Graphics Slider
Graphics Slider

Version: 1.0 Initial release

Author: Kread-EX

Release Date: 11/05/2010

This is a simple scripting tool to move easily windows and sprites across the screen. It works for XP and VX and is easier to use than Trickster's Moveable Module (included in the MACL). Also, this script will never give you a ZeroDivision error, since no division is performed.

Four methods to know:

x_slide(new_x, incrementation) # Horizontal sliding
y_slide(new_y, incrementation) # Vertical sliding
bi_slide(new_x, new_y, x_incrementation, y_incrementation) # Horizontal + Vertical
is_sliding? # Query to check if there is a slide in progress

Just here.

If you're not using the SDK or the MACL, you shouldn't have any compatibility problem.

Terms and Conditions
You are free to adapt this work to suit your needs.
You can use this work both for commercial and non-commercial work.
Credit is appreciated.

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