Video games have corrupted me... again. D:
After playing puzzle pirates I know how to maintain a ship, kill other pirates and more, using some sort of magical blocks probably...

After playing Valkyria Chronicles, I learned that even a gigantic tank explodes if you shoot a bullet in the rear.

After playing Terraria, I can do anything. :-)
Upcoming RPG XP project: Legends of the Flaming Falcons
In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
For my writing project that includes my rmxp project I'm also maintaining a private wiki; if you wish to follow me, let me know.
My developer blog can be found here:

[Image: Gazeteer%20-%20Pherione.gif]
Gazetteer responsible for Pherione's Developer Interviews. My thread here.

More info or questions? PM me
After playing Mario Kart Wii, I think I learned how to drive crazy, I am not going to find out either.
oblivion and skyrim have completely destroyed my ability to enjoy any other game that's not sandbox
I learned how to make my sister do anything I say using gambits from Finalfantasy 12, shes now fighting republican corpratists with a masamune
Tales of Vesperia taught me that vigilante murder is a-okay so long as your best friend is in the law enforcement and can keep the heat off your back.
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D

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