RTAB: Real Time Active Battle
Real Time Active Battle
aka RTAB (by Cogwheel)
Originally posted at http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/cogwheel/


Enemies and Heroes can attack simultaneously
or can be used as a conditional system!
Built In Camera-Zoom feature
Doesn't NEED the SDK

'Error-FREE' Addons:
Battler Combos
Multiple-Effect Attacks (skills, melee and items)
Skills that can use up items
Enhanced Damage Displays
and more!

I've translated (or butchered the english language) a number of scripts from the original website that hosts the RTAB scripts. This very first post does not actually have RTAB, but will contain links to other posts in this topic regarding RTAB. This will include the original Japanese scripts as well as English Translated copies.

The premise of this forum is so that all features for use with this battle system could be looked up with ease. Well, that and I can't post both English and Japanese versions in a single post (size problems...).


The Main System Scripts (From oldest to newest):

Japanese 'Pure' Text Versions
RTAB version 1.12
RTAB version 1.13
RTAB version 1.14
RTAB version 1.15
RTAB version 1.16

English Translated Versions
RTAB version 1.12
RTAB version 1.13
RTAB version 1.14
RTAB version 1.15
RTAB version 1.16

And finally, a requested patch to remove the 'stretched' effect on the battle backgrounds. This feature was used to great effect when combined with the 'camera' system, but when the camera is turned off, the stretched effect is less impressive. And, for those using the Animated Battlers add-on script, this patch makes the battle look... prettier?

NOTE: This patch is intended for use ONLY when the camera system is turned off.

Credit goes to Minkoff for this.
Stretched Background Removal Patch by Minkoff

Most of the control switches in version 1.16 have now been translated into English, so listing instructions should... SHOULD... be unnecessary. Aw, who am I KIDDING?

The post below is a brief explanation of the switches that controls the RTAB system. Try experimenting.

As found by VinVulpis, the system freezes with a combination of 'All Allies' skills and having @action=1 in the config. Not for 'All Allies'... not for @action = 1... but specifically the two together.

VinVulpis, after discovering this bug, has made a series of patches that you can use right HERE!!!
Right now, it's not in the demo...

I used babelfish for most of the translations and utilized WWWJDIC for individual kanji phrases that didn't go through. Some of it was cleaned up using RMXP-English replacements.

There is an RTAB script that 'may' merit some attention, but cannot be properly integrated. This script (noted as 'edge' in the official site) was connected to its own custom menu system and wasn't cleaned. Many menu references do not coincide with the default menu system and causes errors. Edge, a two-weapon style return from RM2K causes serious crashes, so until further notice, this will not be posted.

Um... don't try to use this battlesystem WITH another battlesystem... right?

This script is designed to work with the officially sanctioned versions of RMXP. Japanese translated versions, including Postality Knights RMXP users will not be able to see the fonts in this demo, as the English version no longer needs the archaic $fontname/$fontface system of global variables.

The SDK Comatability Issue
Larger Parties than four...
Terms of Use
Frankly, everyone asks for a feature or modification to RTAB, only to find out that it's been there all along.

One of the mysteries of RTAB was how to set it up. Since it was originally in Japanese, very few people examined the section called atb_setup. But, it IS understandably where you configure RTAB's behavior.

NOTE: If used in conjunction with Minto's RTAB Configuration System, edit the atb_setup there instead as it bypasses the one in RTAB itself.

Normally set to 150 in the script, this value determines the speed that RTAB operates. It's based on how many ticks it cycles through before processing any event or delay. In essence, the HIGHER the number, the SLOWER it gets. While 150 is an average speed, 300 would take twice as long.

This value controls the behavior of RTAB... if the system actually 'pauses' if the Action Selection/Actor_Command_Window is active. Basically, it breaks down like this:

0: Doesn't pause at all during the player's turn
1: Pauses when in the "Skill" or "Item" screen
2: Pauses also when targetting an enemy or ally
3: Even pauses during the regular Battle Command window

Normally, this has been set to 1 so it DOES pause, but only when the Items or Skills window is shown. But if you set it to 3, it'll pause when the ATB bar fills and it becomes your turn to... do anything.

This value controls the behavior of RTAB... if the action a battler performs is delayed by another battler. This means that you can control if all actions occur simultaneously, or if a hero or enemy has to wait until the damage pop is done... or the like. Basically, it breaks down like this:

0: Actions can be performed just as long as the battler isn't incapacitated.
1: Battler temporarily frozen during a damage pop.
2: Battler paused during an opponent battler's turn.
3: Battler paused altogether until it is his/her turn.

Normally, this has been set to 0 so it doesn't pause the battlers at all.

This is a simple 'true / false' value that determines if the system waits until the RMXP Battle animation is done.

This value sets up how long the system pauses after the damage displays. As it is set to 10 (or 10 frames), it has a tendency to be paused for about 1/4th a second (as it's 40 frames a second... right?).

This feature makes the system 'pause' after the battle is won or lost. Let's look at the default:
@after_wait = [80, 0]
This sets up the system to pause itself 80 frames (or 2 seconds) after the heroes lose the fight, and it pauses a whole... zero... frames before it goes to the battle status window, just before it goes back to the field menu.

Controls how fast it takes for the enemy to attack. The enemy's speed, like the game's speed (see speed above) is slowed down with larger values. So while 40 is the normal enemy speed, a value of 80 slows 'em down to take twice as long to attack.

Now THIS is related to the Cooperative Skills script and the Skill Casting Time Counter script... haven't gotten it figured out yet.

This controls the "Camera" system. When turned to false, it'll behave like any other combat system, but when it's true, the "Camera" POV will zoom in on the battler in action.

NOTE: Distracting and buggy when using Minkoff's Animated Battler. I recommend turning it off.

Used in conjunction with the "Camera" system, it controls how FAST the Point-Of-View Camera Angle changes.

Now THIS is an interesting feature. It adjusts the size of the battlers based on their vertical position on the screen. Originally intended for use without Minkoff's Animated Battlers script, it only adjusts the size of enemy battlers.... dang it. The first value in the brackets indicates the scale/size of the enemy closest to the top of the screen, while the 2nd value in the brackets indicates the scale.size of the enemy closest to the bottom. If both values are the same... you won't see a difference between like images.

NOTE: The value of 1 (no scaling in size) must be entered with decimal points as such: 1.0. Also, values below 1 must also have decimals like: 0.8.

REMEMBER: If used in conjunction with Minto's RTAB Configuration System, edit the atb_setup there instead as it bypasses the one in RTAB itself.

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