Tetris Attack
Tetris Attack
Version: 1.75

A partially done clone of the game Tetris Attack (Panel De Pon)


Only available by demo

To add this to your project
1) Copy the Five scripts (Scene_Panel(1-3) Scene_Result Window_Result)
2) Note the changes I've made in class Game_System)
3) In a call script event command see using this script
4) If you did it correctly then you will be playing the minigame
5) If not then take a look at how I did it in the demo (Before bugging me)

Tutorial mode
$scene = Scene_PanelAttack.new(special, false, 1, 100, 5, false, type)
$scene = Scene_PanelAttack.new(special, false)
where special is the number in Scene_PanelAttack 3 that correspond to the panels you want
and type is the mode that will appear in the Results Window if you use the second one the Standard will appear as the mode

Endless mode
$scene = Scene_PanelAttack.new(nil, true, speed, inc_speed, colors, false, type)
speed is the starting speed
inc_speed is the number of panels needed to clear before speed increase
colors is the number of colors
type is the name of the mode that will appear in the results window

Timed mode
$scene = Scene_PanelAttack.new(nil, true, speed, inc_speed, colors, true, type)
where the time_left is stored in $game_system.time_left
speed is the starting speed
inc_speed is the number of panels needed to clear before speed increase
colors is the number of colors
type is the name of the mode that will appear in the results window

Extra Stuff
Music is stored in $game_system.music
Background is stored in $game_system.background
Panels is stored in $game_system.panels
Time for Time mode is stored in $game_system.time_left

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

Should be 100% compatible with everything

Credits and Thanks
People who created Tetris Attack/Panel De Pon/Puzzle League - Original Panels are an edit of their panels (added a gradient feel to them)
Sir Lord Biowulve -- Panel Design

Author's Notes
This is a repost from .net before It goes down again.

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.
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