Jaber's Quest Log v2.1.3
This time I chose to use a book-like format, because it fits better with my new menu-in-the-works than the scroll thing does. The code's a lot cleaner, the quests are easier to manage and organize, and you have -complete- control over the placement of everything in the description.

- Organize your quests into categories!
- Faster loading!
- Less save-bloating!
- Easier quest data organization!
- Multi-page descriptions!
- Quest-specific variables!
- Ability to change font size, color, and name!
- Ability to use icons and pictures in descriptions!
- Greater control over objectives!
- Message codes for displaying various data in your description!
- Probably some other stuff that I forgot!
- wakka wakka wakka
- pinecone

-Fixed a bug causing the quest display to refresh itself more than neccessary.
-Fixed a bug where the category title would be drawn based on all categories in the list instead of based on only active categories.
-Fixed several other bugs caused by the above problem.

-Fixed a bug where the draw text instruction types would default to the window's default font/size/color instead of the category list's default font/size/color

New stuff:
-Added support for spaces in quest variable names and in the \\s message code
-Confirm button now closes quest window when called directly to a quest (So books and stuff will behave more like a message box)
-Updated demo

Quest Data
Quest Handling
Quest Window
Message Codes and Instruction Types

Here's a few pictures for you to use for the background:
Book graphic
First version of the book graphic in blinding white (Size is off by like 1 pixel)

And here's some crappy next/previous page pictures:
[Image: 25gqkuw.png] [Image: 20semnq.png]

Alright, onto the setup.
In Scene_Title, locate the following line:
$game_system = Game_System.new
In the default title, it should be on line 32.
Add this line right below it:

Next, stick the following anywhere below Game_Party:
class Game_Party
  attr_accessor :quests
  alias eveningguvnr initialize
  def initialize
    @quests = Quest_List.new

To call the quest window, simply use
Quest_Window.new(x, y, z, list key, selfupdate, mode)
x, y, and z are the coordinates, obviously.
Don't know what a list key is? Read the instructions below.
selfupdate and mode are optional.
If selfupdate is set to true, the window will function as it's own scene of sorts, meaning you could, say, call it from an event on the map without interrupting Scene_Map. If you don't know what that means, you'll probably want to have this set to true all the time.
mode is an array that lets you... 'skip' sections of the quest window.
Here's the various settings for it:
This is the default setting for the mode. It'll open up to the specified list.

[1, category key, headertext]
This will skip the category list and open up a category directly. 'headertext' is what will be displayed at the top of the first page. You still need to specify a list key, as it'll use that for formatting. Useful if you, say... don't want to use the category seperation feature. You'd be able to use a category as the entire quest log, if you wanted.

[2, quest key]
This will skip everything and jump right to a quest. Usefor for things like books or notes laying around.

What the crap post size limit D8
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And this is the part where your head explodes. There's a whole crapload of stuff you can do with this, so I'll just go over the features and how to use them.
Creating Quests
Category Lists
Basic Use
Instruction Types
Message Codes
It's really easy to use, but really hard to understand at first.

If anyone feels like writing a better set of instructions, go for it.

Category List
Quest List
Quest Description
v2.1.0 New Features

Now with several examples of the various things you can do!
(And it still doesn't cover everything possible!)

Terms of Use
You can use it or repost it wherever you want, just make sure to credit me.
If you complain about the images, I will punch you in the face.
If you refuse to try it because you don't like the images and don't feel like making your own, I will punch you again, only harder.
Lastly, I would love to see the kinds of ideas people come up with for this.

Special thanks to DerVVulfman for support, suggestions, and encouraging me to make something that runs outside of Ninja Penguin.
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Ok this thing is pretty close to spanning three posts, so...

I'm gonna go ahead and reserve this spot, just in case >.>;
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I have a few questions about this script that I was hoping you or someone else could answer:
  • How do I align the book to the words if I use a different graphic?
  • Is it possible to make it so that when the quest book is accessed, the map can be seen?
  • Will this script be updated at all with more functions? (i.e. A list of available quests, an npc locator, etc.?)
If these answers are so obvious, please don't kill me...I don't understand much about scripting for games even when explained to me in detail =P

I would appreciate any help on this matter.
Thanks in advance,
~Steven a.k.a. ShinyToyGuns~
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*Bump* Can I please get some help with this?
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1. Quest Handling ->
# Formatting: [Distance from one page to the next, distance between list items, width of page, offset from top, cursor margin]
@formatting = [261, 26, 235, 12, 8]

this is it I think, just play around with the values. If it's not working, I have no clue ^^
2. This is just a window so you have to open the quest window on map to show the map in the background I think
3. Don't know what you mean, I think this could be done by events, but correct me if I'm wrong
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Thanks, I'll play around with it =)
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Just make another list, label it as 'available', and add quests to it as they become available <.<
I dunno what you mean by an NPC tracker. You could just write the location of the NPC yourself. If it's something that's not static, i.e. the NPC moves around different maps, you could use a quest variable.

Anyways, if you have an idea for a new feature, and it's not impossible/impractical/etc., I'll add it in o_o/
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D:< u better
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Not sure what I've done wrong, perhaps you can help, the scripts load without issue, however, the quest menu is not in my game menu...
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