01-27-2025, 04:37 AM
I had thought... I did something for AVGB's Portal for kicks :D
DerVV's Stream FrankenArts
01-27-2025, 04:37 AM
I had thought... I did something for AVGB's Portal for kicks :D
02-07-2025, 03:39 AM
Oh, its time...
The last thing that Siletrea streamed was Monster Hunter World. For that, I began with a little teaser for the first day's stream. ![]() She reveled in the action, though my subsequent screenies suggested otherwise. ![]() In truth, she didn't run. She was very much the aggressor. Comically, she somehow killed one of these behemoths by KNOCKING IT OFF A CLIFF? I didn't see that coming. But then again, neither did she. ![]() Oh, and the armor she found... the fashion wear ... I'm not too sure if she wanted MHW to end. Though she did have issues with some monsters that were dubbed Road Rage, B-52 (as in the bomber), and the like.
02-14-2025, 02:48 AM
The next few streams of Monster Hunter World was fast and furious, so I was just going fast and furious with the advertisement images for Siletrea.
![]() As odd as it sounds, Nirgigante was not as much of a problem for Siletrea after a few battles. While the monster in the image is dark, I intentionally darkened it more. I wanted a lot more contrast between it and Sil flying in panic. I also started reducing the contrast before applying our friendly neighborhood Crystarian Wyvern. Siletrea had a lot of fun doing missions in Monster Hunter World. Her weapon of choice was the Insect Glaive, and performed a lot of airborne attack maneuvers. Flying monster were no match for her, and she kept getting more materials to get more and more outfits. ![]() This image with our T-Rex wanna-be was another simple work. To be honest, the more difficult job was to actually cut the images of Sil out of screenshots and video footage I had from her blooper reel. And this screenie was just another case of me reducing the contrast, and added a very slight instance of blur before placing our happy Wyvern in place. Oh, there were some ups and downs. The mud guppies from hell were one heck of a problem. Fish monsters that were the size of a bus actively flying up from the ground, crawling around and spit rocks, and then dives out of the way. And then there were even worse things to face. But every stream always ended on a high note. ![]() is it any wonder this monstrosity is named Diablos? Siletea had to face this thing and essentially said never again. And when I chose the monster for this image, I had no idea it was even going to be faced. It was less dumb luck and more scary fate.
02-21-2025, 03:31 AM
If you really want to have fun, jumping around in mid air performing somersaults with a ten foot double-bladed slice-and-dice razor may be right up your alley. Certainly, Siletrea was jumping and flying around like a maniac. Still, she really had high reservations when dealing with some things like Diablos.
![]() Once again, I darkened the monster and reduced the contrast before adding our winged heroine. But as you see, things began becoming both Icy and Dicey. ![]() When Siletrea streams, she is always facing the camera. I was only able to get this pose from a test footage video she sent me. And the crisp image of the Insect Glaive she loves... well, this was a lack-luster model that didn't have as much texture. But when superimposed against a creature background with the soft focus really has Sil and her beloved weapon POPPING! This was also the very last stream of Monster Hunter World itself.
02-28-2025, 01:18 AM
Seriously, who hadn't loved the animations of the Palico Chefs in Monster Hunter World?
![]() Gif available online... not mine...
I would say that it was one of the reasons that actually got Siletrea hooked into just buying the game. It should be no surprise that there is a recipe book for all the culinary delights seen. And I can just see Siletrea just enjoying such a feast. ![]() Indeed, we now began the ICEBORNE storyline. Sil having a feast was a joint venture. The original image was of a hunter having a feast with all this food, and I had a good deal of fun cutting everything out except the table full of food, the hunter and the palico (or cat character). After that, I replaced the hunter with Sil, and it is never an easy task. After that, Sil got a hold of the work and added the background and the Iceborne logo at a tilt. ![]() Thank you Monty Python for that meme...
The next time Siletrea streamed Iceborne, she knew things were going to heat up despite the cold climate. But she loved it, and was enraptured by the visuals and the new assortment of armors she could craft based on the monsters she faced. ![]() No, Sil didn't face the Xeno'jiiva this stream. However, the stream advert I made gave her a moment of pause. A short-lived pause as Iceborne had a new Palico chef.... the Grandma. Oh, dear lord, I would want that gramma living next door to me from the sumptuous meals. As to what I did with this streamer image, it was a rush job. I already had the image of Siletrea cut out, and just blurred the image of the Xeno'jiiva a little before combining the two.
03-07-2025, 03:59 AM
Siletrea was committed to beating Monster Hunter World, no matter the stakes. And from what you can see, the stakes were very high.
![]() Only one image this week, but isn't she a beauty? I took the original MHW image and performed a soft diffusion of everything except the head of the monster itself. This to make the creature appear even more massive compared to the rest of the surroundings. I then used a lovely clip of Sil flying for her life once more, but darkened her form a smidgen except for her left wing. And to add a touch more detail, I increased the brightness and saturation to the pink beans of her paws and a little more color to her mouth. And lastly, I added the Iceborne logo. Unlike the previous Monster Hunter World logos, I had no need to add a pale, semitranslucent gray border to add to its legibility, the majority in whites and blues.
6 hours ago
As hard as Siletrea goes on games, even whilst she is a completionist, no game will ever last forever.
And today, the last two stream advertisement pics are being presented. ![]() This was a real special treat for Sil. She could not believe that she was presented in actual armor from Monster Hunter world, and had a very familiar face alongside her. Does the Palico to her left look too real? That isn't a Palico, but her beloved feline Murder-Muffin. Puma was a rescue kitten, totally feral when first encountered. But with much tender love and care, Puma became pure family and lived to a full age of seventeen. I worked on both Sil and Puma separately, working to find any armor that fits within reason or adjust their position to fit the gear. Either way, it worked. After that, I once again worked on making the background itself a bit fuzzier before placing our couple in the foreground. ![]() This last image was for Sil's last stream of Monster Hunter World. Knowing her so well, I decided to find an extravagant armour for her to wear. And thus, the brilliant red of Teostra gear with a lovely crown was chosen. For a kick, I took the protective leg gear and boot textures and converted into wyvern noodle-tail armor. For Puma, there was very little difficulty. Find a Palico, remove the Palico's head. Superimpose Puma's face. Done. Sadly, this was the last stream with Puma, and a tribute to a member of Siletrea's family who lived for nearly two decades. Sleep well, Murder-Muffin. Sleep with love. |
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