New Parameters?
I'm looking to add a few new parameters into my game, such that using a certain type of weapon or magic will increase the parameters associated with those weapons and magics. I know how to add words into the status screen and all that, but how exactly would I manage to actually add new parameters? By "actually," I mean this: I need these new parameters to be set to a leveling curve (or at least to a managable expression) much like the default parameters of Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Dexterity. It seems as though it wouldn't be all that hard to figure out, but everything I've tried just falls flat. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance (I hope).
There are a lot of ways to do it of course.
You said you want the parameters to increase when some weapons or magics are used but you also spoke about a curve. I take it you want usage to add some kind of special exp points and you want levels that correspond to given values for the parameters, am I right?
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Actually, I think he wants 'new' parameters as in addition to the Strength, Dexterity and like scores and a way to tie them to his weapons. Such as having a more delicate weapon like a fencing foil giving a +2 bonus to the new 'Finesse' ability score. The score could likewise be used outside of combat for systems like (shudders) ... a Dance Dance Revolution game .... giving him an edge in the game.

The hard part isn't creating the ability score, but coming up with the stat curve that changes with the level. Hardwire it in, and it would be more like a flat-rate increase. But if I remember correctly, either Trickster or SephirothSpawn crafted a system that allowed for a replacement stat chart from an outside file.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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