Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

The door was solid brass and contained engravings of arcane glyphs. Beyond it laid treasures that Tiberius only dreamed. Somehow, he knew he had to separate from Marcus long enough to seal his fate. Perhaps something within the chamber held something he could use.

Damn Sarrsian runes.

Marcus obviously didn't recognize the symbols etched in the door as Tiberius did, otherwise he may not have called upon the wretch. Glancing back, he saw Marcus motion for him to hurry up... with the crossbow. Turning his attention back to the doorway, he read what little he could.

The strangely flowing script danced across the surface giving way little information to the old Necrordinator. Riddles, rules, a message of blood rites and daggers drawn. Warnings for those who dared to trespass and those who did not belong.

Belong to the order! The words were there. The message was clear. Only members of the order were allowed entry. I have him beat!

As collected as he seemed, Marcus was becoming impatient. The vermin was in his sights and he couldn't just finish it. He was vulnerable yet his usefulness prevented his death yet again. Tiberius was always resourceful or lucky and Marcus knew it too well. Marcus quietly cursed as he watched the old man study the door.

How long did he wait? Five minutes? Ten? For a moment, he could swear he heard a noise in the passage behind him. It was likely the young couple now reunited. That boy was full of surprises, he thought to himself. He somehow roused the girl back into control which gave them more breathing room than they could hope. Whatever Balthus planned to do was temporarily squelched.

Up ahead, Tiberius glanced back, his face held a look of distress. Marcus glared right back to push him forward. Tiberius had a mission to accomplish and Marcus wasn't going to him even the slightest edge. Turning back towards the door, the old man paused for a moment. And then walked straight through the brass obstacle as if it were a mere fog.

And then he was gone.

Marcus stared after Tiberius in astonishment. How...? He hadn't even broken the seal! This was not good. He was sure there was no way out of that room without coming back this way, but he couldn't be positive. Even if Tiberius did come back out, what would happen then?

He gritted his teeth, angry at himself for letting Tiberius go in there alone. He should have just shot the fiend with the crossbow, then used his blood to break the seal. Tiberius kept escaping death, and right now, that could prove to be a very big problem.

Never mind the fact that Tiberius might find a way to return control completely to Balthus. The little worm clearly had goals of his own. He had to get in there somehow, and stop Tiberius. But how? He didn't trust the seal or the trap that Balthus had set.

* * *

"So, it's Balthus, huh?" Daniel said thoughtfully. "I should have known it wouldn't be as simple as pulling off the ring."

Flustered, Balthus glared at him behind Robin's eyes. "You're never getting her back." He growled at Daniel. "Never! You should just head back home, half-breed and forget about her! While you're still alive, anyway."

Some inner battle seemed to be going on inside Robin's body, because Balthus seemed incapable of attacking him. Daniel smiled. "She's still fighting you, isn't she? Robin, don't give up! I'll find a way, I promise."

Balthus needed the ring to have complete domination, but Daniel had seen Marcus pick it up off the floor. That meant that Balthus had no current way to reach it. He couldn't fully subdue Robin. Daniel knew that destroying the ring, or 'losing' it somewhere wouldn't be a good idea. The ring might be the key to breaking Balthus' hold on Robin forever. Nothing could happen to the ring until they knew for sure.

"You little--" Robin's body lurched to its feet, and Daniel dodged the blow. For some reason, Balthus lost his balance, teetering unsteadily for a moment. Daniel watched in astonishment as it fell forward. He grabbed Robin's body, just before she struck the floor face first.

It seemed Balthus had less control than even before. He couldn't even make Robin's body move the way he wanted it to. "I didn't ask for your help, half-breed." Balthus snarled.

"I'm not helping you." Daniel said coldly. "I just don't want Robin's body injured." What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't just leave Robin and Balthus here. Somehow, Balthus might find a way to subdue her again. "Come with me." Daniel ordered, drawing Robin's body to its feet. "If Marcus hasn't figured out a way past the seal yet, you're getting us inside."


"Sir, according to the scouts, it's less that two days to the border," the captain replied curtly.


"The men are well stocked and well armed. We are ready sir."

"Good, see to the watches and make sure the men are prepared for the morrow. Dismissed."

"Yes sir," the captain snapped a quick salute and stepped out of the tent.

Olan fished a flask from his belt and took a pull, savoring the way the strong alcohol burned on the way down. Less than two days...

He'd barely believed the figure he saw in the eldritch candlelight only a few hours ago, but the girl did have the Seal of Balthus (everyone in his order knew what THAT was, it was practically drilled into them from their first day onward) and had powers like that namesake to contact him such.

Now his mission had a slight detour, one that promised to be most rewarding. Balthus was a master in arts Olan found sadistic pleasure in. When they met, the things he could learn...

Of course, there was much to do before that, he added, drawing his favorite blade from the sheathe and admiring the sheen and envisioned it covered in red.

He smiled. Yes, much to do.

* * *

Marcus wished he had his shoes again so he could give the door a good solid kick. It wouldn't break the seal, but at least he'd feel a little better.

Instinct told him someone was approaching, so when he saw Daniel and the girl it was down the sight of a crossbow.

"Marcus, it's okay!" the boy said quickly.

He lowered the weapon. "Aye, I see." He smiled a little. "You got your girl back."

"Ummm... not exactly," Daniel answered.

Marcus raised an eyebrow and studied the two of them carefully. The girl, mouth defiantly clamped shut, stared back at him coldly with a familiar hate in her eyes. Daniel stood behind her, hands on her shoulders as if ready to stop her from doing... something.

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "So... who exactly were you kissing back there?"

An embarrassed blush started to creep across Daniel's face. "That was... um" he started to protest when he realized he wasn't so sure himself anymore. "But she's getting better and...uh... What happened to Tiberius?" he quickly changed the subject.

The guardian scowled. "I don't know how, but he walked through that damned door as if it weren't even there."

Robin gave a cruel mocking laugh. "What's the matter guardian? My magics too clever for you?"

Marcus' eyes narrowed as he focused down on her. "Yes Balthus," he said evenly, "So clever that they allowed the scheming weasel, who was plotting to kill you not that long ago as I recall, into your private sanctum AND all your treasures. Oh yes. Very clever indeed."

Never before has victory tasted so sweet.

Tiberius stood there gazing, not only at the marvels withing the chamber, but at the magnificence of the chamber itself. The walls glistened in the pale shimmer of the lamplight revealing strange curves and textures alien to anything he has ever seen. It was as black as his soul.

Countless were the books that lined the myriad bookshelves along just one wall of the room, and the jars and bottles of things strange and exotic were along yet another wall. Surely decayed by now, he thought. But as he glanced at the wall, something jumped from within one of the sealed glass containers.

Curious, he approached the shelves until he could see what moved. Within the jar was a minnow. It flopped about continuously within the glass prison, unable to breathe the air and unable to escape its hell. Impossible. But try as he might, Tiberius came to one inescapable conclusion: it couldn't die. Until now, no one had ever stepped into Balthus's sanctum for generations and it didn't die.


Whirling about, he faced the expanse of the room. All the laboratory equipment, the research materials, all the obscure devices within were his. At long last, everything was finally his.

He laughed and tears began to trickle down his face.

Leisurely, he strode to a magnificent desk near the center of the room. On either side were lit brass lamps with a blue-green oil. They gave off a strange light. He sat down in the plush throne-like chair, sighing with delight. Unable to still himself, he gazed from one end of the room to the other as he took in every inch of the room. From the strange vein-like texture on the walls to the shiny black surfaces on each and every piece of furniture within. From the gold filigree on the spine of every book to the scattered pieces of black and white marble on the floor nearby. At last, he muttered as he closed his eyelids.

However, he couldn't.

It annoyed him that he couldn't close his eyes, almost as if they were glued open. Raising his hands to his face, the scabs and scar tissue covering his exposed skin alarmed him. He shot up from the chair, or he tried to. He couldn't will himself out of the seat. Bending down, he saw the festering stubs that used to be his legs. Blackened ash surrounded his legs as the cloth that covered his now exposed legs slowly burned away.


He grasped at the armrests and threw himself out of the chair only to land on the soft sticky floor. Pain now enveloped him as he struggled to move but couldn't. He grew cold as he grew light-headed and nauseous. He knew what that feeling was. He was bleeding out while his skin was on fire.

He couldn't move his arms as they were fixed to the floor. Fixed to the sticky floor.

Eaten alive by the room itself.

Balthus' mocking laughter abruptly ceased. That's right, he thought. But if Tiberius touched the wrong thing...hehe. Could he afford to take that chance, though? What if Tiberius managed to find his records, before the room destroyed him? "I'll tell you what," Balthus said slyly, "I'll get the two of you into that room, if you'll give me back that ring you're carrying, Marcus."

"Not a chance!" Daniel exclaimed. "As long as you don't have that ring, your control over Robin is minimal. If we give it back--"

"Daniel." Marcus interrupted. "If we don't, we won't be able to get past that seal on our own. Balthus, get us inside, and you have your deal."

Daniel clenched his fists, and though his mind protested, he realized that this might be their best chance. "Fine." He growled. "If this is a trick, Balthus, I'll find some way to make you pay."

Balthus smiled to himself. You won't live long enough for that, elf whelp. Balthus waved his hand over the seal, and it vanished. "It's safe to enter now." He told them. He opened the door, and stepped inside. Marcus and Daniel cautiously followed.

"Give me the ring." Balthus commanded.

Marcus glanced at him, smiling slightly. "Are you crazy? Daniel's not much of a liar, Balthus. But I've been doing it for years. There's not a chance in hell that I'm ever giving that ring back to you."

Daniel coughed behind his hand, hiding a smile of his own. Balthus was furious that he'd allowed Marcus to trick him. Very well. If that's how it's going to be--

Whatever he might have been planning then was interrupted by Robin who abruptly pushed him to the back of her mind. "I don't have much time." She said to Daniel. "I'll only be able to hold him for a moment. His records are located in a hidden place under the floor over there." She pointed beyond the table.

Daniel kissed her quickly. "Thanks, Robin. Keep him quiet as long as you can."

Marcus pulled up a tile, and pulled out a stack of books and documents. "We're not going to be able to do anything here." He told Daniel. "There's too much to go through. And I don't trust this room. Something about it seems strange. Let's get out of here."

Daniel nodded. He took Robin's elbow. "How are you holding up?" He asked gently.

Her face was strained. "Holding on, but only by a hair, I think. Let's--" That was when she noticed the mess on the floor next to the big chair. She screamed. Daniel glanced quickly, and held up a hand to his mouth.

"M-Marcus?" He muttered, his face turning white.

Marcus saw what was left of Tiberius, and felt as sick as his two companions looked. "This is horrible. We have to get out of here. Now!"

The three of them headed for the door, but just before they reached it, it slammed shut, sealing them inside.

"Touch nothing," Marcus ordered.

Daniel nodded and hazarded a glance at the crimson glop dripping from the chair and pooling on the floor. There were pieces of blood-soaked clothing mixed with the gore that looked vaguely like those that belonged to Tiberius.

Used to belong to Tiberius he corrected himself. The old man's time had ended in a very final way.

He clamped his teeth shut, trying not to retch. "What.." he started to ask, but the iron tang of blood was so thick in the air, it assaulted his senses with every breath.

"I don't know," Marcus answered quietly. "Whatever it was, it was powerful."

"Serves the little fool right," sneered Robin. She jerked herself from Daniel's protective embrace. "He should know not to mess with the affairs of his betters."

She turned and focused her gaze on Marcus. "Would you care to learn the same lesson, Guardian? Or perhaps the boy? If not, then give me the ring and the notes, and you may leave this place."

Marcus folded his arms. "Daniel?"


"I think I prefer your friend's company to her unwelcome houseguest."

There was a cruel laugh. "That child, she could not bear the sight of blood. Now, your answer."

Marcus gave a small snort. "Come on Balthus, you worse liar than Daniel. Both of us know you'd just as soon do the same thing to us as you did to Tiberius no matter what we decide."

"So be it then," a cruel smile spread across Robin's face. One hand raised and seemed to glow with a pale yet sinister orange light. Then, suddenly, the hand spasmed into a fist and with that the glow vanished.

"You were right Danny," said Robin with her own words, "we should have gone home."

Daniel smiled. "Next time you'll listen to me, right?"

She flashed him that mischievous smile he'd grown to know over the years. "We'll see."

"All well and good, but for that, we need to be sure there is a next time," interrupted Marcus. "And for that, we need to get out of here in one solid piece." He began to study the room as he continued speaking. "Know where he hid his traps, lass?"

Robin shook her head. "He's trying to hide more things from me now that he's weakened, but... I think the seal on the notes is trapped."

"Wonderful." Marcus sighed. Trapped in a room that smelled like a slaughter house and looked worse and could probably kill you just by touching the bric-a-brak. The girl might be the best to search - would Balthus allow her to die while he was inside? Marcus wasn't sure he wanted to take that risk.

He continued to study the room. The place seemed oddly untouched by time, which was worrisome. Everything was very neatly kept, except for a pile near the door that looked like his armor and other missing things. Which was probably trapped too.

Something bothered him. Where was Balthus' black crystal?

The deed was done.

Corpse after corpse was piled one on top another in the town square. Not a living soul of the once vibrant community was left alive. Only the Necrordinators remained, their weapons re-sheathed after the carnage was released. They surrounded the grizzly heap in a ring, candles and flasks held high.

A small number of the red-armored cutthroats went about from house to house, smashing through doors as they searched for stragglers. Once and a while, a shrill cry would be heard cut short with finality and the gruesome pyre of bodies grew larger.

Olan stood watching as his soldiers began the rites, chanting verses in a gutteral language lost over the centuries. Understanding the words did not matter. It was the mere sounding of the words and what effect they produced that did. The guildmaster knew a smattering of the verses... what they said... but not all of it. Only that their time is coming soon.

That their true leader will soon be among them again.

* * *

Marcus continued to glance at their captive every chance he could get.

Robin seemed to be in control, but still had to be watched carefully. Daniel stood by her side, both to comfort her, but also to watch over her in case her guest took over. He didn't know if the boy was able to help her restrain Balthus, but it was the best alternative. He couldn't risk Balthus escaping once again.

This left Marcus alone to search the room.

Damn, he silently cursed. For once that bastard could have been useful.

Carefully using the spear, he poked and prodded every book, every desk, every jar and artifact he could see. All the while, he continued to spy at the confused young girl. She doesn't have it on her, he thought. I would have seen it on her by now. However, Marcus couldn't let himself be distracted. Any trap set within the chamber could kill them all.

Robin WAS distracted. While she was comforted by Daniel's presence, it was the strange silence that made her apprehensive. Not only did Balthus remain uneasily silent, it was the lack of the other voices she had grown accustomed to that garnered her attention. Yet now...

All was silent, and Robin came to a shocking conclusion.

"He's gone?"

* * *

The fires had finally subsided, only a pile of charred bones and ash remained. Thick was the acrid stench as the smoke from the pyre blackened the surrounding houses with their soot.

The necrordinators chanted on as the guildmaster strode forward.

This is it, he though to himself. Finally, this is it. Standing at the edge of the pile, he could see some still-glowing embers. He smiled as he drew his sword and thrust it into the remains. Shifting the mass about, he eventually hit something with a resounding chink. Yes. Shoveling away the mass, he uncovered a large black stone that wasn't there before.

A dark black crystal the size of a small cat.


"He's gone?" Daniel repeated in surprise. The true implications of her words failed to penetrate his mind at first. His eyes widened in astonishment. "Are you kidding me? He's really gone?"

"Yes." She said, smiling. "I think he's really gone!" She laughed as he abruptly seized her and spun her around. He set her back down on her feet, kissing he softly.

Marcus studied her face, uncertain whether to believe that it could be possible that Balthus would just leave on his own. Still, by the expression of pure happiness on the girl's pretty face, he could see that she really believed that. He hoped that she was right. He would hate for that joy to be erased from her heart. Daniel was also grinning from ear to ear, and Marcus would hate for his friends to be disappointed.

But something bothered Marcus. If it was really true, why would Balthus just up and leave? Unless...he'd gotten what he'd been searching for. But he couldn't worry about that right now. He had to get them out of this room, but how? Going by what he could see, the door was the only entrance and exit.

Going by what he could see... wait. Balthus was the type of person that would have all sorts of hidden things in his abode. There might be another exit somewhere in this room, just in case he ever became trapped inside. From his minuscule knowledge of the monster called Balthus, Marcus thought that would make a lot of sense. He just had to figure out where a hidden pathway might be.

Without a word, he the spear and tapped the blunt end against the wall. And listened.


"I can't believe it!" laughed Robin, "no more nagging, no more threats, no more BALTHUS! I've never felt this good!" She leaped up and threw her arms around Daniel's neck and kissed him, nearly knocking him off balance.

"Whoah! You're sure he's gone? I mean, REALLY sure?"

"Danny, you have no idea! For the first time, my mind... it feels free, like it's just me in there! My own thoughts, mine alone... Why?"

"Just.. thinking, that's all." A wry grin spread across his face. "I mean, you haven't slapped me lately..."

"Well... it is later and Balthus is gone."

"But we're still surrounded by things that want to kill us."

"Close enough," she giggled and kissed him again, running her fingers along the edge of his tapered ear.

It was odd. Daniel realized that, in a way, he'd always had these deep feelings for Robin. She'd always been the troublemaker, the thrill-seeker, always keeping herself out of reach and made him push those deeper feelings aside. It had taken the fear of losing her the first time in the caverns to make him realize how strong those feelings were. And as he felt her press against his chest, it seemed her feelings were just as strong.

But he still worried.

"Why did Balthus leave?" Daniel muttered absently.

"I don't know and I don't care! He's gone and that's... all that..." Robin trailed off thoughtfully.

She pulled away and glared at him. "Gods Danny, why do you have to be right again."

"Er.. sorry?"

"No... I didn't want to think about it but... Oh gods, this is all my fault. If I hadn't listened to him and put on that stupid ring-"

"Robin, you didn't know," Daniel comforted her.

"I should have."

He held her a little closer. "Like you should have known about the wine?"

She tried to hide her smile. "Don't you even start."

They stood there in each other's arms, and for the moment, they could forget about the situation they were in.



"Why are you barefoot?"

"'Cause you and Tiberius took my shoes. And everything else."

"Oh. Right. Sorry."

"Well, you weren't yourself."

"I know. I remember now, Balthus was going to melt down the armor later and throw out the rest."

Daniel glanced over at the pile. "It's safe then?"

"He didn't think you'd find this place. He just dumped it for later. He had other things to do first."

Daniel disentangled himself from Robin's embrace. "Other things?" he asked as he started to dig through the pile for his belongings. "I'm afraid to ask but... what other things?"

Robin was reluctant to remember, but she answered anyway. "A lot of things, he tried to hide most of them from me. Like why he sent the black crystal away."

Abruptly, Marcus stopped his search and Robin saw she now had his undivided attention.

"He sent it away?"

"Um, yeah." Robin replied. "So?"

Daniel looked at his comrate who's face grew pale. Marcus knew that the magic existed given Robin's state, but he was not aware of the lengths Balthus would go to meet his goals. "Marcus?" he inquired.

"He used a stacomso," muttered Marcus. "A soul stone."

"That crystal was..." Daniel trailed off.

Vexed that he didn't see it until now, Marcus abruptly interrupted the young man. "It was Balthus. He sealed his true self into the crystal." His eyes grew wide with a sudden realization. "If we just destroyed that crystal, we could have -" he muttered.

All three realized the simple truth. If they had shattered the crystal, they could have destroyed Balthus once and for all.

"Alright. I understand all that." Daniel spoke. "But we still have to get out of here."

"It's worse than that, lad."

"Worse?" Robin mumbled.

"Unless we can find a second exit, he left us to die in here."

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