What are YouTubing?
I don't like that song. It's quite typical of games at the moment to have that loud, in your face "epic" thing going on whereas before soundtracks were a lot more subtle or relied on a powerful melody, not loud sounds. I'm more a fan of his older works, I even imitated his style once for practice and it was quite a popular song of mine in the end.
I'm pretty sure he took to a different style for this song because it's a song for an MMO.
He actually didn't know how it'd sound during an MMO-style battle, since he'd never done MMO music before (According to the soundtrack's wiki), so it is different. 
Still, it's not a bad song at all, and I actually love it. During battle, it's actually pretty great, too, and the way it loops keeps the feel throughout the battle. 

And I don't get what you mean by "loud sounds", because many Final Fantasy songs have those. The older ones had to use the PS1 and PS2's more synthetic-sounding production, so if they were to have been produced "Today", it would sound more orchestral and with those "loud sounds" you're referring to. If this were to be in an older style, it would be different as well. 

Nothing's wrong with the song at all, in my opinion.  Confused 

I do think a lot of songs these days sound terrible or generic, but this one is far from them.

You could listen to the orchestrated versions of the older songs if you want, they do sound different than the final product. Still sound great, too! Blushing + Cheery
Yes but the medium contributes to the problem - Hollywood is killing the video game composer. Our tools are now too good and lead to a more "production" oriented approach to creating music at the detriment of actual composition. It's why I can't listen to most pop or dance music too, it's all about the sound and not about the soul.
I'm guilty of it too, when I want to please a client. What we really need though, is an evolution of the "epic" theme towards something new and innovative. I'm tired of this same song over and over.

/ Rant
Sorry. If you reply, I'll split off this conversation from my first post so it doesn't move us too far away from the main thread.
Honestly, Nobuo-san can do what he wants. The music is good, you can't just hate it because it sounds epic and other people copied the style so they could be epic as well. It's not fair to a composer that puts his heart and soul into his music  Indifferent

It's the style he's done for years, but I guess you're just noticing it now  Confused

Again, I implore you, listen to the orchestrated versions older Final Fantasy songs, their production value is about the same. The game versions end up being different because they have to be. Are you going to hate Nobuo now because he's refused to change into the over-done garbage compositions that people put out now? There's a reason they hired him for Final Fantasy XIV-- Masashi Hamauzu is decent, but their stuff gets stale and sounds the same from game to game. Nobuo is very different from that.  Very happy + Tongue sticking out

Anyway, some more Final Fantasy XIV music, because it doesn't matter what a certain fox says... I still thoroughly enjoy the music, "Loud noises" aren't a problem for me apparently  Laughing

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I don't think you're reading what I'm writing correctly. No need to be snarky - don't forget I've been making music for over a decade. But never mind.
Probably the craziest video game character I've ever seen has an amazing theme.

Albedo... I first watched the "Censored" version of the scene between he and MOMO, but oh my goodness, the uncensored one is cringeworthy.  Confused

Enjoy  Blushing + Cheery

And Renard...
Snarky... lol...
Gotta love your editing, dude... Really. Nice job on changing what you said LONG after I already replied. 
Doesn't matter how long you've made music, and adding that little tidbit in is being snarky yourself.
Watch it. You don't want me to  REALLY get snarky.  Winking

You should really also mention when you're making edits so the conversation doesn't look completely different on your side after it's over. 
Just a thought.
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Destiny of End Thread: http://save-point.org/thread-5585.html
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Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
Walk free...

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Destiny of End Thread: http://save-point.org/thread-5585.html
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Oh boy... this guy...  Laughing

Enzo Amore and Big Cass <3

HOW YOU DOIN'?!?!  Grinning
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Destiny of End Thread: http://save-point.org/thread-5585.html
Destiny of End Twitter: https://twitter.com/DestinyofEnd
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)

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Destiny of End Thread: http://save-point.org/thread-5585.html
Destiny of End Twitter: https://twitter.com/DestinyofEnd
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