Help with a Scene Equip
Hi! I'm making a Scene Equip adding some features, but there's one thing I do not know how to make.

First of all, an image, explains better than words:

[Image: 72qf.png]

so as you see there's a Dummy between the equipped items. It is actually made of 5 different images, boots, armor, head, left and right hand. What I would like is that, depending on the cursor index, one of the images glow, so if you're in index 0, weapons, the right hand glows, index 2, armor, the armor glows, etc.

Any thoughts?

Thanks before hand!
I'm looking for a scripter to help me with my proyect. Need some minor adjustments-modifications and some larger codes. The larger ones will be remunerated :) Thanks beforehand.
just like mine?

[Image: equipba.png]
Hey, Iqus. What you are looking for is a type of paperdoll system. For characterset sprites, the most known ones would be known as Visual Equipment (both Me™ and Rataime). Or for battlers, it would be my Brenda's Visual Battlers. We have these in the Scripts Database forum.

Both of these require a lotta graphics, such as swords, spears, helmets, etc... along WITH your characters. This could be graphic intensive. But if you make the characters the same basic shape and with the same poses, you could make a sword work for all your characters (no needing separate swords per guy).

This could inspire you to have visual equipment for your guys on the map and in the battlesystem. You would need to use visual equipment and visual battlers. But if you want to have that AND something for your equipment system (and thus your STATUS WINDOW TOO DUDE!!!), you'll be wishing to have one more.... one I would thus 'label' as a visual portrait. Easiest way to attain that would be to take a copy of Brenda's Visual Battlers and tweak it to have different module names and stuff. Winking

Oh, you can find that these features do have demos available.

Wait.. is this for RMXP, VX or VXAce? You didn't specify.

Hey, i666iky939. You using a multiple slots script to do that? Hehehe... So am I. Laughing + Tongue sticking out
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
You'd have to cut the dummy image into five parts, and use the flash method in the Sprite class to flash them. And don't forget to call the Sprites' update method so the flash will update.
Hmmm I think I didn't explain myself so well because MechanicalPen seems to be the only one who understood what I was asking D:

@i666iky939: nice pic but I think that has nothing to do with what I want to acomplish :/

@DerVVulfman: I don't really understand what that is about, some kind of 'show the equipment in the character' script? Sorry, I did not undestand ^^u PD: The request is for RPGMaker XP

@MechanicalPen: Yeah, the image has been splitted so, how can I use that flash method?

Thanks to all and sorry for the inconvenience!
I'm looking for a scripter to help me with my proyect. Need some minor adjustments-modifications and some larger codes. The larger ones will be remunerated :) Thanks beforehand.
in Scene_Item.update you'll need to check the index of the slot selected, and then call your_sprite.flash(,0,0), 12) and don't forget to call your_sprite.update in Scene_Item.update as well.
(01-18-2014, 05:46 PM)MechanicalPen Wrote: in Scene_Item.update you'll need to check the index of the slot selected, and then call your_sprite.flash(,0,0), 12) and don't forget to call your_sprite.update in Scene_Item.update as well.
In Scene_Item? Or in Scene_Equip?


I went to update_right in Scene_Equip and called the defined as lefthand and then tryied to make it flash, however, it says that 'flash' is an undefined method :/

In Window_EquipRight

@lefthand =
@lefthand.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("left")
@lefthand.x = 0
@lefthand.y = 158

In Scene_Equip

def update_right
if @right_window.index == 0
@lefthand.flash(,0,0), 12)
I'm looking for a scripter to help me with my proyect. Need some minor adjustments-modifications and some larger codes. The larger ones will be remunerated :) Thanks beforehand.
It IS possible the help files are lying to me, because a flash effect is claimed to exist but it is never used in the default scripts.

Instead you can do something like
@lefthand.color(,0,0,X) )
and have X (the alpha value) be a variable that increases (or decreases, I don't remember which one you want) every frame.

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