The Basic, Still-Image Battler Tutorial
[Image: tutorial_monsterscan_resized.png]
The Basic, Still-Image RMXP Battler Tutorial
By your neighborhood friendly Ratty524

Hello, I'm Ratty524. Some might know me as being "The most annoying person to ever grace this web-board".

I didn't find any tutorials on how to make non-sprited, still life battlers anywhere on this forum (or it might just be buried deep in the mists of dead threads), and I feel that some people really need it, as a lot of problems are often in the battlers that these "newbs" create other than lack of artistic skill. So in this tutorial, I'm going to teach you MY way of making battlers, and making sure they look good on RMXP.

This is the first tutorial I've ever made here, so bear with me. >_<

What You'll Need for this Tutorial:
  1. Any type of image editing program that can support layers and create good quality images. I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS3 for this tutorial, though similar methods might work for other programs, though I haven't really experimented with them as far as battler-making is concerned. In addition, try getting used to the program so that not a lot of what I say would confuse you.
  2. Some artistic knowlege. I'm not going to be covering basic artistic principles here such as color theory, proportions, etc. You can learn all that jazz on your own time.
  3. Time to devote to. Artwork, or anything that has complications for that matter, takes time. Even if you are making something small and simple (like the example I quickly set up), you'd still want to put in an hour at the least. If you felt like you did this within minutes, chances are you are not doing it right.
    Those three things are all you really need. Shall we get started?

    PART 1: What makes a good Battler and Getting started
    What makes a good Battler?
    Getting Started

    PART 2: Outlining and Coloring
    Making your outline
    Coloring and the likes

    PART 3: Pluggin' it in to XP
    Resizing and Importing
    Other methods?

    I hope this tutorial was a help for some of you, and I hope I didn't screw up TOO much. If you have any comments, criticisms, or suggestions on other methods you could use for making battlers feel free to post them.
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