Lumen Sonata
  1. No Godmoding! This includes giving yourself overly-powerful abilities, re-writing past events etc...
  2. No PCing (Player Controlling) without direct permission from the other players.
  3. NPCs CAN be killed and controlled without permission, however, if it is evident that they are key characters, please think before you use someone else's NPC.
  4. No one-liners please. Either post a paragraph, minimum, or wait until you think of something to post.
  5. No double-posting within any 24-hour period. If you need to add something to your post, edit it.
  6. Be considerate of other Role Players. What happens in the RP stays in the RP. If someone kills one of your NPCs, dont get in a hissy. Deal with it and think up something new.
  7. Be imaginative and help carry the story! Don't just wander around dawdling, letting everyone else do the work. Add your own ideas and events to progress the storyline!
  8. If you wish to post something out of character in the RP, simply add it to the top or bottom of your post in square brackets, tagged as OOC, for example;
    [OOC - This is an Out Of Character post!]
  9. The RP Master has the final say on everything. No arguments!
  10. If someone posts something that disrupts your storyline, do not argue about it. Work with it and adapt to the situation.
  11. If the RP Master asks you to tone down your character's abilities etc... do so without objection.
  12. Aside from the RP Rules, all other Save-Point Forum rules apply.
By filling out and posting your character sheet, you agree to all the above rules!

This RP is set in a semi-post-apocalyptic, modern/cyberpunk fantasy world. It has elements of the modern day, along with some elements of mildly futuristic technology (nothing too advanced however!). The world is vast and wide, and many areas are nothing but endless miles of wasteland. There are many cities dotted all around the world, most no less than several days drive away (a week by walking at least).
However, there are also elements of fantasy. Magical abilities and monstrous creatures inhabit the world.
The cities are varied, anything from basic slums and run down towns, to giant, technological metropolises.

Things to note about this RP;
1: WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM! That is non-optional. We are all part of the same team and on the same side. End of.
2: We all start in the same location, which will be documented in my intro post.

It is the year 2505. Since medieval times, there has been a secret war between the guardians of light, known as the “Lumen Sonata”, the guardians of the light and keepers of peace, and the “Nox Nocturne”, the demons of the shadow world, hell-bent on destroying all that walks in the world of light.

The Lumen Sonata was formed by talented individuals with godly gifts known as Solis. A form of heavenly power capable of manifesting in various ways, with each person’s Solis manifesting differently. Only a select few people were capable of using Solis, and they were recruited almost immediately by the Lumen Sonata to be one of their guardians, more commonly known as a Hunter.

Hunter Guilds were established all over the world, so they may defend the world from the darkness wherever it may appear. In total, there are 531 Hunter Guilds around the world, all numbered in order of power, with Guild #1 being the main branch headquarters, where only the most powerful Hunters reside. The building is known as the Argentum Arcis, the Silver Citadel, but it’s exact location is known to only a few.

In opposition to the Lumen Sonata, the Nox Nocturne utilize a power known as Lunim, a power of darkness and shadows that corrupts all it touches. If a normal human were to come into contact with Lunim, they would die a swift, but excruciating death, before being transformed into a creature of darkness themselves, doomed to obey the commands of those that rule the Nox Nocturne. These creatures of darkness are referred to as Darklings and come in many shapes and sizes, each within its own category (see below).

The storyline revolves around the 531st Guild, known as Zephyr Aurora, classified as the weakest due to its exceptionally low member count. However, within this guild resides members of exceptional talent, on whose shoulders the fate of the world is soon to rest.

Solis and Lunim
Solis and Lunim are opposing forces in the world. Humans with divine powers are blessed with Solis, whereas Darklings and their underlings are adept with Lunim. Only Lunim can defeat Solis and only Solis can defeat Lunim. No other weapons other than those created with those powers will affect them.

All Hunters possess Solis, but the way it manifests is different for each person. In general, each Hunter has Five total skills granted by their Solis. Except under astronomically rare circumstances, Solis and Lunim are incompatible with each other and cannot reside in the same being, lest that being be torn apart and destroyed by the two opposing forces.

Whereas Solis is a pure energy, Lunim is a deadly toxin to humans. Any human infected with Lunim from a Darkling will die shortly after an incredible amount of pain. Their body will twist and deform into a new Darkling creature.

Nox Nocturne
And the Darklings
The Nox Nocturne are the main antagonists of this RP. They are a dark race of creatures from the Shadow World, a world of darkness that mirrors our own, in a distorted, twisted image. The main attack force of the Nox Nocturne are known as Darklings. Darklings range over five main categories.
D-Class: D-class Darklings are weak. They have barely any Lunim powers and mostly attack with claws and teeth, however, their teeth carry Lunim poison that will infect and destroy anyone that does not have Solis in their bodies, ie: anyone that is not a hunter. They are easily dispatched and only cause problems when they appear in large numbers.
C-class: These are stronger than the D-Class Darklings, and range in sizes from that of an average human, up to seventeen feet tall. Some are equipped with scythe-like claws, others with huge muscles and thick hides. They specialize in close range combat and are easily taken care of by a group of skilled Hunters.
B-Class: These Darklings are intelligent and are generally mid to long range fighters, using energy based Lunim attacks. More difficult than the C-class, but still relatively easy in a group, or for a skilled fighter.
A-Class: These Darklings are powerful creatures, and come in three size categories. Small, being anywhere from that of a large dog, to a human. Medium, being anywhere from the size of a bear to the size of an elephant. And giant, being anywhere from the size of an elephant to the size of a small mountain. Exceptionally difficult opponents, not to be taken on in less than a group of four skill fighters.
S-Class: The tip of the Darkling forces, these creatures are ALL humanoid in size and shape, exceptionally intelligent and incredibly powerful. They are extremely rare and generally command the lower Darkling ranks from the shadows. If encountered, the general tactic is to flee. They have wide ranges of unique and powerful Lunim at their disposal.
In addition, there is also a mythological “God-Class”. Legends tell of an almighty Darkling at the core of the Shadow World that commands all others. Whilst this is only legend, many believe the God Demon to be real, but what it might be and what it’s powers may consist of, none know. As of yet, it has never been witnessed in the world.
Darklings appear generally in groups of weaker Darklings, with a higher classed Darkling as it’s commander. Class-D Darklings never appear in groups of less than 5.

Zephyr Aurora
This is the 531st Hunters Guild, in which every participant in this RP is a member. We are ALL Hunters for the Lumen Sonata and we ALL operate from this guild.
The guild itself is an old, large tavern, three stories high, with a basement. The ground floor consists of a kitchen, bar, seating areas and a lounge. The second floor consists of a meeting room, prep rooms and a few offices. The top floor consists of several bedrooms for members that live within the HQ (you do not have to live in the HQ. You can live in your own place in the city).
The basement contains the armoury, bar cellars, store/supply room, shooting range and training room.
The guild is located in Silva City. It is a small city with a considerably lower population than most of the other cities in the world. The nearest city is roughly five days straight driving away. It is located in a small valley and features a large number of modern-day buildings and structures, with very little technological enhancement. Feel free to create your own areas of the city.
Note that for the time being, we will be remaining in the city, until the RP progresses further.
Final note, you may also choose a rank within the Guild, to define your role. I will list who is what rank in this section, as well as some ideas for other positions. Feel free to create your own however.

Division Chief and Chief Science Officer – ClockworkAngel
Other positions available can include: barman/barmaid, weapons specialist, combat specialist, heavy weapons specialist, long-range specialist, chef, tactician etc… Think up your own too. n.n

If you have any questions, please PM them to me or ask me in the IRC. Do NOT post a reply in this thread to ask questions.

Name: [Self-explanatory]
Age: [Self-explanatory]
Appearance: [Self-explanatory]
Personality: [Self-explanatory (optional)]
Rank: [Your rank within the 531st Hunters Guild]
* * * * *
Skills: [The skills your Solis grants you. Choose five. They can be anything you wish, even elemental-based, as long as they are within reason and not too over-powered.]
Weapons: [Name any weapons your character carries and/or is proficient with. Note, please make it reasonable and something your character can carry.]
* * * * *
Backstory: [Add any backstory you wish to reveal beforehand here. It can be about anything, including how you joined the hunters, how you discovered your Solis abilities or something you wish to tie into the plot.]
Additional Notes: [Anything else you wish to add. (optional)]


Name: Dr. Zara Frost
Age: 23
Personality: She has a reliable and trustworthy nature and commands a certain respect from her subordinates. Although she is generally friendly and easy to get on with, catch her in the wrong mood, and you could find yourself on the receiving end of a very swift lobotomy. She also has a notoriously dark sense of humour, despite her usual, cheery outlook on things. She can be serious if the need arises.
Rank: Division Chief and Chief Science Officer
* * * * *
1: Adamantine Armour – Zara can use her Solis to coat her body in a near-indestructible, invisible armour that shields from all physical attacks, including those infused with Lunim. It does not protect against immaterial/energy based attacks however.
2: Enhanced Speed – Zara’s Solis grants her super-human speed, enabling her to move at speeds near impossible to track with the naked eye.
3: Leviathan Chains – Zara is able to conjure numerous glowing chains of pure Solis energy and utilize them in various ways, from restricting and defending, to attacking and even scaling objects. The limit of how many chains she can create is unknown.
4: ??? [will be revealed in full later]
5: ??? [will be revealed in full later]
Weapons: Zara wields numerous scalpels she has lining the inside of her lab-coat. She is proficient in short to mid-range combat.
* * * * *
Backstory: Zara has been a member of Lumen Sonata since the age of five, when her Solis was first discovered. She has known nothing but her life in the Hunters Guild since that time and has no memory of her birth parents. She became the chief of the 531st Guild at the age of sixteen.
Additional Notes: Very few within the 531st Hunters Guild know what lies under her eye patch. For the most part, it is a mystery and poses many questions to her subordinates. All that is known about it is that it appeared suddenly after she went missing from the guild for six months, at the age of thirteen. She evades questions that she is asked about it and can get snappy when people persist. Lives in the Master Bedroom on the top floor of the 531st Hunters Guild HQ.

[6:30am, a warm, Monday morning]

Zara came down the stairs, her hair unbrushed, wearing nothing but her underwear and a labcoat. It was early morning, and she assumed the other Hunters living within HQ weren't up yet. She made her way down to the bar and helped herself to a shot of vodka, sitting in her usual chair at the end of the bar. She reached into her labcoat pocket and procured a pack of cigerettes. She removed one, placed it in her mouth and lit it. She sat back, arms behind her on the bar, forming her own little cloud of smoke as she sat there thinking of the report she received last night.
There had been a slight increase in activity of Class D Darklings in the area. She would probably have to organize a hunt later on and track them down. Shouldn't be too much hassle. She thought she might even tag along herself. It's been a fair while since she did some real field work.
As she sat there, completely at ease in her under-dressed state, she heard movement upstairs. It appeared as if someone else was awake too. She shrugged to herself and poured another shot of vodka.

[Image: Angel.gif]
[Image: RMVXB-1.png][Image: gMakerBar.png]
Name: Matt Shald
Age: 35
Appearance: Black hair, average height, big boots, medium long hair, long goatee. Wears shades a lot. The shades are to cover his one green and one red eye. He is part machine – one arm, one eye and part of his torso. He also has various other metal plates and rods in his body from previous less serious injuries. This makes him pretty tough.
Personality: Your regular badass. Enjoys explosions. Enjoys carnage (of the Darklings of course). Enjoys video games... A bit too much if you ask me.
Rank: Technology expert and Dr Frost's guinea pig (she tests stuff on him... from time to time. Oh woe behold me.) She also calls on him for help with anything technology related, if she can't handle it herself of course.

* * * * *
Machine Heart – He understands machines and technology intuitively and is good at building things.
Pain Tolerance – His numerous previous injuries damaged his nerves, he doesn't feel a lot of pain.
Solis Fusion – He can create incredibly intense heat for a short amount of time but it tires him out if over used. This can be harnessed in smaller quantities as a kind of fusion bolt – a projectile. Much less tiring and good for taking out distant enemies. He used to be able to do this with ease in the past, but he lost part of his natural abilities when he lost parts of his body.
Warrior of Solis – He can tap into other sources of Solis energy thanks to the coupling between machinery and his organic body. He can harvest it for himself or pass it on to others.
Shock Proofing – Thanks to his less than complete natural body, pure energy attacks are less effective on him.

Ebony: A medium length black blade he created himself, forged using his own Solis Fusion technique. Effective against Darklings and handy at close range.
Ivory: A white gun he created himself which, when travelling or in a fight, he plugs into his body and it fires a mix of his own Solis energy and a charge of electricity. An effective mid-range weapon.
* * * * *
Backstory: He used to be a normal human... Or should I say Hunter? But one day he took his Solis Fusion technique too far and it almost destroyed him. In the explosion, he lost an eye, all his body hair and clothes, an arm, half his torso including half his heart, and broke half the bones in his body. Luckily, he now wears new clothes and his hair grew back.

Matt groaned as he woke up feeling groggy. His hair was a mess and he was mostly naked. He scratched at the scar across his chest where his real body ended and his mechanical body began, then stretched. Looking around he realised he had turned around during his sleep and was now facing the opposite way on his bed. No one knew about his nightmares, he kept on a calm and collected front at all times.
He showered, shaved leaving just his goatee, and got dressed in his usual heavy clothes. He put on his shades and walked down the stairs.

"Ah, Vodka." He nodded at Zara, reaching for the bottle. "This can't be good for you first thing in the morning you know?" he said, then gulped a bit down, wiped his mouth, then walked through the front doors into the crisp morning air.
Name: Neil Vogel
Age: 27
Appearance: Casually dressed in a dusty jeans and shirt. Dirt coloured clothing are among his favourite. Black mid-long hair's generally a mess. His pilot uniform is somewhere folded up in the back of his locker. He always carries his insignia in his pocket though. "Just in case."
Personality: Careless and dreamy, stays cool in every situation though this might be because he doesn't really understand the scale of things. As such he takes leisure walks in enemy territory, surviving through bloody devil's luck or actual skill, no one really knows. Finds everything "dull".
Rank: Pilot
* * * * *
Ace pilot: can fly or man nearly everything, even enemy craft.
Devil's luck: stupid dumb luck or actual skill, who can tell? Neil can survive bullet hell.
Unnoticeable: can use his Solis to make others completely ignore him, also means he can blend in easily with the enemy and pretend he actually belongs there (these are not the droids you're looking for)
Solis Forgery: Can hand you a white sheet of paper and tell you it's the winning lottery ticket...and you'll believe him. Works for fake ID's, passports or genuine hard cash too.
Intelligence network: Somehow seems to know people everywhere on any position, has tea on Tuesdays with the queen, who is a big fan, don't disturb him then!

Weapons: Dumb luck and a charming smile...he also has a pistol somewhere I guess :p
* * * * *
Backstory: Used to be member of Hunter Guild 473, until he got kicked out for unknown reasons as of yet. Before that he was a pilot for the government until he resigned to aspire Hunter Guild membership, now he wishes he were a government pilot again.
Upcoming RPG XP project: Legends of the Flaming Falcons
In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
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[Image: Gazeteer%20-%20Pherione.gif]
Gazetteer responsible for Pherione's Developer Interviews. My thread here.

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