CTB - A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System, Version 3.2
After trying to get this to work for a few hours I ran into the following message;
Quote:Script 'Bar 1.4.1' Line 47: FloatDomainError occured.

The line is this -
dest = Rect.new(@x+(4*x_ratio).ceil, @y+(4*y_ratio).ceil, ((@width-8*x_ratio)*value/max).ceil, (@height-8*y_ratio))

Otherwise I've been able to poke around a bit to fix minor problems but I have no idea what this evem means. I did look it up and the only thing I was able to find was that NaN stands for "Not A Number" whatever that means. I have no knowledge of Ruby so this is just confusing, especially since I have no idea what the Bar 1.4.1 thing even does.

I'd be really happy if someone could take a look at this. I haven't poked around much in the codes, I just took out Extended Party Support and Support For HP Bars since I couldn't even start the game with those in.

If you want to know I'm using the following addons;
- Advanced Analyze System by Blizzard
- Easy Party Switcher by Blizzard
- Advanced Time and Environment System (ATES) by Blizzard
- UMS by Ccoa
- Random Movement Fix by sandgolem
- Multi-Slot Equipment Script by Guillame777
- Escape Bar Removal Code by DerVVulfman
- Minkoff Animated Battlers by DerVVulfman
- Stormtronics CMS by Blizzard

Thanks in advance!
Expand on "I just took out Extended Party Support and Support For HP Bars" please. What exactly did you do?
I just deleted the code, I'll try putting it back and see what happens.
Edit here in a few mins.

EDIT: Now it says - NoMethodError 'update_size' for #<Game_Party:0x39715a0> - again
Without Extended Party Support it says - NoMethodError occured. undefined method 'include?' for nil:NilClass - instead.

And without any of them the above message.
Let me say that unless you know exactly what you are doing, and sometimes even I don't, you can't just take out pieces of a script and hope that things will work.
Let's proceed with order.
First you don't need the Escape Bar Removal Code by DerVVulfman, as there is no escape bar in my BS. So take that out for sure.
Then, "update_size" is part of the Summons script, did you take it out too?
Yeah I figured as much but since these two seemed irrelevant (I don't need hp bars) it didn't seem that dangerous.
Actually that's the normal way for me to fix problems and it usually works. .p
Anyway I guess I took out Summons, that one screwed things up too.
With Summons active again I get the message - line 372: NoMethidError occured. undefined method 'size' for nil:NilClass

Trying a new game things work alright until a battle is supposed to start and I get the original -
Script 'Bar 1.4.1' Line 47: FloatDomainError occured.


Now I got unmodified copys of your scripts, no deleted or changed stuff anywhere.

Sorry for all the trouble, I just really want to get this working.
The NoMethodError you get is probably because you have to start a new game.
Every time you add or delete a script, you should test the new configuration in a new game. This is because every script may run some initialization code at the beginning of a game, and in that case a saved game cannot work.
Quote:The NoMethodError you get is probably because you have to start a new game.
Thanks, now I won't go crazy in the script database everytime I see that. ;)
Anyway the original problem is still there, it simply won't start up a battle.

Just how much set-up do you need anyway?
I've copied all the scripts, needed skills, states, elements and graphics.
I've fixed turnbars for everyone and minifaces for the relevant heroes.
And it still says;
Quote:Script 'Bar 1.4.1' Line 47: FloatDomainError occured.


Got any idea what a FloatDomainError is...?
It could be a division by zero. Add a "p max.to_s" line just before line 47 and tell me what it says.
Quote:TypeError occured

cannot convert Rect into Integer

This shows up instead.
Same line, right?
It seems that it finds a Rect where there should be an Integer... does any of those scripts use bars? Maybe there is a duplicated Bar class.
Look for "class Bar" with CTRL+SHIFT+F in the script editor. If you find more than one result, that is the problem.

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