Jaberwocky's Quest Log
Jaberwocky's Quest Log
(February 26, 2007)
Minor Edited Version

Unsupported script.

When asked to post the script in RMVXPUniverse:
Quote:Go for it. I'm actually going to be rewriting it at some point so you can just stick the active/completed quests in an an array instead of the bajillion switches it's using now.

A visually enticing Quest system that can track a near limitless number of quests. Revised from Jaberwocky's original system, it now has a minor configurable section so you can keep track of your graphics and settings with ease.

  • Revised version has a configuration page to set your own graphic filenames as desired.
  • Instructions for usage & system editing contained in the main code.
  • Can have up to 10000 quests if you're determined enough.
  • Initial version (in this post) showcases two pages of quests, expandable to include more pages. That is IF you read the instructions.

Three to enjoy

In four parts:
Main Code

Quest List

Quest List #2 (completed quests)

Optional edit for the Default Menu System
Main Code

Plenty... all built into the script.

By default this system asks for the following graphic images stored in the Graphics\Pictures folder.

Menu backgrounds

And these icons, to be stored in the Graphics\Icons folder:

By default, named 'InProgressIcon.png'
[Image: inprogressiconxw0.png]

By default, named 'CompletedIcon'
[Image: completediconbe9.png]

This system allows you to track the progress of a quest by turning on/off built-in switches built into Game_Temp. However, there is no 'automated' system to log a script as completed once the last goal has been reached... no system to count the number of completed goals in a single quest. That feature is still up to the end user of this system.

RPGMaker XP system only. Highly compatible though.

Terms and Conditions
Please credit Jaberwocky for this system.

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