Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Robin thoughtfully surveyed the room. Balthus hadn't indicated anything about a second exit in here. Nor did she really want to touch anything, as she was afraid that whatever had happened to Tiberius would happen to her as well. So what were they supposed to do then?

She grabbed Daniel's arm as he began to move away from him. "What are you doing?" She demanded.

"We can't stay here forever." He told her. "I'm going to take my chances with this room. We have to at least try to find a way out. If we don't, we're going to die in here anyway. I'd rather die doing something."

"Danny..." Her voice trailed off, and she lowered her eyes. "You're right. We really have no choice, do we?"

"Not unless you can think of another alternative. While Marcus and I search, I need you to think about where Balthus would hide another entrance. Since you were closest to him, you might be able to figure it out."

"Be careful." She said softly.

"I will." He brushed her lips with his lightly. "Don't worry, we'll get out of this."

Marcus admired the boy's spunk, but their situation was beginning to look hopeless. If there was a second exit at all, Balthus had hid it so well that they'd never find it. Robin was their best bet, but even she didn't know everything about Balthus. He would have concealed his secrets from her.

But Marcus wasn't ready to die yet. Balthus had to be stopped, and he intended to be there to do it. Wherever Balthus had fled to, Marcus would find him. He couldn't force those two lovebirds to go along with him, so the choice had to be theirs. He knew he could use their help, but he had no right to drag them both further into this mess.

"Something wrong, Marcus?" Daniel asked. He was crouched down on his hands and knees, searching the floor for a hidden panel.

"Just thinking about what happens next." He admitted. "You know, I can't allow Balthus to follow through with whatever his plans are."

Daniel nodded. "I know."

"And I can't drag you two into this any further. Your lives have already been placed in danger several times. You're just kids!"

Daniel's face flushed scarlet. "I may be a kid, but I'm not going to rest until I see Balthus dead for everything that he's done to Robin!"

"Daniel..." Robin whispered.

"I'm chasing after Balthus too, so we might as well go together!"

"That's if we can get out of here." Marcus pointed out, pleased that the boy had such courage. If Daniel accompanied him, he would do his best to ensure that at least he survived.

"We will." Daniel vowed.

"Then I'm going, too." Robin told them.

Marcus and Daniel glanced at her. In unison, they replied; "No." Then Daniel continued, "I've already lost you once to Balthus. I refuse to allow him to hurt you again."

"I'm going."


"I know him better than either of you, and after what he did to me, to my family, and to you... Daniel, this is my fight more than anyone's. You know that!"

Before Daniel could protest, Marcus began to laugh. It started as a small chuckle until he could no longer keep it contained.

"It's not funny," snapped Robin.

"No lass, it's not," Marcus managed to stop, but continued smiling as he pulled his chainmail shirt from the pile, "Give up Daniel. Even I can see this battle's lost." He paused long enough to pull it over his head. "On my honor, I've never met a more stubborn pair than the two of you. If I were fool enough to leave you two behind, you'd just go off on your own, and who knows how much trouble that'd cause."

"Swear." This was Robin.

"Swear what?"

"Swear that you're not just saying that and aren't going to lose us the first chance you get so you can go on by yourself. You too Daniel."

Marcus sighed. "You learn fast. All right, I swear."

".. Me too." said Daniel.

And with that, it was decided.

Marcus donned the rest of his armor to "stop feeling like a bloody beggar" and then they began the search again.

After a good fifteen minutes, they still hadn't found a door, lock, lever, or clue. Hopelessness weighed heavily over the room once more until Marcus noticed Daniel stopped near one of the walls. The boy was studying a seamless undecorated patch between a complex diagram of the human body and an ornate chart of the zodiac.

He'd seen that look on Daniel's face once before as the half-elf stared at the wall.

His eyes... I wonder...

"What do you see Daniel?" he asked.

"I.. I don't know exactly. It's like..."

"Like the illusion back in the great hall?"

Daniel looked at him quizzically.

"I was keeping an eye on you two, remember?" Marcus added. "Is it like that?"

"Yes. Now that I think about it, it is. This spot right here, it's not right." Daniel moved forward, hand outstretched. "Just like the cavern. I think-"

The rest was cut off as Daniel walked through the wall.

For a moment, both Marcus and Robin stared. Then...

"I KNEW we'd get out of here!" Robin squealed. "Danny found it! The way out! "

She rushed over to the wall only to find it solid as ever against her hands. She pushed against the wall, shut her eyes, pushed again, then pounded on it a few times. "Danny? Can you hear me?"

She turned to Marcus. "How do I get through?"

"Hmm... Good question."

Robin looked worried. "Danny? You okay?" she called again.

Much to her relief, Daniel suddenly reappeared back on their side of the wall. "I'm okay Robin. Everything's okay... You couldn't hear me?"

Robin shook her head.

"Well, I said there's a long hall back there. It's dark, hard to see, but looks like a way out."

Daniel's news gave them a sense of hope, but Marcus still had one question. "That's all well and good, lad. But how do we get through?"

"Just close your eyes and try to -" he started.

But Robin quickly cut him off. "Nuh-uh, Danny. I already tried," she said, shaking her head again.

They were so close to escape and yet they couldn't leave. Another phantasmal barrier, just like the chamber below. So effective that even eyes closed the illusion proved real enough. How did I... Daniel's thoughts trailed off.

"Marcus? Do you have something like a blindfold?"

Looking at him with a glint and a grin, Marcus sounded enthused. "You have something?"


Taking the sharp end of his spear, Marcus cut a long swatch of cloth from his recently donned armor and handed the strip to Daniel. "Hold still," the elf-lad said and tied the strip around Marcus's eyes.

"Danny," Robin complained. "I already tried."

"Not like this," Danny replied. Taking Marcus by the shoulders, he led the blind man towards the wall, stopping mere inches from the corridor beyond. He then pulled at Marcus's shoulder spinning him around towards Robin, then pulled him around again.

"What are you doing, lad? Trying to make me sick?" Marcus protested as he was being spun around like a top. Robin watched as Daniel continued. Over and over Marcus was rotated and with each rotation Marcus complained.

Until Daniel pushed him through.

Her eyes went wide as Marcus disappeared right in front of her. "You aren't gonna spin me around like a top," she bellowed.

Unflinched by her words, Daniel breathed a sigh of relief. He strode to her and reached out as she took a step back. Oh no, you don't, she thought. Undeterred, he smiled and gently wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. "Eh?" she piped.

"Alone at last" Daniel took his free hand and covered her eyes. Bending low, he gently brushed his lips with hers. Softly... delicately... Robin wrapped her arms around his neck. Locked in their embrace, Daniel slowly moved from side to side. Robin giggled but didn't care. He was dancing with her.

With more resolve, she tightened her grip as their kisses became more passionate. Robin dare not open her eyes. This world was theirs and theirs alone. The only thing that mattered now was--

"Ahem", a voice coughed.

Startled, she opened her eyes to see Marcus looking at the two of them with an amused grin. "Is that the way you two solve your problems?"

With a frown, she pushed Daniel away and abruptly pounded two fists against his chest.

"Hey!" the startled half-elf uttered.

He looked at her angered expression. Her face was full of rage as she glared at him. You couldn't have waited a few more seconds? Clear as day, her voice sounded even as her lips didn't move. It was then Daniel noticed a glint of silver on her finger.

Robin drew a wide smile as she shared one more thought with him. Blockhead.

At least they appeared to be in a normal place for once. The corridor they had discovered was simple gray bricks for walls, and the stone floor seemed sturdy enough. Robin sighed in relief. She was hoping that Balthus hadn't set up any surprises in this place, as it was unlikely that anyone would have gotten past that room anyway.

The area was dimly lit by spelled torches that flickered and cast off a small amount of light. "This should be an escape route." Marcus told them. "It should take us beyond the fortress."

"Or to another point within the fortress." Daniel muttered. "But at least it gets us away from that room."

Robin nodded. "I don't know anything about this." She told them. "Balthus hadn't thought about this place while he dwelled within my mind. It's likely that he'd even forgotten that it existed. He'll probably believe that we died in that room, which will hopefully give us an advantage."

"I doubt it." Marcus said softly. "Balthus will probably know that we've escaped, and will try to prevent us from reaching his location."

"I was trying to be optimistic."

"And I'm trying to look at the worst case scenario. This isn't going to be easy, and I want you two to understand that. Balthus has always been powerful, and I imagine that he's only grown more so. We may not even make it back to our homes. Can you both deal with that?"

Daniel lightly took Robin's hand, grinning at her warmly. "Let's go." He said. "We have to catch up to Balthus as soon as possible. Who knows what he's up to?"

Marcus sighed. Daniel wouldn't even answer the question. "You do understand what I'm saying, right lad?"

"Of course. However, I have no intention of dying. Nor will allow either you or Robin to do so. We just have to stay one step ahead of him."

The boy was stubborn, which Marcus found to be a rather enduring trait. It seemed that Daniel was one of those people who always managed to reach their goal no matter how extreme, due to stubbornness alone. He didn't know how to quit.

Marcus had believed that Robin was beyond salvation, but Daniel hadn't given up, and now Robin had been freed from Balthus. Maybe...well, they just might have a chance.

Especially now. He had his armor and staff back, and a collection of Balthus' personal papers and books as well. True, the girl said they were trapped, but traps can be disarmed.


"Here," he said, handing Daniel the strip of cloth. "Better cover those ears. I wasn't lying when I said Lord Tomas didn't like elves. Best be prepared, wherever we come out."

The boy's optimism was contagious, but Marcus knew deep inside they should prepare for the worst.

* * *

Olan ordered the last of the men from the tent.

He'd followed the directions to the letter. A trough the size of a coffin found in the massacred town's slaughterhouse had been appropriated, cleaned, and then filled with the blood of the murdered townsfolk. Next to it, a small table held a pile of human bones specially prepared as per Balthus' instruction and the ornate dark crystal.

Olan was a warrior. He had little talent for magic, but rituals like this fascinated him.

Now that he was alone, it was time to begin.

He gathered the polished bones still reeking of sulfur and slowly dropped them into the trough, watching them sink into the red. He then took the large crystal in his hands and began the chant Balthus had told him.

"Cruor Somes
Umbra Animus
Quod Ago Iterum

He repeated the words again as he set the crystal on the surface of the blood. Unlike the bones, the crystal stayed steadily on the surface. A purple eldritch glow begin to emanate from its swirling depths as Olan spoke the chant a third time. The blood began to ripple and bubble around the crystal; small crackles of dark purple sparks shot across the red liquid.

The warrior took a step back, his eyes locked on the spectacle. Only now did the crystal begin to sink into the red froth with rolled in to swallow it.

After a few moments, a skeletal arm suddenly shot up from the churning crimson, fingers stretched wide. As he hand slowly closed, more froth raced along the surface of the bones (like ants swarming on prey Olan thought) and began to form into muscle and sinew.

The first arm rested on the trough's edge as a second arm emerged and a skeletal shape pushed itself up from the roiling blood that was rapidly being drawn around the newly forming body, wrapping itself around the bone as a new coat of flesh. By the time the figure managed to pull itself to its feet, every trace of blood in the trough had been absorbed into a new form, human in every appearance save the chunk of black crystal that filled the cavity where the heart and lungs should be and looked as if the entire body had grown in around it.

Olan managed to shake off his morbid awe long enough to drop to one knee in respect. "Master, it is an honor."

Bathus took his first breath of immortality, and smiled. "Well done."

* - Trans: "Body of Blood
Soul of Shadow
Join Together
and Live Once More"

Bring me my robes!" commanded Balthus. Guards bolted through the draped entry to see the figure standing before them, caked in a strange grey ash. Struck dumb by the sight, the men fell on one knee and bowed to their lord.

"Get up," Olan muttered, his teeth grit together.

Balthus laughed out loudly as the men quickly, and rather clumsily, shot up. The guildmaster directed his hand and snapped his fingers at one of the guards. Immediately the soldier left the tent as the others remained. "I imagine that I am a rather surprising spectacle," he chuckled as he stepped out of the trough.

Olan barely glanced up at his lord, undeserving as he was. Stepping towards his servant, Balthus shook away the powder from his skin. A strange chill in the air affected Olan. Or was it his Master's presence that he was feeling? Shivering, he averted his eyes once again.

Resting his palm upon Olan's shoulders, Balthus commanded, "Rise my young friend." Lifting off the ground as commanded, Olan stood before the newly resurrected lord. He was taller than expected, and younger too.

Whether it was from the bones or blood the order used or from the eldrich sorcery he performed, Balthus looked to be a man of a mere twenty years. His wavy blonde hair draped around his chiseled face and his deep brown eyes trained on him like a hawk.

"You have done a great service to the order, my friend." he said. "Yet you ask for nothing?"

Olan did not like the way his lord sounded. It was almost as if he was upset... upset at his refusal.

"Truly the proof of a loyal member of the order."

A commotion grew outside. As the guard returned through the tent flap, he carried with him a large oak chest. Carefully, the chest was set it before Balthus, and the guard slowly retreated. The voices outside started to grow.

With a wave of his hand, the lid of the chest flung itself open. Among the cloth, gold and gems within lay a silver medallion, a scythe emblazoned upon its face.

Daniel could see light up ahead. He glanced at Marcus, wondering if the older man had noticed. By the look on his face, he apparently had. Of course, none of them knew exactly what to expect. Chances were that Balthus had used this escape passage to come out beyond the fortress. But, there was the possibility that it simply led to another part of the fortress. Maybe even the Lord's chambers.

Marcus gripped the crossbow with one hand, while preparing an arrow with another. He didn't want to kill anyone, especially the Lord's men, but what choice did he have if they were confronted?

They finally came to the source of the light, which were torches illuminating the stone steps that led upwards.

Daniel adjusted the cloth over his ears, glancing at Robin and Marcus. Then with a nod, he led them up the stairs.

He carried Marcus' staff, a weapon the guardian seemed rather attached to now that it had been recovered. However, since neither Daniel nor Robin had ever used a crossbow before and the weapon required two hands, Marcus entrusted his prize to Daniel for the time being.

It was heavier than he'd expected, but well-balanced, made of steel and capped on one end with brass. It was well cared-for, but as he held it, Daniel could make out hints of damage that told of a life of wear. It seemed to suit its owner.

The stale air became cooler as the three marched up the stone stairway which grew darker as they left the last set of everburning torches behind. So far there'd been no traps. Perhaps Balthus hadn't wanted to deal with them while racing down this passage? Daniel wasn't sure, the black mage's mind was a twisted mess he didn't want to contemplate too much.

Before long, the stairs ended at a door, long unused yet still marked with magic.

Daniel sighed. "Figures. Another trap?"

"Balthus traps everything," said Robin. She leaned her head on Daniel's shoulder. "He didn't trust anything or anyone."

Daniel put his arm around her. She shivered briefly, but apparently not from the chill. "Are you-"

"It's nothing," she said quickly, then added. "I... felt like someone walked over my grave. Or dug it up."

He gave her a worried look. "Not Balthus again?"

"No! And if he tries anything, I'll do more than just kick him in the fork!.. Anyway, it's gone now."

"...You kicked him-"

"Later Danny... We need to worry about the door."

Daniel smiled and gave her a comforting squeeze. Somehow when he imagined her fight with Balthus, he never quite imagined that.

"In that case," said Marcus, interrupting his thoughts, "You two might want to step back, just in case.


Marcus leveled the crossbow at the door. "I'm going to try the direct approach."

Automatically, Daniel and Robin retreated a few steps down the stairs. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

The bolt thudded into the door directly in the center of the runic pattern which flared briefly, then broke like threads with a sparking "snap" and faded, incinerating the bolt as it did.

"Yes, I am," Marcus finally answered.

He smiled. "Don't worry lad. I recognized the work. We'll need to get that open before it recharges though. Give me a hand."

He gave it a cursory examination for further traps, then started to push. Something cracked on the other side as the door swung stiffly open into a shallow cave, and beyond...

"We're outside?" marveled Daniel, staring at the winter woods lit with sunlight. He'd been starting to think he'd never see the sun again.

Marcus paused to examined the door: the outside had been covered in plaster painted to look like rock which broke when the portal opened. An illusion without magic, clever.

Robin shivered, this time with the cold. "Any idea where outside?"

Scanning the area, Daniel recognized their surroundings. "We're just outside of King Stone."

"King Stone?" Robin said. "Aunt Erica lives there." She turned around to see Daniel bathed in the bright morning sun. Clad in the same heavy armor, she realized just how conspicuous they appeared. "Oh, we have to get rid of -"

"Hold right there!"

Behind the trio were three soldiers clad in chainmail covered with the same matching red tunics. With their swords drawn, the helmeted figures approached.

* * *

The ebony desk was weighed down with various tomes, reports and journals. Each of great importance for the lands he ruled. Better to rule than be ruled was a motto the man behind the desk always believed, though now he wished he was as ignorant of the times as any peasant. Even now, death came to his lands.

He ordered his guards to search everywhere for the murderer. Every house and hut, every farm, every village. There was only a vague description of the woman. Hardly enough, but the deaths of his sentries warranted her execution.

He studied the maps of the surrounding lands, attempting to determine which rival lord or lords was seeing to usurp his power. For the past twelve hours since the bodies were discovered, he refused any distraction. Only a simple meal passed into his study in this time. However, a rapping on the door caught his attention.

"Milord? I think we have them."


Robin's face turned pale when she recognized the tall, dark-haired man approaching them. His strong, chiseled face was set in an expression of determination and his almost black eyes flashed in rage when his gaze fell upon her. She barely noticed Daniel's fingers wrapping around her hand. Her heart was racing so fast that she thought she was either going to faint, or die right on the spot.

Memories of what she'd done under Balthus' control kept surfacing into her mind. This man had every right to be furious, and he was likely going to kill her. She'd killed his men. Or Balthus had, but it remained true that her hands were what had committed the deed. She could never hope to even explain the circumstances to him. He wouldn't believe her if she'd tried.

She'd never really thought of Lord Tomas as a cold, unforgiving man, but facing him now, she could only tremble in fear. He stopped before her, and grabbed her chin with a large hand, forcing her to look into his eyes. "So," He said, his deep voice devoid of any emotion, "You're the one."

"Lord Tomas..." Marcus began.

"Be quiet." He ordered. "You can explain yourself later, Marcus. I'll want to know why you're here, and why you're with a murderer. Right now, I have some questions for this girl." His grip on her chin tightened. "You're one of the villagers, right?" He demanded of Robin. "I've always protected you people. What gives you the right to betray me, and kill my guards?"

She stared at him, her voice refusing to work. "Well?" He said impatiently. "I don't have time for this. Either answer me right now, or you'll spend the rest of your days in the dungeon, awaiting your execution."

"Lord Tomas." Daniel said hesitantly. "It's not her fault."

Those black eyes fell on Daniel, and Robin's heart clenched even tighter. If Lord Tomas noticed something different about Daniel, he might be in danger as well. "What do you mean, boy?" Lord Tomas growled. "Of course it is! Several people saw her!"

"I mean to say that she was under someone else's control." Daniel said softly, knowing as he said this that it would be a miracle if he was believed.

Lord Tomas snorted in disbelief. "You must think that I'm a fool."

"It's true." Marcus told him. "Although, I know it's difficult to believe. We shouldn't talk about this here." He glanced around at the guards around him. "If you just give us the chance to explain, I'm sure that you'll understand what's going on."

Lord Tomas considered his words carefully. "You've always been loyal to me, Marcus. If you can explain this to me effectively, I'll reconsider my options. However, if you fail to explain satisfactory, you and the boy will be charged with treason, in addition to that girl. Do you understand?"

"Yes, My Lord." Marcus replied.

"Good. Arrest those two." He indicated Daniel and Robin. "Marcus, come with me."

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