Normally, I wouldn't double-post. But seeing that my previous post was at 1pm and you saw this two hours later (being an admin is good that way)... I had to let ya know this way I investigated some more.
First, let me inform you that you are using an out-of-date version of Lycan. I'm currently running version 9.9 while you are using an older version 8.4. The code has been cleaned up and some new methods added since the version you're running.
But, let me also state that you indeeed found an error, one that does need to be solved and thus you will be in the credits. The issue where you had a method error was when your enemies were struck by a skill that issued some form of state, though your skill (DARKNESS) didn't have the right kind of state value set. I'll talk about that later. Let me just bring up the fix.
- Go into page "4 - Combatant Code".
- Go to the bottom of the Game_ABS_Enemy initialize method and add @state_time = 0 right below @character_set = "".
- That will fix the issue as I neglected to include the value into the enemies. NOW, it is version 10.0 !
Now, how to make your enemies attack with a skill. First off, the skeletons 'were' attacking with a skill. Unfortunately, the Darkness skill wasn't set up properly in the configuration section and didn't know how to hit a target.
I think they were hitting themselves as you got the above mentioned error.
You wouldn't see the skill being shot out from an enemy unless you set it up as a missile effect. That would be the 'RANGE_SKILLS' array in the attack configuration page. Now the old RPGMaker XP version of the Darkness skill and what Lycan ABS (and I) have in mind for a Darkness skill are two different things. By the default notion for RPGMaker XP, it deals 'darkness damage' to a player weak to darkness elements. For Lycan, it is basically one that delivers blindness as a status ailment. But since RPGMaker XP doesn't have a blindness status ailment by default, let's add one.
- Go into the RPGMaker XP's database system and hit the STATES tab. Then increase your max quantity of states to 17. Copy the 'Dazzle' state and paste it in position #17 and rename it to Darkness. But then get rid of that ST Dazzle animation or replace it with something of your own.
- Now, go into your RPGMaker XP's database system and hit the SKILLS tab. Go down to the 28th skill.... Darkness.... and click on the Darkness state in the Status Change box on the right most side. You want it as a + so it applies the darkness ailment rather than removing it. So now, you have a Darkness skill that applies a darkness state to a target.
- After that, let's make it an actual missile. Go into the Scripts Database and the 1b - Config page of Lycan. Scroll down about 100 lines until you find the RANGED_SKILLS set of arrays and choose one to tinker with. For some reason, I chose the 3rd one. Change the brackets to read RANGE_SKILLS[28] so you're now making a missile work with skill #28 (aka darkness). The speed, range, and all that is pretty much your typical stuff. But the 'Empty_Graphic' ... ahh... Change that to 'MrMo_Bomb' for laughs.
Now your enemies will appear to throw bombs at you as they attempt to inflict a darkness state on your person.
FYI: Further down the 2b - Config page is a section handling status effects. Right now, it is set up so the screen goes dark for 200 frames (5 seconds) when the player suffers from the 17th status ailment... which happens to be Darkness.
Setting up your system to turn on the HUD is easy. Again, the script call is $scene.hud_show to turn it on, and $scne.hud_hide to remove it. Let's look at your Teleport Event on MAP001.
@>Transfer Player:[002: Battlefield], (009,013)
All I did was add a script call that turned on the hud. Now it looks like this:
@>Transfer Player:[002: Battlefield], (009,013)
@>Script: $scene.hud_show
Seeing that you didn't have version 9.9, you don't HAVE the $ABS.cutscene_enable script call. So right now, you do need to use $ instead (or until you get 9.9 or better).
I just made an event that ran this:
@>Script: $ = nil
And the enemies stopped actively attacking.

Unfortunately, any already set to 'follow the player' still do. And it doesn't stop you from attacking them, so there's a couple more things to add.
Technically, just shoving the following line into 3C - ABS Engine (Player) right after the update_jump command in def update_player should prevent the player from doing any attacks if the ABS is off.
return unless @active == true
More stuff coming I guess. :P
If you're having issues with Gloria trying to heal everyone, and ... CRASHING... I know why.
I set the healing skill (skill #1) to be a 'consumable skill'. That means, it is a skill that actually uses an item, whether it be a talisman or a potion. Now, the item need NOT be consumed... so a skill may need a talisman, but not destroy or use it up. But it CAN be consumable like how one uses up a potion.
In the config for the consumable items, I set the Healing skill to use up item #37, "Granny's GoGo Juice" from the demo. As you reset the databases back to default, you wiped Granny's item from system. So ... it tries looking for an item you don't even have in the system. *BLAM... CRASH... CRUNCH.... ..... BURRRRRN*
As to making your character teleport to a random map from an encounter?
Are you thinking of using RPGMaker XP's Random encounters (ie in Map Properties) to make it so you don't go to the default battlesystem but to an actual map?
Or are you thinking that after encountering an event on the map, you are teleported between 1 of 3 maps based on a selection in that event?