Three-Member Battlestatus
Three-Member Battlestatus
Version: 1.0

Mastermind put forth a request for a modified battlestatus window that sported only three battlers at a time, and an actor command window 'fixed' into the bottom left corner of the screen.

His request was also that it was to work with the RTAB system... which is 'NOT THAT HARD TO SCRIPT FOR, GUYS!' So I figured... why not?

Hell, I even added a couple things just to make it work nicely.

  • Designed for three member teams
  • Battlestatus Window can resize based on party size or remain full-width
  • Optional 'name' window showing party member in play
  • Opacity controls for the windows (works even better with fully-sized 640x480 battlebacks)
  • Default and RTAB system compatible

Using Mastermind's design-stage pic for now

The Script

Paste this below your custom battlesystem if using one... or just above main.

Most stuff configurable in the script is just for the opacity/transparency of the battlestatus windows and etc... ranging from 0 to 255. The other stuff are fairly simple true/false switches.

The ACTOR_NAME_WINDOW value determines whether a small window above the location for the Actor Command Window will pop up to show the name of the hero currently being controlled.

The BATTLESTAT_FIXED value determines whether the battlestatus window remains fully sized (all the way to the right edge of the screen) or whether it resizes itself & shrinks with fewer party members.

The RTAB_BATTLESTATUS value, if set to true, configures the system for use with the RTAB or CTAB* systems by Cogwheel.
* CTAB is a Non-ATB version or RTAB... mimics the DBS but with camera zoom functions & such. Just FYI.

This system was a request by Mastermind. I just added a few tweaks here and there for personalization for individual use.

Please note that this does nothing to position the battlers themselves. And while it 'may' work fine for frontview systems, it was intended for use with sideview systems.

Well... it works with the Default battlesystem and RTAB. Due to all the aliases I put in... it should work fine with the SDK (I hope). I will point out that I did rewrite a couple of defs in order to perform the three-member resize which is typically not done with the SDK. Aliasing code is much better and more preferred method than rewriting it.

Credits and Thanks
Mastermind. Without his request, this wouldn't be here. And to Cogwheel as the request was for a battlestatus script that worked with his battlesystems.

Author's Notes
Nah... only took an hour (mostly for multi-platforming and comments).

Terms and Conditions
Free for use, commercial use even. You got it. This script is royalty-free.

But ya gotta give credit where credit is due. First off, to me for scripting it. Secondly, for Mastermind for system design as it was he who designed the layout. Lastly, to Cogwheel. Well... um... if you're using RTAB or CTAB. Guess you don't have too credit him if you're not using the RTAB feature.

[Image: xp_warning.png]
Image has link to Enterbrain's Download Page

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