What's up, RMers?
Discussing ideas and plans with Marian Frae for a viral marketing campaign concerning Magin.

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Alright, I guess I should post some tracks...

Snoop Dogg - Lets Get Blown

Lets Get Blown (Cover)

This is a cover track of a Snoop Dogg song produced by The Neptunes. I've always had a thing for this beat, so I decided to recreate it for fun. The beat arrangements and progression is faithful to the original, but I plan on going back in later and fine tuning it.

Capital City

Capital City

This uses the same instruments from the Snoop Dogg cover track, but this is a completely different track as far as style goes, plus I omitted the piano in this piece. This track is, of course, one of many city themes for my game.

I'll probably submit another track within the next couple hours, I've got yet another one I'm working on and its turning out awesome :D
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

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Since MetalRenard is such a fucking awesome bro, and the fact that I need to pixel something challenging to revive my artistic side, I started a fox. Of course this is still a work in progress, I'll keep you guys updated as I get further.

[Image: Metal%20Fucking%20Renard.png]
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

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I was planning on going to bed after I dropped my son off for school, but got side-tracked by working on this some more! I'll put the old and new up side-by-side so you can get a feel for all the extra pixel scribbles I've done.

[Image: Metal%20Fucking%20Renard.png][Image: Metal%20Fucking%20Renard1.png]

I'm sure most people have heard the old version of this cover track, but I've since kicked it into some next level shit. I've had this on bb.ohsk.net for awhile now so I'm sure I've shown some poor lonely soul in IRC, yet I don't think I've posted this version on the forum, so to show the rest of the world I don't fuck around, here is my rendition of Ozzy Osbourne's hit "Over the Mountain" so enjoy!

Over The Mountain (Cover)

Oh yeah, and I did some scripting earlier too! This one is for skills that require that you have certain items. Just as an example, your "Egress" skill that takes you to an inn might require a Warp Stone. Anyways, I'm adding more to this tomorrow so that, not only can skills require items but can, optionally, use items as well. By the way, if anybody has an Enemy Uses Items script, especially if the enemies have their own inventory, you can link me and I'll write a patch on request, otherwise I'll probably write my own.

# ** Skills : Require Goods

# * SDK Log
if Object.const_defined?(:SDK)
  SDK.log('Skills.RequireGoods', 'Kain Nobel ©', 4.0, '2012.04.12')

# ** RPG::Skill

class RPG::Skill
  # ** RPG::Skill::Required
  module Required
    # * Items
    #     {skill_id => item_id, ...}
    #     {skill_id => [item_id, ...], ...}
    #     {skill_id => {item_id => quantity, ...}, ...}
    Items = {
    1 => 1,                 # Skill 1 needs a single Potion
    2 => [2, 3],            # Skill 2 needs a single of two seperate items
    3 => {4 => 2, 5 => 2}   # Skill 3 needs 2 of both these items
    # * Armors
    #     {skill_id => armor_id, ...}
    #     {skill_id => [armor_id, ...], ...}
    #     {skill_id => {armor_id => quantity, ...}, ...}
    Armors = {
    # * Weapons
    #     {skill_id => weapon_id, ...}
    #     {skill_id => [weapon_id, ...], ...}
    #     {skill_id => {weapon_id => quantity, ...}, ...}
    Weapons = {
    # * Defaults (*Don't touch*)
    Items.default, Armors.default, Weapons.default = [], [], []
  # * Required Items
  def required_items
    @required_items ||= get_required_objects(Required::Items)
  # * Required Armors
  def required_armors
    @required_armors ||= get_required_objects(Required::Armors)
  # * Required Weapons
  def required_weapons
    @required_weapons ||= get_required_objects(Required::Weapons)
  # * Get Required Objects
  def get_required_objects(const)
    data = Hash.new
    case const[@id]
    when Integer ; data[const[@id]] = 1
    when Array   ; const[@id].each {|val| data[val] = 1}
    when Hash    ; data = const[@id]
  # * Required Items?
  def required_items?
    required_items.each do |id, quant|
      return false unless $game_party.item_number(id) >= quant
    required_armors.each do |id, quant|
      return false unless $game_party.armor_number(id) >= quant
    required_weapons.each do |id, quant|
      return false unless $game_party.weapon_number(id) >= quant
    return true

# ** Game_Battler

class Game_Battler
  # * Alias Listings
  alias_method :skillsconsitems_gmbattler_skilleffect, :skill_effect
  # * Skill Effect
  def skill_effect(*args)
    result = skillsconsitems_gmbattler_skilleffect(*args)
    user, skill = args[0], args[1]
    if user.is_a?(Game_Actor)
      skill.required_items.each   {|a, b| $game_party.lose_item(a, b)}
      skill.required_armors.each  {|a, b| $game_party.lose_armor(a, b)}
      skill.required_weapons.each {|a, b| $game_party.lose_weapon(a, b)}

# ** Game_Actor

class Game_Actor
  # * Alias Listings
  alias_method :skillsconsitems_gmactor_skillcanuse?, :skill_can_use?
  # * Skill Can Use?
  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
    return false unless $data_skills[skill_id].required_items?
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

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Dude you're AWESOME! That is a cute fox. :3
And nice cover of Over The Mountain. Good sound despite it being fake instruments.
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wellll i have a potions master in my new demo, and when he uses a healing potion, or something called an 'Explotion' the skill use animation is the item use. it makes them infinite, but he probably makes potions on the fly. would your enemy item script let you loot them for unused items as well? thatd be really cool if ut could work in conjunction with a Mug command script.
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I've made some progress with this handsome and adventurous fox! I admit, I started getting scared for a second there, thinking "oh lord, its still looking like a damn badger," but I rescued it at the last second lol. I made this exactly as a tribute to our good friend Renard so I wanted to make sure it looked top notch, thank you for being a help, inspiration and a friendly rival ;D

[Image: Metal%20Fucking%20Renard3.png]

Speaking of foxes, ever notice how there is a running gag that foxes can fly? From Star Fox to Miles "Tails" Prower of the Sonic series, I'm sure even the Mozilla Firefox is a flying creature. Hmm... all you need now is a bad ass fighter jet or at least a jet pack! I'll try and work on that next!


KK you brought up mugging and I have an old steal and mug script that, while I believe it was mostly finished, I don't remember the current state of. I'm still in that "omg I used to script all this crap wtf is going on phase" but hopefully I can get my mindset to work in the coding department lol.

Speaking of, I've found a bunch of old scripts from what I dub 'test bed 1.5' that didn't even make it to the next chapter, so I'm going to try and work on those and refresh myself from where I've left off. I'll try and break out of this thread and submit it proper but there is only so much to be distracted by haha!

Alright, I need to get my son to school so I can go to bed, I'll be back tomorrow ;D

Oh yeah, before I go, I made this tune the other day, don't even remember if I posted it. Its called "Gang Territory," so just visualize a really bad neighborhood with shady folks stalking the streets. It sounds like a regular boring ol' tune but I played it in my car tonight and it bumps haha.

Gang Territory
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

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Your pixelart skills are awesome, great work!
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
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Your pixel art is fricking FANTASTIC. And thank you for the honour! I'm touched!
Your mixing is getting better too, that track sounds really good. :)

As for me, I've been experimenting with Dance music, and ended up doing some Dance-Metal!!!!!
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No way had I ever predicted I'd be typing these letters, and I'm probably going to look like a fool doing so, but writing an ice-cold rap track to a piece of VX Ace background music track is what I'm doing right now! It was so random that it was like the spirit of an emcee stepped into my mind through the vacuums of space and time and started spitting some wicked rhymes that was fast paced and matched the rhythm down to a dime, the delivery was sending shivers down my spine.

No but seriously though, I tried to write in the style of what was being delivered and its something that I just can't match haha! I think its mostly to the fact that I simply cannot write or type as fast as it was put out there, so I'm going to quit while I'm at it because the spirit flew away. :X

Err umm... *Ahem* yeah, I'm listening to the VX Ace soundtrack, there are magical spirits in there I tell ya. I mean *ahem* yeah, this is a good soundtrack, yup yup. I'm not going to fire myself from soundtrack production, but I'm going to probably just listen to this for the rest of the night lol.

EDIT: I found a USB cord for a guitar/keyboard plugin, just screwing around with recording something that I probably shouldn't bother folks with haha! This is me being very uncomfortable playing guitar in the otherwise comfortable office chair, with a string of different cords plugged into amplifier and pedals and computer with the headphones because I have to be quiet and not wake people and yikes lol


I'm not by any means being serious here, matter of fact I'm kinda playing like crap, so sorry lol.
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

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