Celestial Tear: Demon's Revenge [RELEASE]
First of all, I just want to say that as a writer, I really respect the approach that you guys are taking with your storytelling ^. I like when a story has hidden relevance to real life.
Also, kudos on the slight graphical adjustments that you made to that faceset. From what I can tell, you just darkened the eyes, thinned the mouth, and pointed the chin, but the change makes her much more feminine. After seeing them side-by-side, the previous one looks slightly masculine by comparison. All good tweaks, in my opinion.
(08-31-2012, 04:24 PM)millarso Wrote: First of all, I just want to say that as a writer, I really respect the approach that you guys are taking with your storytelling ^. I like when a story has hidden relevance to real life.
Also, kudos on the slight graphical adjustments that you made to that faceset. From what I can tell, you just darkened the eyes, thinned the mouth, and pointed the chin, but the change makes her much more feminine. After seeing them side-by-side, the previous one looks slightly masculine by comparison. All good tweaks, in my opinion.
Good eye, I think that is exactly what he did! I think he also widened the nose, but I'm not sure. We just put out an update today for the game explaining how some of the gameplay would work and showing off a few characters for the game.

Here is just a little bit of what we showed. I don't know if you guys saw the old version of Jynx that we put up a few years ago, but this is definitely a vast improvement!
[Image: jynxpicture.png]

We also put up a sample of one of the battle songs and it's nice to announce again that my brother will be back on the project making the music. Check out the rest of the update here:


And if you like what you see, then support us in any way you can think of!
I've got a gameplay and art video here to show:


Let me know what you guys think!
The battle system with its big sprites is really cool! It seems pretty fluid and it's rather visually impressive.

Since audio is my area and I can't really comment on the other stuff, I've got to say that although I like the music, the production is quite amateurish and could do with a proper mix. :)
Thanks, the battlers are one of the things that we love to make because the end result is so rewarding when you see it in action in the game. They are also one of the hardest things to make.

About the music, I can't really hear anything wrong, but I'm not a musician. I would not know. Those are old, but I think I will still use them in the game anyway, maybe my brother can fix it up if he thinks there's anything that needs to be fixed.
If you like, and the person who made them doesn't mind, I could show you.

You don't notice anything wrong because you haven't trained your ears to recognise where things could be better. With good production, that same track could have at least twice as much impact. It wouldn't just be notes and sounds, it would be an integral whole, full of life and energy compared to its current state where the quality of sound and how everything fits together really lets down the composition.

I'm not saying this out of malice, I, like many, had to learn this the hard way. Well produced music can really change how people perceive the music itself, and therefore your game. Now I'm offering a helping hand so you (or the composer) doesn't have to walk through the fire the same way I did. ^^
Wow, that battle system looks awesome, and I really appreciate it how everything has a very unique look that doesn't scream RPG Maker. Impressive, indeed. Keep at it, fellas.
(09-03-2012, 04:10 AM)MetalRenard Wrote: If you like, and the person who made them doesn't mind, I could show you.

You don't notice anything wrong because you haven't trained your ears to recognise where things could be better. With good production, that same track could have at least twice as much impact. It wouldn't just be notes and sounds, it would be an integral whole, full of life and energy compared to its current state where the quality of sound and how everything fits together really lets down the composition.

I'm not saying this out of malice, I, like many, had to learn this the hard way. Well produced music can really change how people perceive the music itself, and therefore your game. Now I'm offering a helping hand so you (or the composer) doesn't have to walk through the fire the same way I did. ^^
I don't know, I'd have to ask my brother for the file. Those songs are so old, but I hope he still has them! If he sends it to me and he's fine with it, I will PM it to you.

(09-03-2012, 09:08 AM)millarso Wrote: Wow, that battle system looks awesome, and I really appreciate it how everything has a very unique look that doesn't scream RPG Maker. Impressive, indeed. Keep at it, fellas.

Thank you! We are really working hard to make it our own and have it distinguish itself from other RM games. Now that we are converting to Ace, it should be even better with the new possibilities that we have. (Mostly the fact that they say they are working on an Xbox port or something of the sort!)

With that said, I'd like to announce another update which introduces a new character as well as shows off a new style for our map sprite that I'm sure everyone would like better than before, a completely updated battler sprite of Scorpon, and a few more of our desert creatures that you guys (If you've been here for a long time) have probably seen before:

[Image: kerell0.png]

Demon's Revenge Update #3 showcases Trexrell's favorite character of them all, Kerell!
Read about Kerell and look at some updated sprites as well as new battlers from Annox Desert. Thanks for reading and if you like what you see, support us by sharing this link and/or pledging!
We have more info and images. The thing that I'm seeing now with the art is a lot of people like to see contemporary work. The last image of Kerell was more of an expressive/concept piece and for the most part it did't really work with our audience. Here I did another piece still trying to define our games by my brand. Its not perfect but I still believe I can keep trying to define my individual style with our games. And get better of course.

[Image: sinarayeah.png]
I've been thinking about it for a couple weeks now, and I didn't want to say anything right out, but I'm interested in volunteering some development time to this project come October. It would be a venture in getting my feet wet, I want to assist Trexell with animations and see if maybe I can learn a thing or two in the process. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to hang, I have a hard time getting myself to work on my own sprites (and I'm still an animation n00b ;_;), but I figure it wouldn't hurt to try things out and see where it takes us.

Would you guys be interested? Like I said, it's mostly animation I'm intent to work on, and I'm sure you'd appreciate the help as its so time consuming, but I'm not trying to force my way onto the team. And no, you wouldn't have to pay me, I'm in it for growth and education purposes (and the fact that I believe in this project.)
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[Image: LS-Banner.gif]


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