:cost])
    bit.draw_text(100, @dy, 96, 24, skill.sp_cost.to_s, 2)
    bit.draw_text(208, @dy, 100, 24, labels[:power])
    bit.draw_text(308, @dy, 96, 24, skill.power.to_s, 2)
    bit.draw_text(0, @dy + 26, 80, 24, labels[:scope])
    bit.draw_text(84, @dy + 26, 112, 24, KSkillTypes.get_scope(skill.scope), 2)

  def clear_no_skill
    text = KSkillTypes::LABELS[:no_skill]
    bitmap.draw_text(0, @dy, bitmap.width, 24, text, 1)

class Scene_Skill
  alias :kyon_scn_skill_up_skill :update_skill
  def main
    KSkillTypes.index = 0
    backdrop = KSkillTypes::TITLE_STRIPE_BACKDROP
    @start = true
    @actors = $game_party.actors
    @actor = @actors[@actor_index]
    @backdrop =
    @backdrop.y = 96
    @backdrop.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(KSkillTypes::BACKDROP)
    @backdrop.src_rect.set(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height - 96)
    @name_sprite =, 0, 40, backdrop)
    @help_sprite =, 40, 28, backdrop)
    @help_sprite.font_size = 24
    @help_sprite.set_title(KSkillTypes.description, 1)
    @status_window =, 68, 28, backdrop)
    @status_window.font_size = 24
    @status_window.character = @actor
    @skill_window = = false
    @skill_window.help_window = @help_sprite
    @skill_window.index = -1
    @help_sprite.skill_window = @skill_window
    @target_window =
    @target_window.visible = false = false
    @icon_menu =, 4, KSkillTypes::ICONS)
    if @icon_menu.margin_right > Graphics.width / 3
      @name_sprite.offset_x = @icon_menu.margin_right + 12
    @name_sprite.set_title(KSkillTypes.label, 0)
    @data_sprite =, 100, @actor.skills[0])
    @data_sprite.x = 228
    @data_sprite.y = 100
    @target_sprite =
    @target_sprite.y = KSkillTypes::TEST_BATTLER_Y
    @test_battler = $data_enemies[KSkillTypes::TEST_BATTLER_ID]
    name = @test_battler.battler_name
    @enemy_bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(name, @test_battler.battler_hue)
    @actor_bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@actor.battler_name, @actor.battler_hue)
    @target_sprite.x = 228
    @target_sprite.opacity = 255
    until $scene != self

  def set_target(skill_id)
    @data_sprite.skill_id = skill_id
    return unless skill_id
    skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
    ally_scope = KSkillTypes::ALLY_SCOPES.include?(skill.scope)
    if @last_result != ally_scope
      bitmap = ally_scope ? @actor_bitmap : @enemy_bitmap
      @tsx = 228 + (Graphics.width - 228 - bitmap.width) / 2
      @target_sprite.x = @tsx
      @target_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
      @last_result = ally_scope
    anime = $data_animations[skill.animation2_id]
    @target_sprite.animation(anime, true)

  def update
    if @start
      return update_section
      return update_skill

  def update_section
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      return $scene =
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      @skill_window.index = 0 = true
      return @start = nil
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::UP)
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN)
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L)
      pos = (@actor_index - 1) % @actors.size
      $scene =
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R)
      pos = (@actor_index + 1) % @actors.size
      $scene =

  def refresh_data
    KSkillTypes.index = @icon_menu.index
    @name_sprite.set_title(KSkillTypes.label, 0)

  def update_skill
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      @skill_window.index = -1 = false
      return @start = true
    elsif Input.dir4 > 0

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Free for non commercial games or demos.
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Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
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Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 3 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE
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KSkillTypes XP - by kyonides - 11-28-2019, 04:51 AM

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