Demon Picture Book
Demon Picture Book
July 4, 2005
found at
by Momomo

This script allows you to view information on monsters and enemies that you have encountered. Fairly simple, each empty slot identifies an enemy you have yet to encounter. The system can be set up to give you a flat count of enemies encountered or left, or a percent range.

[Image: rgss_monsterbook_info.jpg]
From his website.

None. Very much Plug-n-play.

Demon Picture Book (English Translation)
Demon Picture Book (Original Japanese)

It works quite well by itself... no special coding required. Just paste it below Scene_Debug or any custom battlesystem you're using. There maybe a few configurables in the script that you would want to edit, but those are described for you (well... kinda translated anyway).

But, to call the actual Bestiary screen, you need only call this...
$scene =
from a script or call it in a MAP Event script call.

The 'ONE' configurable you may not want to touch is the COMMENT_SYSTEM as it requres a secondary 'add-on' script. Leave it set to 'false' unless you're using Momomo's comment system.

Well, um... this was made in Japan.

This is a general script that has worked with most any frontview/sideview battlesystem I've tried. But I won't say anything about it working with any tactical or action systems. Those are 'too specific' to work.

Credits and Thanks
Momomo for making this system.

Author's Notes
Not the author, so I better shut up.

Terms and Conditions
As stated in Momomo's website

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