CTB - A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System, Version 3.2
All those are debug messages, I forgot to remove them... :P
Here's the cleaned version:
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You have use the "Summon" tag again, like you did.
That error shouldn't be there...
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Hey Charlie, thank you for removing those debug messages, much appreciated. Ok, so I still had the error, but I think I might have fixed it.

So take a look at the error line:
715 ((aeon.invoked_during_last_battle)?(INVOKED_AEON_EXP_MULTIPLIER):(NOT_INVOKED_AEON_EXP_[]MULTIPLIER)))

Now for whatever reason, on my script there was a symbol that looks like a square in front of the last Multiplier. I drew it with brackets ([]) above. I don't know what the symbol is, I have never seen it in any other scripts, and it looked out of place so I tried deleting it and it worked! No more error! I guessing that this is not in the original script because I don't see it in the one you posted above. Any ideas where it came from? And is it ok to leave off? There is another one on line 722 right before the last Transformation. I denoted it with the ([]) again. Should I get rid of it?


Again I don't see it in the script above here, so I don't know why it would be in the game script when I pasted it into the summons script. I hope this helps. Let me know if I'm messing things up. Sorry that this little problem has taken much of your time. Thanks for the help.
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I don't know where these "[]" come from... you did right by getting rid of them.
I'm glad to hear everything is working now. Cya.
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charlie i have a problem again when i want to swith a actor in battle

then is writing
script super arts1.7 line351 type error occured
no implicit conversion from nil to integer
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Make sure you created a skill named with the name defined in:
and that it calls a common event with "$scene.switch()" in it.
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it will not run in my xp it says "project could not read due to incompatibility between software versions"
plz help
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Hey Charlie, I just joined the forums to ask you a question on the "Superarts" section of the script

I've fiddled around with the script a bit, changing the status screen slightly to a different input button and some other small details.

Now, in my game, I would prefer if only one kind Super Arts was available. I assume I would remove the following the lines to prevent toggling and such, but how would I actually remove some of the methods of filling the bar, i.e, I only want the bar to be filled by "rage".

I know I have to get rid of the following code, but I don't know what else. I don't want to accidently delete something I needed :P
class Scene_Status
  alias sa_update update
  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::A)
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@pman6666: I'm not sure but maybe the problem is the dll you have installed in your system. Open Game.ini in the demo folder and locate the line that says Library=RGSS102E.dll, you can change it to reflect the dll you have.

@Indignation: You can just remove that section. The code for the other filling methods will never be executed, you don't need to actually remove it.
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Alright thanks a lot, but how can I set what method of super art filling is default instead of it being the damage inflicted one?
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Here you decide, it's in the configuration:

# 0 - Earn SA points by suffered damage (SA=TYPE_0_RATE*SUPER_ARTS_MAX*damage/(MaxHp))
# 1 - Earn SA points by inflicted damage (SA=TYPE_1_RATE*SUPER_ARTS_MAX*damage/(AttackerMaxHP))
# 2 - Earn SA points by suffered damage by allies (SA=TYPE_2_RATE*SUPER_ARTS_MAX*damage/(AllyMaxHp))
# 3 - Earn SA points when skills belonging to given categories are used (SA=TYPE_3_RATE*SUPER_ARTS_MAX)
# 4 - Earn SA points when hp <= max_hp / 4 (SA=TYPE_4_RATE*SUPER_ARTS_MAX)
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