Luna's RTP add-ons (Tilesets)
Hello everyone! While browsing through my mountain of image files, I stumbled upon some RTP edits, frankens and pixels that I thought I'd share with everyone.

Outer Town

Inner Tiles



Terms of Use:

Free to use in non-commercial games. Credit is much appreciated (either credit as Lunarea or Luna)
Not for use in commercial games. You may, however, contact me in private about details and compensation.
Wow! Nice stuff you have here, are they freeware or do we need permission to use them?
Yep, free to use for non-commercial projects. I'd appreciate credits to Sith Jester and Mack if you use the character sprites. Other than that, I'd love to see screenshots (but they're not necessary, of course). Cheery
Than i will use the portraits thanks!
Lol, They're nice.
The portaits is great.
Thx 4 share....
Those are some nice pictures and windows ill actually consider using them . They also look very nice . Well done
My stuff
good works lunarea :)
\"You can learn a lot from people who view the world differently than you do.\"
Here's some more furniture:
[Image: Hutch.png]

Enjoy! Cheery
thanks :)
Wonderfully rendered, meticulous and well crafted or banged up with age. Empty or filled with books and/or household niceties. You covered these beautifully.

What's with the 'RTP:' in there? Certainly above RTP standards of quality.

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