DoubleX RMVXA Item Triggers
Version: v1.01a
IntroductionVersion: v1.01a
Sets some skills/items to trigger effects before and/or after being used
* Decent RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully utilize this script
# ** Script Info |
# * Script Name |
# DoubleX RMVXA Item Triggers |
# * Functions |
# Sets some skills/items to trigger effects before and/or after being used |
# * Terms Of Use |
# You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact |
# You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than |
# DoubleX or his aliases |
# None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases |
# * Prerequisites |
# Abilities: |
# 1. Decent RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully utilize this script |
# * Instructions |
# 1. Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between |
# Materials and Main, save to take effect. |
# * Links |
# Script Usage 101: |
# 1. |
# 2. |
# This script: |
# 1. |
# Mentioned Patreon Supporters: |
# |
# * Authors |
# DoubleX |
# * Changelog |
# v1.01a(GMT 1300 26-2-2016): |
# 1. itcx and itax take the skill/item calling them as an argument as well |
# 2. Fixed passing Scene_battle instead of a battler into itcx/itax bug |
# v1.00b(GMT 0400 7-11-2015): |
# 1. Notetag values are now symbols of methods in the configuration regions |
# 2. This script doesn't need DoubleX RMVXA Item Triggers Compatibility to |
# be compatible with all its addressed scripts |
# 3. Further improved this script's compatibility, efficiency and simplicity|
# v1.00a(GMT 1300 11-5-2015): |
# 1. 1st version of this script finished |
# ** Notetag Info |
# * Skill/Item Notetags: |
# 1. <timing item trigger: itcx, itax> |
# - Sets a skill/item to trigger itax when timing and itcx are met |
# - It only works in battles using the default battle scene(Scene_Battle)|
# - timing can be pre, post or custom timings set by you |
# - pre means right before using the skill/item |
# - post means right after using the skill/item |
# - timing must only consist of alphanumeric characters |
# - itcx can be set in Item Trigger Condition Notetag Values |
# - itax can be set in Item Trigger Action Notetag Values |
# ** Script Call Info |
# * Scene manipulations |
# 1. exec_item_triggers(item, timing) |
# - Executes all item triggers with timing timing of item item |
($doublex_rmvxa ||= {})[:Item_Triggers] = "v1.01a"
# ** Script Configurations |
# You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does |
module DoubleX_RMVXA
module Item_Triggers
# Item Trigger Condition Notetag Values |
# - Setups itcx used by <timing item trigger: itcx, itax> |
# itcx are used at:
# 1. Scene_Battle
# - it.send(trigger[1], self) if it.send(trigger[0], self) in
# exec_item_triggers
# itcx are strings of names of methods under DoubleX_RMVXA::Item_Triggers
# itcx names can only use alphanumeric characters
# battler is the battler using item
# item is the skill/item using the itcx
# The below itcx are examples added to help you set your itcx
# You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples
# Sets the item trigger condition as always true
def self.itc1(battler, item)
# Sets the item trigger condition as always false
def self.itc2(battler, item)
# Sets the item trigger condition as needing switch with id x to be on
def self.itc3(battler, item)
# Adds new itcx here
# Item Trigger Action Notetag Values |
# - Setups itax used by <timing item trigger: itcx, itax> |
# itax are used at:
# 1. Scene_Battle
# - it.send(trigger[1], self) if it.send(trigger[0], self) in
# exec_item_triggers
# itax are strings of names of methods under DoubleX_RMVXA::Item_Triggers
# itax names can only use alphanumeric characters
# battler is the battler using item
# item is the skill/item using the itax
# The below itax are examples added to help you set your itax
# You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples
# Sets the item trigger action as what Special Effect Escape does
def self.ita1(battler, item)
# Sets the item trigger action as calling common event with id
# common_event_id
def self.ita2(battler, item)
# Sets the item trigger action as executing damage equal to the value of
# game variable with id x to self with type equal to that of skill with id
# equal to y
def self.ita3(battler, item)
battler.result.make_damage($game_variables[x], $data_skills[y])
# Adds new itax here
end # Item_Triggers
end # DoubleX_RMVXA
# ** Script Implementations |
# You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works |
# * Script Support Info: |
# 1. Prerequisites |
# - Some RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully comprehend this script |
# 2. Method documentation |
# - The 1st part describes why this method's rewritten/aliased for |
# rewritten/aliased methods or what the method does for new methods |
# - The 2nd part describes what the arguments of the method are |
# - The 3rd part informs which version rewritten, aliased or created this|
# method |
# - The 4th part informs whether the method's rewritten or new |
# - The 5th part informs whether the method's a real or potential hotspot|
# - The 6th part describes how this method works for new methods only, |
# and describes the parts added, removed or rewritten for rewritten or |
# aliased methods only |
# Example: |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# # Why rewrite/alias/What this method does | |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# # *argv: What these variables are |
# # &argb: What this block is |
# def def_name(*argv, &argb) # Version X+; Rewrite/New; Hotspot |
# # Added/Removed/Rewritten to do something/How this method works |
# def_name_code |
# # |
# end # def_name |
class << DataManager # Edit
alias load_database_item_triggers load_database
def load_database
# Added
$data_skills.each { |obj| obj.load_item_triggers_notes if obj }
$data_items.each { |obj| obj.load_item_triggers_notes if obj }
end # load_database
end # DataManager
class RPG::UsableItem < RPG::BaseItem # Edit
# New public instance variable |
attr_accessor :item_triggers # The storage of all item trigger notetags
def load_item_triggers_notes
# Stores all timing, itcx and itax triples from matching lines sequentially
@item_triggers = {}
@note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
next unless line =~ /< *(\w+) +item +trigger *: *(\w+) *, *(\w+) *>/i
(@item_triggers[$1.downcase.to_sym] ||= []).push(
[$2.downcase.to_sym, $3.downcase.to_sym])
end # load_item_triggers_notes
end # RPG::UsableItem
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base # Edit
alias use_item_triggers use_item
def use_item
# Added to execute the item triggers with timing pre
item = @subject.current_action.item
exec_item_triggers(item, :pre)
# Added to execute the item triggers with timing post
exec_item_triggers(item, :post)
end # use_item
# Triggers each item action when each respective condition's met |
# item: The item triggering its actions
# timing: The timing of the item triggering its actions
def exec_item_triggers(item, timing)
# Evaluates each itcx to see if its corresponding itax should be evaluated
return unless triggers = item.item_triggers[timing]
it = DoubleX_RMVXA::Item_Triggers
triggers.each { |trigger|
it.send(trigger[1], @subject, item) if it.send(trigger[0], @subject, item)
end # exec_item_triggers
end # Scene_Battle
Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between Materials and Main. Save to take effect.
None so far
Credits and Thanks
Author's Notes
Terms and Conditions
You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact
You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases
v1.01a(GMT 1300 26-2-2016):
1. itcx and itax take the skill/item calling them as an argument as well
2. Fixed passing Scene_battle instead of a battler into itcx/itax bug
v1.00b(GMT 0400 7-11-2015):
1. Notetag values are now symbols of methods in the configuration regions
2. This script doesn't need DoubleX RMVXA Item Triggers Compatibility to be compatible with all its addressed scripts
3. Further improved this script's compatibility, efficiency and simplicity
v1.00a(GMT 1300 11-5-2015):
1. 1st version of this script finished