Nebula Gravis

A blade glittered in the moonlight. A band of thieves stepped from the shadows and confronted the white haired man. He looked at them... Through them... They were as significant to him as the ants that walked the earth below his feet. He did not care for them. Why should he?

"Your money, your valuables and your posessions. Hand them over, or we'll take them by force." One of the thieves said. The white haird man looked the thief in the eyes and the thief hesitated. Never had he seen such deep, old eyes, so full of hatred and scourn, as cold and black as the depths of the ocean despite the blue chill they radiated. The thief soon overcame this fear, much to his misfortune, and instead brandished his blade once more at the man.

"Did you not hear me?" He said aggressivley. The white haired man looked him straight in the eyes.
"Does a human here the voice of the insects as they cry out below his feet?" The white haired man spoke softly, yet there was an unmistakable and overwhelming sense of maliciousness behind the words that made the thief hesitate once more. "And like those very insects upon which you walk, do you pay them any attention as your crush their meaningless lives? If you do not leave me be, then you shall meet the same fate as an insect before a giant."
"You bandy about with words, but what could you do against so many?" The thief said. The man simply smiled. A smile of no joy, no comprehensible emotion. Just a smile.

He took a step towards the thief, and then the thief knew... His life was forfeit the moment he had talked to this man. The realisation came too late, as he fellow thieves fell dead to the floor, yet he had seen no movement from the white haired man. The man held out a hand.

"Glacialis Nebula Arcanum Deleo." The white haired man muttered softly. A brief look of fear spread across the thief's face, but only for a second, for his body ceased to be shortly after, becoming no more than a sparkle of dust in the air. The white haired man continued on his way into the city, searching...

[Lily - Florenspira: Capital City of Florens]

The cart came to a halt. Lily stepped out of the carraige. The moon was getting low in the sky now and morning was not far off.

"We are here my lady." Christoph, the cart driver said. Lily nodded as if to say that was obvious. She handed the man three coins of Lunarian Silver and made her way into the small port, as the driver turned and began to drive back to Florens.

The port was simply three or four buildings, in which those that worked the port lived, with a large house nearest the port, where sailors could stop between journeys. There was a small farmyard, to help sustain the lives of those living so far from the city. Lily made her way to the sea and looked into the harbour. Three boats lay docked at the small pier, all reasonably small in size. One had a man attending the sails. She walked over to the boat and called out to the man to get his attention. The man leapt from his position and walked over to the side of the boat.

"And what can I do for a beautiful young lady such as yourself?" The sailor asked.
"I require a ship to take me to the Black Lands." Lily replied.
"The Black Lands? You wish to travel to Nigerautumunus?" The man laughed slightly. "That's a rare thing indeed, not to mention a young lady such as yourself daring to tread in that cursed land.
"I am not as young as you may think." Lily replied. "Would you take me?"
"That depends what you're offering?" The man replied, his eyes searching the woman before him.
"Three coins of Lunarian Silver." She said softly, noticing the man's gaze. "And maybe a small bonus should we arrive on the continent swiftly."
"I hear you." The sailor said. "Come on aboard. I'm was about to head out to my next port of call, but I suppose I can make a detour for a lovely lady in need. Come on, I'll finish getting ready. It should only take a few minutes or so. Make yourself at home."
"I thank you." Lily said, as she stepped forth onto the boat.
[Image: Angel.gif]
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Name: Markus Almasy
Age: 22
Species: Human
Appearance: This.
Personality: Stoic and strong willed, his nature matches his hardened metal and burning fire.
* * * * *
Seasonal Affinity: Summer
Unique Skills:

1. Iron Chains: Markus can summon metal chains that he has complete manipulation over. This is a multi-purpose ability as, for example, the chains could be used as weapons, to restrain enemies or to wrap around Markus forming a shield.
2. Iron Maiden/Furnace: A spell in which the target is encased in a metal casket, spikes form within the casket and depending on where Markus chooses to form the spikes this attack is fatal or severely disables the victim. This spell isn't fast, so Markus usually has to injure or chain up the target before casting it. Alternatively Markus can use his affinity to fire to fill the casket with flames instead of spikes, having a similar effect.
3. Black Blade: Markus coats his sword in Black Diamond to make it stronger and sharper. Markus can make it as big as he wants but there is obviously a limit, which is his strength.

Weapons: Black Steel Blade. Black Steel is stronger than ordinary steel and allows the sword to support the 'Black Blade' technique better. (In Appearance Image)
* * * * *
Starting Location:
Nigerautumunus, The Ghost Town Rysta
Additional Notes: Markus is on the Kings pay so to speak. He has a royal crest that acts as currency and all his activities are billed directly to the Florenspira Government. He is a member of an elite group of Hunters. Unlike the Army whose job is to protect, the Hunters hunt down and capture/kill threats and anyone with a Bounty on their head outside of Florenspira.


Markus walked calmly between the deserted houses of the the run down decrepit ghost town. While Rysta had long since been abandoned, it's empty hollow houses served well for keeping scum dry and out of the laws reach. However a Hunter's arm was not limited by borders or jurisdictions and wherever his prey could go, Markus could follow.

He could feel the murderous intent before he saw it. Foul dirty un-washed thugs, clambering onto the roofs either side of the street to flank him from either side. Using the height in a vain attempt to intimidate the man below them. As the thugs took root on the roofs Markus noted the crossbows each were carrying and the flimsy swords buckled to their belts. As such thugs rarely relied on combat skill and dabbled in threats and scare tactics he'd be surprised if even one of them could actually land a bolt on his body, even if he didn't defend himself. No, they were just for show and distraction. The real threat was on ground level stepping out of the shadows not far ahead of Markus. A man whose real name is unknown but goes by the alias 'Phantom'. The visage of tattered black cloaks, a hawk like hood that bathed his face in darkness and an almost visible aura of evil and malice suggested he was aptly named. However it took a lot more than appearance and vehemence to make a man strong, so Markus had yet to decide if he had the skills to match his costume.

Chains flew out in all directions. Markus wasn't one to wait for a speech or stand around wasting time. The Thugs let out shouts of surpirse as the chains struck their arms, swiping the crossbows from their hands and down to the street below. A moment of struggle passed and all of the Thugs on the roof tops were now bound in place via iron chains. Not once had Markus taken his eyes off of Phantom, who had now stopped walking towards him. He may have stopped his progression due to a newly instilled lack of confidence, but that could easily be the tactic at play. Throwing fodder into harms way and acting surprised when it's defeated is a good way to come off weaker than you actually are. Markus continued walking towards Phantom without halting pace but ready to dodge or defend against any coming attacks. Unlike most criminals Markus had hunted down this target was blissfully silent. Markus decided he'd no longer give him a chance to break that silence and launched several chains through the air towards him.

Markus frowned as the chains easily wrapped around their target and lifted him into the air, something wasn't right. He reeled his target in towards him and held him afloat. Carefully he used a chain to lift back Phantoms hood, and his eyes narrowed as he saw the gagged and sobbing woman beneath it.

Laughter echoed though the street as the woman's face slowly crumbled apart spewing blood and chunks of brain matter through splintered bone. Markus tossed the body away from him angrily and looked wildly around for the source of the laughter. The houses around him began to creak and warp before him, each growing deformed limbs from their rotting wooden husks. Before coming here Markus had been warned that he should turn back and had to painfully listen through rumours of the Phantom not being human, but having become one with the entire village. That the village was certain death to all who dared disturb it. It seemed that discrediting such rumours had been a mistake, however Markus was still not ready to think of these apparitions as super natural or other worldly. There was some powerful magic at work for sure but there was nothing super natural about it. And all magic has a caster, all he had to do was find him.
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Suddenly, a loud noise breaks the otherwise tranquil night.
Zackwell's hawk-like eyes flit open suddenly, as he sits bolt upright in the chair.
As he looks around, he can see naught but darkness and hear nothing but silence.
As he goes to relax again, he sighs.
"Guess that poison really took a bite out of my energy... I feel like I've slept for days."

As his eyes begin to close gently, a premonition hits him deep in his gut, like an iron fist.
He jumps from the chair, standing bolt upright. His sharp, golden eyes glow dimly through the darkness.
In an instant, he kicks the chair he was sitting on accross the room. Instead of meeting a stone wall, the sound of a dull thud, followed by a cursing voice.
Zackwell moves his head to the left slightly as a small dagger whistles past his ear, shearing a few strands of hair from his head.
As if from a fountain, bright golden flames begin to spout from Zackwell's fingers. He drags his arm through the air, and the flames cut through the otherwise impermeable darkness like a sword through butter.
He walks accross the room, 'tearing' the darkness from the air, before he reaches down and picks up a scrawny looking man from the floor.

The man, whose face is clean and silken, wears clothes made from an obviously expensive material.
Around his neck hangs the emblem of one of the noble families.
"Well well well..." Says Zackwell, a smirk growing on his face. "You're a posh little weasel, aren't you?"
The man squirmed. He had the expression of one who had trodden in dog mess. "Unhand me you grubby... Unwashed... Filth!"
Zackwell's distaste could not have been more apparent. A scowl broke across his face.
He picks up the chair sits him in it.
"I'm a very good friend of the man who lives here. I'm intrigued to think why someone from one of the noble houses would want to creep around like some kind of insect in his house."
Zackwell clears his throat.
"Not to mention using something as cheap as a darkness glyph to try and hide yourself."

The nobleman's eyes thin, and his nostrils flare.
"I warn you... If you don't let me go right now, I'll have the entire city guard after your head!"
Zackwell plays with a small fireball in his hands with the same scowl fixed on his face.
"You're probably a narrow-minded kinda guy. So I'll keep this conversation easy to follow for you."
Zackwell shoots a fierce glare to the nobleman.
"You can tell me what you wanted with Cristoph, or I can burn you. Simple, eh?" Zackwell begins to smile as he juggles a couple of fireballs.

Without hesitating, the nobleman makes a mad dash for the exit. He trips on Zackwell's outstretched foot, and faceplants into the ground.
"TELL ME!" Zackwell shouts, before flipping the man over and pointing a large ball of fire at his face.
The severity of Zackwell's gaze right now would be enough to scare any man, even without a fireball.
"SILVER!" The man exclaims, shaking, in a grizzled lump on the floor.
"Silver?" Zackwell scratches his head. "Sorry to disappoint you, but Cristoph doesn't have any silver. He can hardly afford an ounce of rice, let alone ornaments."
The Noble man rolls his eyes as if Zackwell were some kind of uneducated fool.
"Lunarian Silver!" He says with the voice of a connoisseur. "One of the rarest and most valuable artifacts in this world! Why, a single coin could buy one this entire city!"
"Really now? I can see why you would want it. But stealing?" Zackwell sighs and kicks the man in the backside. "Get outta here."
The man scrambles on the floor before sprinting out of the door. As he steps through the door, the darkness fades away, revealing a bright morning sky.

"Damn..." remarks Zackwell as he sheilds his eyes from the light.
He steps out into the daylight.
"I slept too long..." He takes a deep, contemplative breath of fresh air.
"So... Lunarian silver... And someone out there has enough of the stuff to spend it willy-nilly on cart rides."
He looks at his feet. "MY cart ride. Whoever this person is, I hope they can spare me some of that silver for my trouble. Should I meet them anyway."
Disgruntled, Zackwell starts walking down the road to the port.
[OOC - Going to change perspective for a bit now to make it fit in with the rest of your writing.]

Night fell and the air grew cold. His clothes helped keep him warm... That, and the fact that he was still walking. He felt more comfortable at night anyway. The night was his home.
It had taken him three years to find the Undran shard. How long would it take him to find the tomb?! What if it took another three years? Could he bare that again considering how close he had been to giving up already?

In the distance he could see a glow. It must be some kind of dwelling, he thought. Eventually, he came to a small run down town full of misfit characters. Dirty faces to match the dirty buildings. Cold hearts and cold stone walls. The architecture was anything but refined, though even more surprising the lumpy walls and shoddy scaffolding, was that it was all still standing. Indeed, the town was bustling with... Well not exactly life... but it was bustling all the same.

He went to one of the open buildings and asked a heavily cloaked man standing outside where he could find the tavern, or wherever it was that men went to forget themselves.


The man had been seated, not standing. The man was not a human by a long shot either. His hood fell away to show dirty tusks and eyes sunk deep into his skull. Reynard stepped back in shock. Now standing, the creature was twice his size.
A crowd began to gather and someone shouted "You're in for it now, boy!" followed by mad laughter all round. Reynard continued to shrink away.
"Any chance you stood up just to give me directions?" he squeaked.

With a mighty roar, the beast charged.

Slowly Reynard came to. The sun was high in the sky and he was laying on a hard surface. His scarf was missing and he hurt all over. He was a mess. The night slowly came back to him and he sighed.
"I guess I should have seen that coming..."
[Itzal - Undran Tomb of Nigerautumnus ~ The Torn Gap]
Itzal stirred once more, between waking and dreaming. This imprisonment was an anguish, yet he could not die while he was bound. The curse was feeding him, prolonged his life. It did not take away the pain he felt, however. The spears with chains that ran through his body to hold him physically into place were a living nightmare. Even without them he was forced to stay here because of the vile magic. Itzal lost consciousness once more and dreamt of older times, different times...the Falaryn Court, center of the Undran civilization.

[Itzal - Falaryn Court ~ Grand Undran ~ in the depths of history]

Itzal stood on one of the shadow beacons watching over the Falaryn Court. The dark energy of the beacon was nourishing his strength. This was the last bastion of the Undran now as the other races' rebellion knew its successes in the war they were waging. The Undran were few in these days and reports had come in of humans gathering near the edge of what had once been Grand Undran, the last war would come soon. He turned and looked at the edge of the realm, were a new day had begun...the light hurt his eyes and he covered them, turning away from it once more. He breathed darkness.

Shadows have spread from Nigerautumnus' tombs around the Torn Gap, frightening daemon and light-worshipper alike. Some are less impressed and expeditions enter the darkness bearing crystal lamps to pierce through. They want to find the source, each for their own reasons, and their camps are scattered around the ring of darkness of the Torn Gap.

Upcoming RPG XP project: Legends of the Flaming Falcons
In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
For my writing project that includes my rmxp project I'm also maintaining a private wiki; if you wish to follow me, let me know.
My developer blog can be found here:

[Image: Gazeteer%20-%20Pherione.gif]
Gazetteer responsible for Pherione's Developer Interviews. My thread here.

More info or questions? PM me

A citadel. Tall and ominous, stretching up into the clouds. Once the church of a long dead people, now haunted by the ghosts of the past. The white-haired man stood before the large, daunting doors, a faint breeze blowing around him as he looked up at the clouded spire above. He pushed gently on the doors and they opened easilly, not a sound of rust or age emanating from the worn hinges. He stepped forth into the gloom of the citadel walked silently forward, passed the rows of decaying pews, to an altar shrouded in an aura of darkness. However, the altar held no interest to the man and he strode passed it, paying it no heed, until he reached a small door at the back. He made his way through and out into a large cemetary. There, at the back, a large tomb lay. He made his way forward, ignoring the movements in the shadows as they surveyed him cautiously. Something about this man struck fear into the creatures of darkness that haunted the graves in this forsaken place.

The man reached a tomb, a large, but undecorated tomb, grown over with anceint, long dead ivy. The door was open, and signs of wear showed around the edges. It had been unlocked only recently, by magical means. Some strong enchantment kept the tomb sealed shut, but no more. The man passed through the doorway and was swallowed by the shadows within.
[Lily - Western Coast of Nigerautumunus]

Lily stepped off the boat, looking at the beach she was on. This was no holiday resort. The sand was dark and the sky was moody. No amount of sunlight would cheer this place up. She glanced back at the ship behind her, the bow broken upon the shore, it's captain dead on the deck, a dagger through his heart. His advances were not taken kindly, and his lustful nature was his end. Enduring the journey to the eastern continent was a trial in itself for Lily, having to tolerate that man's attempts to get her in his bed. The only relief came when she could see the land before her. The captain made one more foolhardy attempt to seduce her, but now that her goal was in sight, she no longer needed him. She took the dagger from the man's side and plunged it into his chest swiftly, before he could even grasp what had happened. With a look of mild surprise, he fell dead to the floor in a puddle of blood. She stood upon the bow as the ship grounded upon the sand in the shallow waters, and leapt from it's side, landing in the shallows and wading ashore.

Before her lay a large and dim forest. Only a short distance in, she could see the pitch darkness, a void where no light penetrated through the dark leaves overhead. She could sense the presence of evil within the forest, a loitering presence with a thirst for blood and a hatred for all that lives and breathes. She started forwards, making her way through the first of the trees and entering the blackness beyond.

Darkness was all there was in the forest. Darkness, and that ominous presence. It was far off, but it was aware there was someone in it's forest. It was not yet on the move however. Lily assumed it would wait, until there was no escape. Then it would make it's move. Even so, whatever the creature may be, she moved forward steadilly. She was close now. She could not afford to turn back, whatever may lay in her path. If she could just get to the other side of this forest, she would be able to find her way. She had never been through this forest before, but she knew where it was. She knew there was a small, scarcely populated village on the other side, and within that village was a small, run down building. Not much to the casual passer by, but for those that knew of it, there was a hidden entrance within, leading to one of the many bases used by the Cult of Umbranox. She would pass through here and obtain the information required to locate this tomb the demon had mentioned. But first... This forest...
[Image: Angel.gif]
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[OOC - Zackwell that's beautiful :) ]

He felt through his coat... nothing. They had taken what little money he had, his trinkets - memories from times of old, and worst of all, the shard.
He had to find that big guy again.
But this time he would be ready. You don't outsmart a fox twice.

He didn't have to look long either, the big beast was sitting in the same place as the night before. Reynard walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. The monster didn't even turn, he just swung his arm out and smacked Reynard across the face, sending him flying.
"Oof!" He landed hard in a cloud of dust. "Ah shit." He sighed, got up and dusted himself off. So much for not outsmarting a fox twice.

This time, he would be ready...

He closed his eyes, digging deep inside for that spark of energy held within. He summoned the wind around him, just as he had when he ran towards the shard's hidden spring... And he leapt, his leg held straight out in front! The shattering kick landed square in the beast's face and continued through to the other side, leaving Reynard's leg wedged solidly inside his skull. The creature fell through the wall behind him with Reynard securely clinging to him... He couldn't pull his leg out in time. The beast rolled over on top of him, a dead weight, pinning him to the floor, his last breath leaving his dead body.

"Ah shit!"

Drawing on that inner power again, Reynard pushed the creature off of him and began to search through his clothes. He found his pouch of money, but not the shard.
"Who are you?!"
He looked up... He was faced by three armed men of all shapes and sizes, all had dark black eyes and battle scars. He Stood again.
"I had a shard on me yesterday. I have come to retrieve it. Where is it?" He barked.
"Shard? You mean this?" The smallest of the three held out the lightning shaped, purple crystal, as if to taunt him.
"Yes that... It is mine. Return it to me!"
The men formed up in a line and screamed their battle cries!
Reynard stood back.
"Ah shit."
[OOC - I agree with Foxy. That is a sexy post Zackwell~ Happy to see people are being creative with their posts. XD]


The white-haired man continued through the tomb, down what seemed like a never-ending flight of stairs. A faint, eerie light seemed to emanate from the walls, tinting everything in a dark indigo shroud. There was nothing. No presence of any living creature within. Of course, that didn't mean there was nothing there... Simply nothing alive...

The man continued on his way and soon came to a wide hall, many engravings lining the walls. He walked over and laid a hand on one. He could read the runes inscribed with ease, however, some were far too worn for even the greatest of lore masters to decipher. He managed to pick out one name from amongst the runes however, and a small, very faint smile appeared on his face.

"So it is here that she will find herself." He muttered softly. "And it is here that she will learn of her fate, of her sacrafice, and of her power. I wonder if she knows just how much rides on her shoulders."

The white-haired man looked down at the golden shackles upon his wrists and ankles, a bright ruby set within each. He frowned slightly.

"But even should she attain her true self, will it free me of these bonds that cursed witch of Summer bestowed upon me. There must be some way to break them... Some way to free myself. If her power cannot do it, then I am lost..."

[Lily - The Shadowed Forest: Nigerautumunus]

It was aware. Lily knew that now. She could feel it's mind stretching out to her, trying to find her. She only hoped that whatever it was would not succeed until she had reached the other side.

She could faintly remember tales of the Shadowed Forest on the Western Shore. She didn't know where from. The King of the Forest, a great creature of darkness that suffered no tresspassers in his domain. Many had ventured forth into the forest to claim the head of this beast, but none had ever succeeded.

Just as Lily hoped she would not be found, she heard it. An earsplitting roar. She wouldn't be surprised if half the continent heard it. It shook the trees and sent a fowl wind through the forest. It was moving, fast, towards her. Lily was not often shaken enough to flee, but she felt that whatever this creature was, she could not fight it.

She ran. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her. She had thought of flying, but she knew that was out of the question. There was no room amongst the trees to fly, and those that attempted to fly over the forest perished. Some great evil from the forest targeted anything in the air. Not even the birds dared fly over the dark treetops.

It had not been long. Five minutes maybe? She had been running, aware that some monstrosity was closing in on her, but now she could feel it's footsteps. Heavy and powerful enough to shake the leaves in the trees around her. She could not tell how close it was, but that did not matter. It was moving at incredible speed through the trees. She could hear the faint crashing as it smashed it's way through the solid trunks of the forest where it could not fit. Was there any obstacle that could prevent this creature from proceeding?

A faint light in the distance. Very faint. The end of the forest was in sight, and the murky grey wastelands of the continent lay ahead. Lily glanced over her shoulder and caught sight of a huge shadow in the trees. With a sudden realization of what the creature was, she took the risk. She unfolded her wings, leapt several feet off the floor and shot through the remainder of the forest, but as she did so, a jet of black fire shot up from behind her.

Bursting from the trees, almost safe, the fire caught up with her. Engulfed her and consumed her. Such heat she had never felt before in her life. She fell to the floor, sure this was the end, when suddenly, a cool sensation flooded across her body. She as she landed on the hard ground, the fire shattered as if it were made of glass. Confused, she got to her feet and looked at the shards upon the floor. Black ice, melting rapidly into nothing. But what had done it? It was not her own power, that she knew. Fire was one thing, but this was no ordinary flame. She couldn't freeze this even if she poured her soul into it.

She looked up at the forest, just intime to see a long, black tail, silver spines running along it's edges, vanishing into the trees.

"You don't care now that I'm out of your land huh?" Lily said quietly. "That suits me fine."

She glanced at the last shard of black ice as it vanished, then turned towards the small town nearby. She had one more question on her ever growing list. Just what had happened? Why was she not reduced to ashes now? She knew the answers would not be found here, and so she continued on her journey.

Lily entered the small village, to find an elderly man awaiting her.

"Lillith, I assume?" The man said. Lily nodded. "I was watching you when you left the forest. You have some powerful friends."
"Powerful friends?" Lily asked. "What do you mean? Do you know who it was that saved me?"
"Oh, without a doubt. But this is not the time or the place to discuss that. Come, we have been expecting you."

[OOC - Quick edit. I have updated the first post with a World Map. If you wish to add locations, tell me the grid referance (ie: A-12, E-09 etc...) and whether it is a city or general location (forest etc...), and it's name, and I will update it asap. n.n]
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- Reynard -
He assessed his situation with his foxy wit, placing his right foot behind him, axe drawn, ready for battle. The biggest man charged first, his sword screaming through the air, but Reynard was much faster, brining his axe upwards, severing the man's hand with one stroke. It flew through the air and landed with a dull thump, blood spattering everywhere. The man screamed and fainted. He would eventually die from blood loss.
The other two were wary now.

They split up - one on each side, then started to chant a weird rhyme.
"Kuro, Kiro, Kyro, Krup", once, twice... then, "Kuro, Kiro, Kyro!" They pounced! They had Reynard off guard, the change in rhythm was obviously there to trick their opponent, and it worked! He barely managed to dodge their weapons! His hood fell back off his hair as he leaned low, backwards, then dropped into a sweeping kick, knocking them both to the floor. He turned to the 2nd biggest and used the dagger from his side to stab him through the neck, reinforcing the blow with the wind vortex. A gurgled scream, then silence. The man's spine had been severed.

The last man tried to stand but stumbled clumsily back, his confidence broken, Reynard's ears perked up from among his hair, a look of shock on his face as the man raised his weapon again. "No, no, no! This is the part where you give up and I don't have to kill you... Please?" Reynard leapt forwards at the same time as the small man, locking his hand around the short human's throat and immobilising his weapon by blocking his fist.
"Now give me back what is mine." He shook the man a bit to make his point clear.
The sword clattered as it hit the floor. He raised the crystal in his small hand and placed it in Reynards now out-stretched one.
"Thank you. But what about my other belongings?" The man pointed to a doorway opposite the entrance, then Reynard tightened his grip, cutting off his air supply until he passed out, but not dead. "Thanks."

Reynard retrieved his things, then left having accomplished nothing, he felt, other than slowing himself down. He also carried three more burdens on his shoulders. "Sorry I had to kill you. Cinis, as much as I respect you, I cannot follow your ways, I cannot be that cold hearted. Sorry fellow beings. When my task is over I'll ask the gods for your names and engrave them on the golden trees in the shrine of Eruditio. May you rest in peace."

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