DoubleX RMVXA Dynamic Data
Version: v1.01a
IntroductionVersion: v1.01a
Stores the changes to the database done by users during game executions
Can't be used with data having contents that can't be serialized
Can't be used with data read from the database files upon use
* Custom script comprehensions to edit that script's used data stored in RPG::BaseItem and/or its subclasses
# ** Script Info |
# * Script Name |
# DoubleX RMVXA Dynamic Data |
# * Functions |
# Stores the changes to the database done by users during game executions |
# Can't be used with data having contents that can't be serialized |
# Can't be used with data read from the database files upon use |
# * Terms Of Use |
# You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact |
# You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than |
# DoubleX or his aliases |
# None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases |
# * Prerequisites |
# Abilities: |
# 1. Custom script comprehensions to edit that script's used data stored in |
# RPG::BaseItem and/or its subclasses |
# * Instructions |
# 1. Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between |
# Materials and Main, save to take effect. |
# * Links |
# Script Usage 101: |
# 1. |
# 2. |
# This script: |
# 1. |
# Mentioned Patreon Supporters: |
# |
# * Authors |
# DoubleX |
# * Changelog |
# v1.01a(GMT 0100 12-11-2015): |
# 1. Lets users set which parts of the database changes will be saved |
# v1.00b(GMT 0600 8-8-2015): |
# 1. Fixed using edited data bug when starting new game without closing it |
# 2. Increased this script's compatibility, efficiency and readability |
# v1.00a(GMT 0400 16-5-2015): |
# 1. 1st version of this script finished |
($doublex_rmvxa ||= {})[:Dynamic_Data] = "v1.01a"
module DoubleX_RMVXA
module Dynamic_Data
# Sets if this script will save the actor parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_ACTORS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original actor parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the class parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_CLASSES
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original class parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the skill parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_SKILLS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original skill parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the item parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_ITEMS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original item parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the weapon parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_WEAPONS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original weapon parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the armor parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_ARMORS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original armor parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the enemy parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_ENEMIES
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original enemy parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the troop parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_TROOPS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original troop parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the state parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_STATES
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original state parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the animation parts of the database changes
# in savefiles as SAVE_ANIMATIONS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original animation parts of the database
# upon loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the tileset parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_TILESETS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original tileset parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the common event parts of the database
# changes in savefiles as SAVE_COMMON_EVENTS
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original common event parts of the database
# upon loading savefiles, set this as false
# Sets if this script will save the system parts of the database changes in
# savefiles as SAVE_SYSTEM
# It can't be changed once set
# Example: To always reload the original system parts of the database upon
# loading savefiles, set this as false
end # Dynamic_Data
end # DoubleX_RMVXA
# ** Script Implementations |
# You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works |
# * Script Support Info: |
# 1. Prerequisites |
# - Some RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully comprehend this script |
# 2. Method documentation |
# - The 1st part describes why this method's rewritten/aliased for |
# rewritten/aliased methods or what the method does for new methods |
# - The 2nd part describes what the arguments of the method are |
# - The 3rd part informs which version rewritten, aliased or created this|
# method |
# - The 4th part informs whether the method's rewritten or new |
# - The 5th part informs whether the method's a real or potential hotspot|
# - The 6th part describes how this method works for new methods only, |
# and describes the parts added, removed or rewritten for rewritten or |
# aliased methods only |
# Example: |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# # Why rewrite/alias/What this method does | |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# # *argv: What these variables are |
# # &argb: What this block is |
# def def_name(*argv, &argb) # Version X+; Rewrite/New; Hotspot |
# # Added/Removed/Rewritten to do something/How this method works |
# def_name_code |
# # |
# end # def_name |
class << DataManager # Edit
# Stores the modified database parts to the save files as well |
alias save_game_without_rescue_dynamic_data save_game_without_rescue
def save_game_without_rescue(index, &argb)
# Added
["actors", "classes", "skills", "items", "weapons", "armors", "enemies",
"troops", "states", "animations", "tilesets", "common_events",
"system"].each { |type|
next unless eval("DoubleX_RMVXA::Dynamic_Data::SAVE_#{type.upcase}")
$game_system.send(:"data_#{type}=", eval("$data_#{type}"))
save_game_without_rescue_dynamic_data(index, &argb)
end # save_game_without_rescue
# Retrieves the modified database parts from the save files as well |
alias extract_save_contents_dynamic_data extract_save_contents
def extract_save_contents(contents, &argb)
extract_save_contents_dynamic_data(contents, &argb)
# Added
["actors", "classes", "skills", "items", "weapons", "armors", "enemies",
"troops", "states", "animations", "tilesets", "common_events",
"system"].each { |type|
next unless eval("DoubleX_RMVXA::Dynamic_Data::SAVE_#{type.upcase}")
eval("$data_#{type} = $game_system.data_#{type}")
end # extract_save_contents
end # DataManager
class Game_System # Edit
# New public instance variables |
# The modified database parts to be stored to/retrieved from save files
["actors", "classes", "skills", "items", "weapons", "armors", "enemies",
"troops", "states", "animations", "tilesets", "common_events",
"system"].each { |type| attr_accessor eval(":data_#{type}") }
end # Game_System
class Scene_Title < Scene_Base # v1.00b+; Edit
# Resets the database for starting a new game without closing it as well |
alias start_dynamic_data start
def start(*argv, &argb)
start_dynamic_data(*argv, &argb)
DataManager.load_database # Added
end # start
end # Scene_Title
Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between Materials and Main. Save to take effect.
None so far
Credits and Thanks
Author's Notes
The savefile might become much, much larger, as all data are stored there lol
Terms and Conditions
You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact
You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases
v1.01a(GMT 0100 12-11-2015):
1. Lets users set which parts of the database changes will be saved
v1.00b(GMT 0600 8-8-2015):
1. Fixed using edited data bug when starting new game without closing it
2. Increased this script's compatibility, efficiency and readability
v1.00a(GMT 0400 16-5-2015):
1. 1st version of this script finished