Celestial Tear: Demon's Revenge [RELEASE]
We just did a rather huge update on the current demo so if you downloaded it previously you will have to delete your save or it will cause an error. There is now a survey at the end of the demo. If you have already played and wish to take the survey now, please do so. Your feedback will help us make a much better game. Also, if for some reason, you did not get to the end of the demo, here is the link. Survey


Change Log: 1.04 -
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We have moved forward with everything we are working on what will be the final leg of the demo because if it is any longer most people will probably not play it to its completion. So you will have the option to either play as Sen or Jagen for two smaller campaigns. We plan to give more info on that later on today in our first video log whenever my daughter goes to sleep lol.

Right now am I currently working on one of the more elaborate cut scenes. It involves one of the main antagonist and happens shortly at the end of Jagens demo campaign when we next release it. Here is an example.
[Image: testsinara_0_zps70540919.gif]

We are also working on doing some of the code for the battle system. Yin is implementing the timed hits and seeing how we could bring that to a more completed state. Yin has done a bunch of the code work for many things since the end of our last campaign. She has completed the crafting system which involves creating new and unique items so some combination of items could have different effects. We will go over more of this in our vlog.
[Image: crafting_zps44da11ab.png]

Yin has also completed the shop. She took inspiration from the Tales of Vesperia series in which you can select all the items you would like to buy and check out all at once.
[Image: menu_zps6fb84866.png]

In our effort to gain more support we have launched an epocu campaign. With this we are looking for at least 50 supporters to boost our confidence and to let us know where we stand as far as having an audience. So if you like it please let us know by supporting us on this platform. Right now we currently have 18 supporters and I am pretty excited about that!

We also plan on relaunching our crowd funding campaign for the final time at the end of August or the beginning of September. In honor of such an occasion we are going to start a design contest for a boss enemy in the game. We will have details on that soon.

Thank for reading this update and we shall have our vlog up soon.


-Tyrell & Whitney White
Taking in some feedback one and trying new faceports.
Took your feedback and now we have new ports what do you think?

[Image: Jagen_1_zpsac549f58.gif]

[Image: Sinara_1_zps5ccf6f6a.gif]

One of the things we are trying to do to make the game unique is getting a really strong hold on the comic book theme. So we are going to try to go all out with it. Incorporating new text boxes and some old school onomatopoeia. Let us know how we are doing. With your feedback can help shape the game.

Those who have played it took the survey and it is giving us a real good idea on what we need to do.
100% yes.
(08-05-2014, 05:46 PM)MechanicalPen Wrote: 100% yes.
Grinning Thanks!
Recently we have gotten some question about the battle system and I wanted to clarify some things. I want to let people know what the final product will produce apposed to what it is now in the demo.

The Battle System:

As it stands right now it has every bit of the functionality of any other battle system. Our goal for it is to not be a button mashing fest. We personally realize that it is that way but it is indeed far from complete. A lot of the functions are currently in the game but not yet fully implemented.

Environmental Interaction:

This function is currently in this build. With this you can use a special skill to affect the battlefield. If there is an object on the battlefield, your party members would use their abilities to interact with it. These things would incorporate their strength, stealth or whatever that particular character could do. These things would range from hiding behind objects, knocking down or picking up objects or blowing them up. Yin even came up with a cool idea in an area where there would be chemicals or alchemy in which you knock the opponent into it and they could have a chance to transform into a werewolf or something like that.


This is actually something quite new that we noticed about the current system you will be able to have your character move to a particular position on the map to either avoid certain things, or to gather them for buffs or healing. The strategy would lie within who you were facing and what would be the best thing to do. Especially when it came to AOE spells and attacks. This is something quite new and we are still going over the details. It gives more depth to the environmental aspect and makes it a bit more strategic.

Switching Party Members:

There is currently the ability to switch out party members mid battle. When there is a situation where a character is low on health or their abilities are a not too effective in a particular situation you can switch them out.

Combo System

We love turn based combat. We think it is fun and engaging in its own unique way. We are also a big fan of a good challenge combined with plenty of action. So we are working on a way to get timed hits that form into combos similar Legend of Dragoon. Each character will play very differently depending on their speed and type of abilities they may have. We are also talking about taking some cues from Tales of Vesperia in which a magic user can tap a button to cast faster or do a more advanced spell. We want the players to feel engaged with this system and feel like the battles are just as important and fun as the story and adventure.

Cooperative Attacks

Characters that hold a connection to each other will be able to do a unity attack similar to Suikoden 2. They will be unlocked similar to Wild Arms 4 (Through scenes and building connection to other party members).


This is an ability that only Jehts/Demons can do, which will function like a limit break (Bar fills up and opens new abilities). It will protect you similar to the GF in Final Fantasy 8, but you will control and summon it.


Rage is an ability like summoning, used like a limit break. It allows the human to do an ultimate attack similar to final Fantasy 7.
Hey guys! We have lots of news and big things happening for CT:DR that have all come at the right time.

First let me start by saying that your support has really given us the confidence to go on and try our best to complete this game. It is a passion of ours to make this game as well as others and see it to completion. This is something we started way before Mugen and we finally have the skills and know how to get it done.

I will like to show you guys some of the cool contest submissions we have had over the course of the event. There are some pretty creative entries as well as some unique and interesting stories. The contest ends soon so get your submissions in by the 28th.

Contest Submission

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We have also had a very good game commentator by the name of Flick do a nice video on our game check it out.

We have also had some rather interesting streams one that I was very excited about.I watch this stream every Sunday when I'm not working and I am a big fan.
[Image: photo.jpg]
We had a really good interview and they played our game on the stream. I was extremely excited to be on their show and the video will be uploaded on their page on Monday.


The Epocu campaign is going really well. We only have a few more days left but we only need 10 more supporters. Help us reach that goal guys and we will be more than ready for our next launch. Here is the link here we really need your support.


[Image: fe59a6_aaead1827c184211a6cff8c6308e2479....00_png_srz]

We have been receiving a lot of news coverage these past couple of days. Youtubers and streamers, not to mention the contest. We have decided this is as good of a time as any to do our third and final Kickstarter campaign for CT:DR on September 2nd. Guys we really need your support. I'm working on a new trailer and we are sending out more emails, talking to more lets players, and getting everyone excited for this. We are doing a lot of work but we can not do this without our supporters, our friends, and our fans. For more info check out our blog post.
Demon's Revenge Blog

We really need you guys feedback on our current campaign please review the preview and let us know what you think. The new trailer will be uploaded before we launch.Kickstarter Preview
We had yet another great review if you did not get the chance to play it. Here is something for you.

All entries for the contest are in. We have had some really good participation and it will be a lot of fun seeing these creations in game. I would love to have everyone who participated be a winner but we are going to do it in a community vote on the official website. Look out for the link as we will be posting that soon.

In just 5 days our Kickstarter campaign goes live! We are really getting close and we really are hoping for a huge showing from our community. This not only helps us bring people the game sooner, but provides it with much more quality and scale. It becomes a bridge for future games from us and allows people to be a part of development. If you have not yet subscribed to our newsletter and want to keep informed here is the link just click on the kickstarter banner. http://demonsrevenge.com/

We finally have the interview that we did with Average Giants. I stumbled over my words because I was so excited! I do not think I even gave the reviewers enough time to ask questions.

[Image: Thecrewindiedb_zps2ab0ab8c.png]

We are less than 24 hours until our campaign day! We need all the support we can get. Even if all you can give is a dollar anything helps on the 1st day as we need to build popularity. If you guys think our game is cool please join us.

Visit our website for more info. http://demonsrevenge.com/
We launched our campaign....again? LOL come join us for some updates. We will be announcing contest winners on the 6th.

Ok guys Its been far too long since I made a forum post. Here is a brief summary of all the things we have been going over in updates.

Update #3 I did a V log talking about the campaign.

Update #4 Boss enemy contest winner was announced
Congratulations to Fred Green & his wife who collaborated to create Adelyte.
[img width=534 height=950]https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/546/126/03271863d727c6fbbc607289e66a486f_large.jpg?1410040053[/img]

Update #5 Motion comic cutscene

Update #6 Thanks to our artist
[Image: 57cc33558da39450cd216c7360800af7_large.png?1410258384]

Update #7 Stretch goals
[Image: 8332f136c2a78f73ec33c7038af137f0_large.png?1410392467]

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