GTBS - v1.5.2 (A FFT styled tactical battle system) updated 5/30/2012
GubiD's Tactical Battle System
By: GubiD

This is a Tactical RPG based battle system that most resembles Final Fantasy Tactics. Updated rather regularly and the most powerful TBS available.

  • Move/Attack in any order
  • Counter Attacks
  • Dual Battle System (Allows this to work separately from the default battle system so that you can use more than one!)
  • Fancy Status
  • Unique Summon System
  • Extremely Complex AI System (better than in any other available tbs system, currently)
  • Chain Lightning Effects
  • Multislot & Enhanced Weapon Support
  • Isometric Support
  • Complex or Easy Animated Battlers (new to 1.5 allows way more customization to define number of poses, frames and even index flow)
  • Active/Team based modes
  • XP/VX Compatible
  • SDK Compatible (but it is not required)

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XP 1.5.2 - Includes fixes for all the noted 1.5.1 bugs listed below

Old Demo Links

Please see demo for script. It is way to long to be shown here.

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Please see the help and troubleshooting section of the script in the demo. Most of the common questions are answered there.
Also please visit for tutorials and other general how-to questions for the GTBS System.

Compatibility Issues
Most scripts are compatible if placed above the GTBS. If they are incompatible.. then please inform me and a patch MAY be created.

Addon's / Patches
All patches for known scripts that (used to) conflict are included in the demo.
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Add fall damage on knockback.. and fall (iso setups)

Drakoshade Individuality Patch - XP Only

Known Issues
1.5.2 Patches...
TEAM Mode, Counter All sometimes causes 'NoMethod TurnTo for nil:NilClass
Enemies will cast Wait Skills on themselves rather than targeted Actor

1.5.2 Patches...
Movement Patch for - Resolves like 6 different problems at once
1.5 using XP with SDK causes attack/skill animations to be opaque
Using an ISO map can cause weird skill range patterns, when involving height changes

("Important Information") Wrote:Also one last note...
I have decided to pickup this project up again. Expect to see many new updates coming soon.

Credits and Thanks
Nick for his original TBS
CronoCry for his translation of ZTBS that made me think I could do it!
MGCaladtogel and Seigfried for the ISO script that was adapated/improved
CrushD for his help with projectiles
Zeriab for the reset F12 utility. Testing would have been a headache without it.
Near Fantasia for his path finding stuff (although I ended up using the one in ZTBS)
My Beta Testers: Ice_Dragon, Edwards64, Digidog09, Ilia12345, Jaberwocky, CronoCry(, Rotimikid, Ragnarok Rob, and Sabao
Everyone and Anyone who reports/reported a bug in any of the online topics!
All my loyal subjects!

Author's Notes
Enjoy GTBS v1.5.2! :yahoo:

Terms and Conditions
You may NOT use this in a commercial game without my permission. (I deserve my fair cut!)
You may create your own addons for this script but please make me aware of them so that they can be added to the release!
The using of this script in your game is at your own risk.
You *MUST* give me credit. This didnt realize itself overnight.
Bugs may or may not be fixed when reported.

An excellent set of scripts, well done!

I am currently working to adapt some of the code so that short cutscenes can be shown in between attacks. Is there any way you can make the battle persistent when transfering back and forth between another area?

Perhaps calling a method that will "memorize" the event positions/parameters/states and set a certain switch denoting that the battle is still underway, then calling a 2nd "restore" method at the beginning of battle that will restore the entire map when battle processing is called again?

It is very difficult to weed out everything that must be reconstructed on the battlefield without having written the code myself, but I'll keep trying things as long as it seems to be possible , please let me know what you think!

Much thanks in advance,
you don't really need to make a new scene(you can make an interrupt scene and the problem is solved)
I will make a guide to how to make a template for an interrupt scene later :P
But there arhe other ways insthead of memorizing all the positions damge, etc...
Oooo thank you Ramiro!
1.5 has been released. Hope you all enjoy it.
We were waiting for this a long time but i hope than the time won't be in vain. Taks for continue this awesome script gubid
So is anyone using this now? Any new problems to report?
ive tried the one for vx awhile ago and dont remember encountering a problem, but who knows.
\"You can learn a lot from people who view the world differently than you do.\"
I use VX, but i tested the new rmxp version.
All the bugs than you describe on the read me i saw them on first try i opened the game -.-...
Well, anothe rone is the projectile, idk why it seems than it "moves" to the right a bit when you throw it.
And when you try to change the follow camera in the battle the game just crashes.
That's all i'm finding for now...(sorry for bad english...)
See ya!
Some new questions:
Can i make a Hudge Enemy who will placed on 4 places?
May it bee to write an Action points to the varible and up it with new lvl?

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