Window Sprites
Window Sprites
Version: 2.0.1

This simple script lets you tag sprites to a window, when they are tagged it automatically updates/disposes/moves with the window.

Take a sprite and add it to a window. There is your screenshot right there.

For a demo of this script in action see the following

Animated Gradient Bars
Skill Shop
State Cycling

Ok, ok I'll spare the families this time.

# ** Window Sprites
# Trickster
# Version 2.0.1
# Date 3/5/07
# SDK Version : 2.1

# * Begin SDK Log
SDK.log("Window Sprites", "Trickster", 2.01, "3.24.07")

# * Begin SDK Requirement Check
SDK.check_requirements(2.0, [1])

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?("Window Sprites")
class Window_Base
  # * Alias Listings
  if @trick_sprites_windowbase.nil?
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_x=, :x=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_y=, :y=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_z=, :z=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_ox=, :ox=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_oy=, :oy=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_width=, :width=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_height=, :height=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_contents_opacity=, :contents_opacity=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_back_opacity=, :back_opacity=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_opacity=, :opacity=
    alias_method :trick_sprites_base_visible=, :visible=
    @trick_sprites_windowbase = true
  # * Object Initialization
  alias_method :trick_sprites_base_initialize, :initialize
  def initialize(x, y, width, height)
    # Setup Sprites Array
    @window_sprites = []
    # The Usual
    trick_sprites_base_initialize(x, y, width, height)
  # * Dispose
  alias_method :trick_sprites_base_dispose, :dispose
  def dispose
    # The Usual
    # Dispose all Sprites
    @window_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.dispose}
  # * Update
  alias_method :trick_sprites_base_update, :update
  def update
    # The Usual
    # Update
    @window_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.update}
  # * Set X
  def x=(x)
    # Run through each window sprite
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch by Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover', 'background', 'background2'
          # Include Scroll Calculation Set X
          sprite.x = sprite.x - self.x + x + ox
        when 'border'
          # Exclude Scroll Calculation Set X
          sprite.x = sprite.x - self.x + x
        # Default is Content Sprite
        sprite.x = sprite.x - self.x + x + ox
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_x = x
  # * Set Y
  def y=(y)
    # Update All Y's
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch by Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover', 'background', 'background2'
          # Include Scroll Calculation Set Y
          sprite.y = sprite.y - self.y + y + oy
        when 'border'
          # Exclude Scroll Calculation Set Y
          sprite.y = sprite.y - self.y + y
        # Default is Content Sprite
        sprite.y = sprite.y - self.y + y + oy
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_y = y
  # * Set Z
  def z=(z)
    # Update All Z's
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch By Sprite Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content'
          sprite.z = self.z + 1
        when 'content2'
          sprite.z = self.z + 2
        when 'cover', 'border'
          sprite.z = self.z + 3
        when 'background'
          sprite.z = self.z
        when 'background2'
          sprite.z = self.z - 1
        # Default is content
        sprite.z = self.z + 1
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_z = z
  # * Set Origin X
  def ox=(ox)
    # Get Ox Change
    cx = self.ox - ox
    # Run Through Each Sprite
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch By Sprite Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover', 'background', 'background2'
          # Add to X
          sprite.x += cx
          # Setup Visibility
          sprite.visible = sprite.x.between?(x + 16, x + width - 16) && visible
        # Add to X
        sprite.x += cx
        # Setup Visibility
        sprite.visible = sprite.x.between?(x + 16, x + width - 16) && visible
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_ox = ox
  # * Set Origin Y
  def oy=(oy)
    # Get Oy Change
    cy = self.oy - oy
    # Run Through Each Sprite
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch By Sprite Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover', 'background', 'background2'
          # Add to Y
          sprite.y += cy
          # Setup Visibility
          sprite.visible = sprite.y.between?(y + 16, y + height - 16) && visible
        # Add to Y
        sprite.y += cy
        # Setup Visibility
        sprite.visible = sprite.y.between?(y + 16, y + height - 16) && visible
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_oy = oy
  # * Set Width
  def width=(width)
    # Run Through Each Sprite
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch By Sprite Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover', 'background', 'background2'
          # Setup Visibility
          sprite.visible = sprite.x.between?(x + 16, x + width - 16) && visible
        # Setup Visibility
        sprite.visible = sprite.x.between?(x + 16, x + width - 16) && visible
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_width = width
  # * Set Height
  def height=(height)
    # Run Through Each Sprite
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch By Sprite Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover', 'background', 'background2'
          # Setup Visibility
          sprite.visible = sprite.y.between?(y + 16, y + height - 16) && visible
        # Setup Visibility
        sprite.visible = sprite.y.between?(y + 16, y + height - 16) && visible
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_height = height
  # * Set Contents Opacity
  def contents_opacity=(opacity)
    # Run Through Each Sprite and Setup Opacity
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch By Sprite Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover'
          # Setup Opacity
          sprite.opacity = opacity
        # Setup Opacity
        sprite.opacity = opacity
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_contents_opacity = opacity
  # * Set Back Opacity
  def back_opacity=(opacity)
    # Run Through Each Sprite and Setup Opacity
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # Skip if not Has Method sprite type
      next if not sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
      # Branch By Sprite Type
      case sprite.sprite_type
      when 'background', 'background2'
        # Setup Opacity
        sprite.opacity = opacity
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_back_opacity = opacity
  # * Set Opacity
  def opacity=(opacity)
    # Run Through Each Sprite and Setup Opacity
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # Skip if not Has Method sprite type
      next if not sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
      # Branch By Sprite Type
      case sprite.sprite_type
      when 'border', 'tagged'
        # Setup Opacity
        sprite.opacity = opacity
    # The Usual
    self.trick_sprites_base_opacity = opacity
  # * Set Visibility
  def visible=(bool)
    # Get Rect
    rect = + 16, y + 16, width - 32, height - 32)
    # Run Through Each Sprite
    @window_sprites.each do |sprite|
      # If Has Method sprite type
      if sprite.respond_to?(:sprite_type)
        # Branch By Sprite Type
        case sprite.sprite_type
        when 'content', 'content2', 'cover', 'background', 'background2'
          sprite.visible = bool && sprite.in_rect?(rect)
        when 'border', 'tagged'
          sprite.visible = visible
        sprite.visible = bool && sprite.in_rect?(rect)
    # Update Visibility
    self.trick_sprites_base_visible = bool

class Sprite
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :sprite_type
  # * Alias Listings
  if @trick_sprites_sprite.nil?
    alias_method :trick_sprites_sprite_initialize, :initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(*args)
    # The Usual
    # Setup Default for sprite_type - 'content'
    @sprite_type = 'content'
  # * Tag
  def tag(window)
    # Get Attributes
    x, y, width, height = window.x, window.y, window.width, window.height
    # Setup Rect
    rect = + 16, y + 16, width - 32, height - 32)
    # Branch by Sprite Type
    case sprite_type
    when 'content'
      # Set Visibility
      self.visible = in_rect?(rect) && window.visible
      # Set Z Between Window
      self.z = window.z + 1
      # Setup Opacity
      self.opacity = window.contents_opacity
    when 'content2'
      # Set Visibility
      self.visible = in_rect?(rect) && window.visible
      # Set Z Between Window
      self.z = window.z + 2
      # Setup Opacity
      self.opacity = window.contents_opacity
    when 'cover'
      # Set Visibility
      self.visible = in_rect?(rect) && window.visible
      # Set Z Between Window
      self.z = window.z + 3
      # Setup Opacity
      self.opacity = window.contents_opacity
    when 'border'
      # Set Visibility
      self.visible = window.visible
      # Set Z Between Window
      self.z = window.z + 3
      # Setup Opacity
      self.opacity = window.opacity
    when 'background'
      # Set Visibility
      self.visible = in_rect?(rect) && window.visible
      # Set Z at Window
      self.z = window.z
      # Setup Opacity
      self.opacity = window.back_opacity
    when 'background2'
      # Set Visibility
      self.visible = in_rect?(rect) && window.visible
      # Set Z at Window
      self.z = window.z - 1
      # Setup Opacity
      self.opacity = window.back_opacity
    when 'tagged'
      # Set Visibility
      self.visible = window.visible
      # Setup Opacity
      self.opacity = window.opacity
  # * In Rect?
  def in_rect?(*rect)
    # If 1 Argument Sent
    if rect.size == 1
      # Get Rect
      rect = rect[0]
      # Return in rect state
      return (x.between?(rect.x, rect.x + rect.width) &&
      y.between?(rect.y, rect.y + rect.height))
      # Get variables sent
      x, y, width, height = rect
      # If In Rect
      return self.x.between?(x, x + width) && self.y.between?(y, y + height)
# * End SDK Enable Test

Add Above Main

Then in any window class (By this I mean any child of Window_Base) just do this:

@window_sprites <<

where is a Sprite object

and window is the window you want to tag the sprite to

NEW types have been added

to change the type of tagging used on a sprite just call
.sprite_type = type

where type is either content, content2, cover, border, background, background2 tagged

content and contents2 are the same except contents2 is positioned higher than content
content.z = window.z + 1 contents2.z = window.z + 2

cover is like contents but is positioned over the window
cover.z = window.z + 3

border is like cover but it can be positioned outside the contents of the window

background is like contents but is positioned below the window
background2 is like background but it is positioned below background
background.z = window.z, background2.z = window.z - 1

tagged is just a tagged sprite to a window you are free to position it anywhere

Also the default for all sprites is content

Note you can also add other objects to the window sprite array, but the object you push must respond to methods x=, y=, z=, visible=, opacity=
if you define a method called sprite_type within the object's class you can set the type of tagging used, but if you don't define it the script will use content tagging.

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

Should be compatible with any other script

Requires SDK Part 1

Author's Notes
Please do not post saying you don't know what this does, if you can't figure it out then chances are you won't have a use for this. If you do post you will be getting a surprise from me (and it will not be a good surprise)

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.

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