Luna's RTP add-ons (Tilesets)
I would like everyone two know these tiles I found on Freebird Games, you can even see Lunair's mother in the picture. But the rest are really good graphics nonetheless. Great edits.
Yeah, I posted these tiles on a couple of different forums, Freebird being one of them. I picked character sets from websites like Strawberry Quartz, Sith Jester, Mack's Loose Leaf, etc (I have a full list if anyone needs it), as I figured they'd be the ones most frequently used.

I can't help but feel like you're accusing me of something here ...
Lunarea was the one posted it on Freebird Games' forum; it's the same person. Cheery

Cheers and keep up the good work!
These are amazing, especially like the changes of clothes (soooo many games out there have clothes stores that only sell 2 items >.>)
if your edits are from the rtp graphics, don't that make them available for commercial use?
The initial RTP graphics... yes. But you throw in the variable of an edit or alteration by someone and you have to include their work into the equation. Much the same as a script someone wrote based on some other RGSS software. Credit is due, and she's giving it. But her terms of use are her own.

Erm... what are your terms of use? Please post it in the 1st post.... pwetty please???
computerwizoo7 Wrote:if your edits are from the rtp graphics, don't that make them available for commercial use?

They're edited enough to pass for original work. It's not just copy-paste, there's a good degree of spriting also involved. My time and effort went into these, so I'd like to think it's not just RTP. Also, some of the pieces were originals by other people. I don't know their terms of use, so I can't say if they'd be ok with commercial use.

@DVV: Put TOS in the first post Cheery
Smaller version of the Dark Space lamp. Also, a "glowing" green version (with the "glow" color in the corner so one can make other glows):
[Image: SmallLamp.png] and [Image: SmallLamp2.png]

Floating rock island. Just 'cause they're cool:
[Image: Floating-Rock.png]

A modified swamp tree and a Salvador Dali-inspired clock tree:
[Image: SwampTree.png]
Wow, I gotta say that the Dali tree is AMAZING.
Not only that, but it's quite inspiring... Escher tileset, anyone? Eh, eh?

Anyways, just commenting to say that I love your work. :)
I have to agree, the clock tree is quite nice. You should make the floating island an event with a movement to it. That would be cool.

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