CTB - A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System, Version 3.2
[Image: logoeq.gif]

CTB by Charlie Fleed
Version 3.2 (13-10-2010)

PLEASE read the FAQs before posting, THANKS.

[Image: 31_3.jpg]
[Image: 31.jpg]

Video (v2.9)


Hi all. This is a custom FFX-like battle system. It includes summons, individual battle commands and many other features.
I hope you will enjoy it, and I invite you to report bugs and give comments, suggestions...


CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.2 with Kartika font (mediafire)

Author's notes (updated to v3.2)

This system does not use the SDK. Please do not ask for an SDK compatible version, I will not release any.
If you are looking for MORE ANIMATED BATTLERS take a look at the gallery.
You can publish the system in your site/forum provided that you:
1) insert a link to this page;
2) use the demo URL found in this page (do not upload on other file sharing services, do not post the script as text);
3) report the terms of use specified below.

Terms of use

The battle system is free for use in non-commercial games, provided that credit is given to me as the author, or the original author if you use a modified version of it. For its use in commercial games, please contact me.
These terms also apply to all the previous versions of the system (including the ones under the name "CTB by Charlie Lee").
The battle system uses the script "Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced" by DerVVulfman. For its terms of use, please refer to this page: http://rmvxp.com/thread-510.html


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Please refer to the pdf that is included in the demo.


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Older Versions

A little boring preview
[Image: battlereport.jpg]
really nice!

but 3 questions:

1-When you release this version? XD
2-In the battle i see 3 characters but in the result window, they are 4, Why?
3-You planning in the future add skills with multi hit?

bye ;)
2 - He probably summoned that 4th character as this battle system allows summoning *cool*
or probably switch the chara
ElMaligno Wrote:really nice!

but 3 questions:

1-When you release this version? XD
2-In the battle i see 3 characters but in the result window, they are 4, Why?
3-You planning in the future add skills with multi hit?

bye ;)
1 - I just want to take a look through the several forums where people asked me for new features and see if there's something quick I could add... the answer is: soon

2 - The report shows all the actors in the party and in the backup party (you know, the switching feature...). Actually, there are more than four... and you can go through the list with up/down

3 - I don't think so. I'm not sure, but I think that there's some script already that does that...
Quote:1 - I just want to take a look through the several forums where people asked me for new features and see if there's something quick I could add... the answer is: soon

2 - The report shows all the actors in the party and in the backup party (you know, the switching feature...). Actually, there are more than four... and you can go through the list with up/down

3 - I don't think so. I'm not sure, but I think that there's some script already that does that...

2-OK, but the backup party gains exp. too?
3-Yes, this script is already done by Trickster but use the SDK 2.x, but anyway, it doesn`t matter was just a question :rolleyes:
Actors who are in the backup party at the end of the battle gain a configurable fraction of exp (0 to 100%), no matter if they did something or not.

v2.11 New window for Defend, Skip, Status and Escape, and new Overdrive window (removed the shortcuts system).
v2.11 Battle report.
v2.11 Actors that cannot use Items.
v2.11 Switch Party Scene.
v2.11 Transformations recover a configurable amount of HPs at the end of each battle.
v2.11 Added a new scene to visualize stats of the Transformations.
v2.11 Automatic addition of Aeons and Transformations to the party.

The Skills Learning System has been removed from the demo and is available as a separate script.

I'm sorry for all the people who requested features which I could not include in this release. Do not be afraid to ask me again, I tend to forget requests sometimes. :)

[Image: Selectingsummons.jpg][Image: Switching.jpg]
Wow!!! relly nice... I love the party changing scene it's very usefull for me.

and i have a little request for your next version, can you show the superart bar in the status window of the party changin? It's usefull know what character can use the superart when you are making a party...

and a little noob question, this battle system is compatible with your Customizable Weapon Script?

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