NPC Interactions
NPC Interactions
by Jaime 'Near Fantastica' Webster
Not DerVVulfman

"First off I know this script is going to confuse more of you then I would like but that's the way it has to be just sit down and think about it for a second... About what it is, what it dose and how it works... I am sure you will get it think of Morrowind NPC interaction system..." - Near Fantastica

By the poster
I didn't create the script, and as of now the links that Near Fantastica put up are down (and he can't get to them) and his RMXP system is down. Given that he posted the original (though broken) demo links here, there should be no problem to post the script.

However as I didn't create the script, I cannot offer support.

NPC Interactions

This script works in the following way...
  1. The script starts a scene...
  2. It opens the text file you tell it too or if you leave it blank opens the file with the event name...
  3. Displays the text in the window and add any keywords to the menus list key words are defined in the text file and display as a different color...
  4. When you select and new item form the list the script opens and displays that text file repeating step 3 over again...

Keywords are linking words the name of another text file you want to link to for more information about a topic a keyword is placed with square brackets and any spaces are replaced by underscores...


These are all valid keywords...

Text Files
The text files need to be saved with the ending .rxdata and the name should be in all CAPS... As well is the keyword uses an underscore the file name dose not it uses a space... Also to open and read .rxdata file do an open with notepad... Don't forget to make an NPC Interactions folder which the text files are placed in...

$scene =, "START")
Self is a must so don't remove it.
"START" is the name of the first text you want to call if start is left out then it takes the event name and displays that file.
$scene =

Take Care,

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