Skill Tree System
XP - Skill Tree System
Version 0.2

SKills Needed:
Mid Level Eventing
Basic Variables

Anti Lag Script:
Anti Event Lag Script version 3
by Near Fantastica

Anti Event Lag SystemVersion: 1.2
by Zeriab

The Main Character(Hero) changes into a Cursor.
Mainly made to be used with Premade Characters.
This system deal only with Eventing and Variables NO RGSS what so ever.
Anti-Lag Script is recommened

Make a Map for the Skill Tree

[Image: skilltreewalkac7hu9.png]

To make a 2nd Digit Number

You need to add a Event Digit before the first Digit Event
When Variable is 10
the Event Graphics should be like this
When it 11
when it 23
and so on
(NOTE: Digits Event like this cannot exceed SP pts 98. To make it exceed 98
you will need Above Avg Variable Level)

The 2nd Digit need a lots of pages like 10 different Digit for every Tens.
To teleport back the same map use the Variable Map Thing
and Make Common Event with the ConBranch when a key is hit.

[Image: 24gsgtu.png]



Control Hero Level
(If you want the Skill Tree System to Control the Characters Level)

Change Parameters
(Add or Subtract HP, MP, STR and Such)

Change Skills
(Learn or Forget skills)

Change EXP
(Give a certain amount of EXP to any Hero)

Fake Weapon Mastering
For those with Fixed Weapon (not Weapon[s]) change the hero weapon the same one name brand, but a stronger version.
Example: 001:Long Sword +10 > Force Change Hero 1 Equipment > 002:Long Sword +15

Change Class
(Change to the same class name but, with more different type of equipment able to equip)
001:Main Hero
Wears Only Leather Base Armors
Change to
002:Main Hero
Able to Wear Full Suit of Armor and Leather Base

Change State
(Such as Poison - so he cannot be poison at all make sure it unremovable and the (icon/Name) blank)

Change Heros Graphic
(If he change class and you want him to look different there you go)
Ichigo Sripte to Bankai Ichigo Sripte

Advance - Non Hero Relating:

Change Battle BGM
(The name explains itself)

Weaken Enemy or Buff Party
(Example Pokemon Ability Effect Weaken a Pokemon at the start of Battle or Vice Versa)
Swtich a # On and on the Battle Page do Turn 0(1 for Certain Battle System) Add State to All Enemies/Allies

More Advance Customize and Possible Add Ons:
Possible Character Switching with the L(Q) or R(W) Key.(High Level Eventing)
Exceeding 98SP Points(Mid Level Variables)
Picking out Characters(Mid Level Eventing)
Leveling up and Gain SP(Basic Level Variables)

Putting this System in Menu System
by Charlie Lee

by ElMaligno please read 2nd Post for Details.

EDIT:A Few Spell Check and Grammer.(I don't know why I always do this later.)
Ok here we go!!!

1- you need to add this:

Content Hidden

2-then on the 'def main' of menu add this:

Content Hidden

3-next one is 'def update_command':

you must replace this:

Content Hidden

with this:

Content Hidden

4- and for last in option that goes to skill tree you need to put this:

Content Hidden

5- oh! another thing, in the map of skill tree, use this for return to menu:
-call script:
Content Hidden

where 'n' is the number of the option of the menu

that's all (I supose) ;)

thanks to Jimmyly for this awesome system & Charlie Lee for the code :)
can some one add the last codes into a demo i dosent seem to be working for me
lag script isnt nessesary and what do u need help with mila?
i need the script codes put into the demo somehow i can get the script codes to work for me.
there is a demo of that skill tree event system.
and doesnt require any type of script to make it work >.>
ElMaligno Wrote:Ok here we go!!!

1- you need to add this:

Content Hidden

2-then on the 'def main' of menu add this:

Content Hidden

3-next one is 'def update_command':

you must replace this:

Content Hidden

with this:

Content Hidden

4- and for last in option that goes to skill tree you need to put this:

Content Hidden

5- oh! another thing, in the map of skill tree, use this for return to menu:
-call script:
Content Hidden

where 'n' is the number of the option of the menu

that's all (I supose) ;)

thanks to Jimmyly for this awesome system & Charlie Lee for the code :)
this one
This is an awesome tutorial. I have seen a lot of people requesting it around the web. ;)
Well, in Demo, we can't open the Skill Map in our Menu Screen. So if we use your script, we have to make a NPC in some cities, to open our Skill Map, right? Or we have something else?

Hey, I have some ideas. You can do it or not but I think it will make the Skill Tree in RPGXP more exciting.

I will give an example like this to make you understand.

Ex: The skill Cross Cut, may be you will think the way that we can upgrade the Cross CutSkill level, too. I see we got the Skill Leveling Script by DerVVulfman, may be we can use it to combine with your Skill Tree.

And then we got Passive Skill in the Skill Tree, too.
Ex: Like the skill Sword Mastery can max in Level 10. It means if you have this Passive Skill, you can increase more damage when using the sword weapon.

I think it's very great if we can combine these into one- in your Skill Tree.
It's just my idea to make it better, if you don't mind.
I want to do myself but it's better if you have someone help you. (Because I don't good at those Event and Scripts >.<)

What do you think about my idea? I think it's easy to do if you have something in your mind. I'm not pro at this, anyway.

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