CTB - A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System, Version 3.2
So I don't get it how to change what I wanted xD So maybe... just a little clue where to change the EXP Bar filling speed and where to add a sound per exp? :3

EDIT: Oh and also I would love to know where I can change the position of the actor atb bars and the height and wide of them (want to integrate them into the battle status)
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
Reply }
Try this:
- to reduce the filling speed, you can insert a "@wait_count = <some number>" at line 148 of "CTB by Charlie - BattleReport";
- to add sound you can add a "Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/<name of the sound>", 100, 100)" just after that.
The positions of the atb bars cannot be easily changed as they are "associated" to the sprites and not to the battle-status window. That's something I could work on for future releases, but I'm busy with other stuff now.
Reply }
ok ty very much, it works^^
about the atb bars: yeah would be great^^

And my new question (sorry for asking so many questions >.<)
Could I flip the battle status actor positions?

So usually it's like this:
Actor 1 299/299 HP 999/999 MP
Actor 2 299/299 HP 999/999 MP
Actor 3 299/299 HP 999/999 MP
Actor 4 299/299 HP 999/999 MP

I need it like this (The first actor is the bottom actor in my game because of the summon positions, so it's a little bit weird^^) :
Actor 4 299/299 HP 999/999 MP
Actor 3 299/299 HP 999/999 MP
Actor 2 299/299 HP 999/999 MP
Actor 1 299/299 HP 999/999 MP

I tried it in CTB by Charlie - Windows but it just fu**** the whole thing up xD

Reply }
Hi there!
Hey, Charlie, is it possible to combine your battle system with the script passes the title? And then there is an error in the appeal, whether it can somehow fix it?

PS. do you speek Italian?

Oh, i'm always solve this problem, i make my own title killer :)

if anyone interested
# This is my first script modification
# It's skip the TITLE MENU without DEBUGS and system changes.
# It is like Auto-newgame.
# Replace Scene Title by this skript.
# WARNING!!! This script combines with CTB By Charlie Fleed.
# Feb 17 2010

class Scene_Title
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # If battle test
    if $BTEST
    # Load database
    $data_actors        = load_data("Data/Actors.rxdata")
    $data_classes       = load_data("Data/Classes.rxdata")
    $data_skills        = load_data("Data/Skills.rxdata")
    $data_items         = load_data("Data/Items.rxdata")
    $data_weapons       = load_data("Data/Weapons.rxdata")
    $data_armors        = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata")
    $data_enemies       = load_data("Data/Enemies.rxdata")
    $data_troops        = load_data("Data/Troops.rxdata")
    $data_states        = load_data("Data/States.rxdata")
    $data_animations    = load_data("Data/Animations.rxdata")
    $data_tilesets      = load_data("Data/Tilesets.rxdata")
    $data_common_events = load_data("Data/CommonEvents.rxdata")
    $data_system        = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")
    # Make system object
    $game_system = Game_System.new
    # Make title graphic
    @sprite = Sprite.new
    @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)
    # If continue is enabled, move cursor to "Continue"
    # If disabled, display "Continue" text in gray
      # Play title BGM
    # Stop playing ME and BGS
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of title graphic
  # * Command: New Game
  def command_new_game
    # Reset frame count for measuring play time
    Graphics.frame_count = 0
    # Make each type of game object
    $game_temp          = Game_Temp.new
    $game_system        = Game_System.new
    $game_switches      = Game_Switches.new
    $game_variables     = Game_Variables.new
    $game_self_switches = Game_SelfSwitches.new
    $game_screen        = Game_Screen.new
    $game_actors        = Game_Actors.new
    $game_party         = Game_Party.new
    $game_troop         = Game_Troop.new
    $game_map           = Game_Map.new
    $game_player        = Game_Player.new
    # Set up initial party
    # Set up initial map position
    # Move player to initial position
    $game_player.moveto($data_system.start_x, $data_system.start_y)
    # Refresh player
    # Run automatic change for BGM and BGS set with map
    # Update map (run parallel process event)
    # Switch to map screen
    $scene = Scene_Map.new
  # * Command: Continue
  def command_continue
    # If continue is disabled
    unless @continue_enabled
      # Play buzzer SE
    # Play decision SE
    # Switch to load screen
    $scene = Scene_Load.new
  # * Command: Shutdown
  def command_shutdown
    # Play decision SE
    # Fade out BGM, BGS, and ME
    # Shutdown
    $scene = nil
  # * Battle Test
  def battle_test
    # Load database (for battle test)
    $data_actors        = load_data("Data/BT_Actors.rxdata")
    $data_classes       = load_data("Data/BT_Classes.rxdata")
    $data_skills        = load_data("Data/BT_Skills.rxdata")
    $data_items         = load_data("Data/BT_Items.rxdata")
    $data_weapons       = load_data("Data/BT_Weapons.rxdata")
    $data_armors        = load_data("Data/BT_Armors.rxdata")
    $data_enemies       = load_data("Data/BT_Enemies.rxdata")
    $data_troops        = load_data("Data/BT_Troops.rxdata")
    $data_states        = load_data("Data/BT_States.rxdata")
    $data_animations    = load_data("Data/BT_Animations.rxdata")
    $data_tilesets      = load_data("Data/BT_Tilesets.rxdata")
    $data_common_events = load_data("Data/BT_CommonEvents.rxdata")
    $data_system        = load_data("Data/BT_System.rxdata")
    # Reset frame count for measuring play time
    Graphics.frame_count = 0
    # Make each game object
    $game_temp          = Game_Temp.new
    $game_system        = Game_System.new
    $game_switches      = Game_Switches.new
    $game_variables     = Game_Variables.new
    $game_self_switches = Game_SelfSwitches.new
    $game_screen        = Game_Screen.new
    $game_actors        = Game_Actors.new
    $game_party         = Game_Party.new
    $game_troop         = Game_Troop.new
    $game_map           = Game_Map.new
    $game_player        = Game_Player.new
    # Set up party for battle test
    # Set troop ID, can escape flag, and battleback
    $game_temp.battle_troop_id = $data_system.test_troop_id
    $game_temp.battle_can_escape = true
    $game_map.battleback_name = $data_system.battleback_name
    # Play battle start SE
    # Play battle BGM
    # Switch to battle screen
    $scene = Scene_Battle.new
you can replace title scene by this script.
combines with CTB by Charlie! ^_^

Here New version:
# This is my first script modification
# It's skip the TITLE MENU without DEBUGS and system changes.
# It is like Auto-newgame.
# Replace Scene Title by this skript.
# WARNING!!! This script combines with CTB By Charlie Fleed.
# Feb 17 2010

class Scene_Title
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # If battle test
    if $BTEST
    # Load database
    $data_actors        = load_data("Data/Actors.rxdata")
    $data_classes       = load_data("Data/Classes.rxdata")
    $data_skills        = load_data("Data/Skills.rxdata")
    $data_items         = load_data("Data/Items.rxdata")
    $data_weapons       = load_data("Data/Weapons.rxdata")
    $data_armors        = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata")
    $data_enemies       = load_data("Data/Enemies.rxdata")
    $data_troops        = load_data("Data/Troops.rxdata")
    $data_states        = load_data("Data/States.rxdata")
    $data_animations    = load_data("Data/Animations.rxdata")
    $data_tilesets      = load_data("Data/Tilesets.rxdata")
    $data_common_events = load_data("Data/CommonEvents.rxdata")
    $data_system        = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")
    # Make system object
    $game_system = Game_System.new
    # Make title graphic
    @sprite = Sprite.new
    @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)
    # If continue is enabled, move cursor to "Continue"
    # If disabled, display "Continue" text in gray
      # Play title BGM
    # Stop playing ME and BGS
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of title graphic
  # * Command: New Game
  def command_new_game
    # Reset frame count for measuring play time
    Graphics.frame_count = 0
    # Make each type of game object
    $game_temp          = Game_Temp.new
    $game_system        = Game_System.new
    $game_switches      = Game_Switches.new
    $game_variables     = Game_Variables.new
    $game_self_switches = Game_SelfSwitches.new
    $game_screen        = Game_Screen.new
    $game_actors        = Game_Actors.new
    $game_party         = Game_Party.new
    $game_troop         = Game_Troop.new
    $game_map           = Game_Map.new
    $game_player        = Game_Player.new
    # Set up initial party
    # Set up initial map position
    # Move player to initial position
    $game_player.moveto($data_system.start_x, $data_system.start_y)
    # Refresh player
    # Run automatic change for BGM and BGS set with map
    # Update map (run parallel process event)
    # Switch to map screen
    $scene = Scene_Map.new
  # * Command: Continue
  def command_continue
    # If continue is disabled
    unless @continue_enabled
      # Play buzzer SE
    # Play decision SE
    # Switch to load screen
    $scene = Scene_Load.new
  # * Command: Shutdown
  def command_shutdown
    # Play decision SE
    # Fade out BGM, BGS, and ME
    # Shutdown
    $scene = nil
  # * Battle Test
  def battle_test
    # Load database (for battle test)
    $data_actors        = load_data("Data/BT_Actors.rxdata")
    $data_classes       = load_data("Data/BT_Classes.rxdata")
    $data_skills        = load_data("Data/BT_Skills.rxdata")
    $data_items         = load_data("Data/BT_Items.rxdata")
    $data_weapons       = load_data("Data/BT_Weapons.rxdata")
    $data_armors        = load_data("Data/BT_Armors.rxdata")
    $data_enemies       = load_data("Data/BT_Enemies.rxdata")
    $data_troops        = load_data("Data/BT_Troops.rxdata")
    $data_states        = load_data("Data/BT_States.rxdata")
    $data_animations    = load_data("Data/BT_Animations.rxdata")
    $data_tilesets      = load_data("Data/BT_Tilesets.rxdata")
    $data_common_events = load_data("Data/BT_CommonEvents.rxdata")
    $data_system        = load_data("Data/BT_System.rxdata")
    # Reset frame count for measuring play time
    Graphics.frame_count = 0
    # Make each game object
    $game_temp          = Game_Temp.new
    $game_system        = Game_System.new
    $game_switches      = Game_Switches.new
    $game_variables     = Game_Variables.new
    $game_self_switches = Game_SelfSwitches.new
    $game_screen        = Game_Screen.new
    $game_actors        = Game_Actors.new
    $game_party         = Game_Party.new
    $game_troop         = Game_Troop.new
    $game_map           = Game_Map.new
    $game_player        = Game_Player.new
    # ======================================================================
    # ===================BATTLE TEST SUMMONS CTB FIx=============================
         # Play title BGM
    # Stop playing ME and BGS
    # Execute transition

    # ========================================================================
    # Set up party for battle test
    # Set troop ID, can escape flag, and battleback
    $game_temp.battle_troop_id = $data_system.test_troop_id
    $game_temp.battle_can_escape = true
    $game_map.battleback_name = $data_system.battleback_name
    # Play battle start SE
    # Play battle BGM
    # Switch to battle screen
    $scene = Scene_Battle.new
the BUG with summons and transformations in battle test was fixed here.
Reply }
I have a new problem...
How to make a Woozy pose with 30%? When i input 30 - it makes the Woozy with 30 HP... but in instruction was weitten about %s.
Reply }
you have to input 0.30 ^^
Reply }
Zarox, I don't have the time to work on edits of the styles for any person who requests them. I'm sorry, I hope you understand. I try to make the styles as customizable as possible from the configuration.

Villain, thanks for sharing your patch for the summons in test battles. I'll try it.
Reply }
Ok no prob^^ I can live with that too, it's just a little bit weird :D ty anyway :D
Reply }
You are welcome!
when i put 0.30 there is an error in 2 - Sprite System at line 494
Reply }
MNK_LOW_HP_PERCENTAGE = 0.25 # Health% for WOOZY pose.
MNK_LOW_HP_ACTOR = {} # Ind. health% for actors.
MNK_LOW_HP_ENEMY = {} # Ind. health% for enemies.

this is how my config looks like and it's written with 0.25, so it's really weird that this error occures.
Reply }

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