Control Panel
Control Panel
RGSS2 .02
(My First VX Script


Inserts a control panel allowing RPG Maker VX users to easily change game settings.

  • Framerate Control (100 FPS, as long as you can handle it (;p))
  • Resolution Change (You might need to adjust the other scripts as well)
  • Font Control (Allow it? Name? Size? Color?)

  • Windowskin Control
  • Transition Control (Use more than one transition!)
  • Test Control (I just added this for fun)
No screenshots. Experiment on it and see what it does.

----------[RGSS2 Control Panel]-------------------------------------------------
  Place carefully, under Scenes(Shop system, CMS, etc.), Misplacement can cause
  overrides to clash with custom scripts.
  Might not work with a lot of scripts because it rewrites many base commands.
  RPG Maker VX - RGSS2 Control Panel
  12 Jun 08 - Decibel
module Control
  #  Basic Game Settings                                                     #
  # *Screen sizes require adjustments. I recommend using a resolution script #
  #  instead.                                                                #
  FrameRate = 60                      # Game Frames-Per-Second(FPS)
  XScreenSize = 544                   # *Screen Width
  YScreenSize = 416                   # *Screen Height
  FontChange = false                  # Set to true to control font
                                      # If font doesn't exist, the script will
                                      # redirect the game to the default RGSS2
                                      # Font (UmePlus Gothic).
  FontName = "Arial"                  # Font Name
  FontSize = 24                       # Font Size
  Windowskin = "Window"               # Windowskin name
  TransitionAble = true               # If true, all scenes have transition
                                      # If false, use default
  Transition = "BattleStart"          # Transitions
  TFrames = 15                        # Transition time (in frames)
                                      # Will still be used even if
                                      # TransitionAble is set to false
  #  Windowskin block colors.                                                #
  #  Same color code as in Message Box (\c[##]).                             #
  NormalColor = 0
  SystemColor = 16
  CrisisColor = 17
  KOColor = 18
  GaugeBackColor = 19
  HPGaugeColor1 = 20
  HPGaugeColor2 = 21
  MPGaugeColor1 = 22
  MPGaugeColor2 = 23
  PowerUpColor = 24
  PowerDownColor = 25
  #  Test Control Area                                                       #
  #  Set to true to keep Test mode on, set to false to keep Test mode off.   #
  TestControl = false      #Turns on the Test Control
  TestMode = false         #Only affects the game if TestControl is set to true
  End Control Panel Area
  Please do not edit further than this unless you know what you're doing.
  You probably do, because this is like the most easiest script to understand.
  Graphics.frame_rate = Control::FrameRate
  if Control::TestControl = true
    $TEST = Control::TestMode
class Scene_Base
  def perform_transition
    if Control::TransitionAble == true
      Graphics.transition(Control::TFrames, "Graphics/System/" + Control::Transition.to_s, 80)
class Font
  alias font_fix_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    if Control::FontChange == true
      if Font.exist?(Control::FontName) = Control::FontName
        self.size = Control::FontSize
class Window_Base
  def initialize(x, y, width, height)
    self.windowskin = Cache.system(Control::Windowskin)
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.width = width
    self.height = height
    self.z = 100
    self.back_opacity = 200
    self.openness = 255
    @opening = false
    @closing = false
  def normal_color
    return text_color(Control::NormalColor)
  def system_color
    return text_color(Control::SystemColor)
  def crisis_color
    return text_color(Control::CrisisColor)
  def knockout_color
    return text_color(Control::KOColor)
  def gauge_back_color
    return text_color(Control::GaugeBackColor)
  def hp_gauge_color1
    return text_color(Control::HPGaugeColor1)
  def hp_gauge_color2
    return text_color(Control::HPGaugeColor2)
  def mp_gauge_color1
    return text_color(Control::MPGaugeColor1)
  def mp_gauge_color2
    return text_color(Control::MPGaugeColor2)
  def power_up_color
    return text_color(Control::PowerUpColor)
  def power_down_color
    return text_color(Control::PowerDownColor)
Place the script above all other scripts. Scripts placed above this script may not be affected by or could override this script

None yet.

None yet.

Terms and Conditions
Free for use in non-commercial & commercial projects.
Just don't forget to add me in your credits list (;p)
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