Destiny of End
I know I haven't done a great job of keeping people apprised lately when it comes to the development of DoE. Sorry about that.  Tongue sticking out 

OddSan completed the first character redesign image, and I'll be posting it on Patreon soon. It will be public a while after, and I'll be sure to have it right here when it is public.
I'm just trying to figure out how to show it at the moment.
"Sample" watermark again? Probably.  Laughing

I'll be posting more updates, gazettes, etc. starting in late August.
Until then, most of the work on DoE will be done on the scripting side. (Thanks, DerVVulfman!)

Again, I'll have more starting in late August.
Thanks for reading, and thank you for all of the support!  Happy
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
Hello, everyone!
The last time I updated this thread, I promised an update in August!
It's about 2 months away from August... of the next year. Oops  Happy with a sweat 

My mom was hospitalized multiple times in August, and had surgery after surgery, so it was extremely difficult to do things until recently for Destiny of End. I've had to do things that trained nurses can't even do right to take care of her, and because I've been alone doing all of this, DoE was put on hiatus for a while.

So, here's what we have going on in DoE!

Note: Many of the things posted here are direct from the Destiny of End Patreon!

1) The Pipsqueak redesign images are completed! ChouChou/Karemaki-chan (Formerly known as OddSan) did an impeccable job with the character art, and I'm extremely happy with how it turned out, and Maki-chan was extremely great and easy to work with on this. 

Here we have a lightly cropped Pipsqueak image with watermark: 
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1528]

How Pipsqueak's new image looks in the menu screen. (The other 3 characters are going to be changed in the future) :
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1532]
A script by DerVVulfman allows the faces to change based on HP%:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1529] Pipsqueak's HP at normal levels
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1530] Pipsqueak's HP below 40% (The image is from a bugged version. It's fixed now!)
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1531] Pipsqueak's HP below 10% (The image is from a bugged version. It's fixed now!)

Again, thank you to Karemaki-chan for doing such an amazing job!  Starry-Eyed 
And thank you to those who supported the Patreon that made this possible! We couldn't have done this without the supporters! Blushing + Cheery 

As for Pipsqueak's redesign as a character, he will use axes and claymores, as well as a few other surprises in his arsenal.  Joe Cool 

As for the images... I have been informed that Maki-chan may update it at some point, because her art has actually improved quite a bit since these were done. So we'll see what the future holds on that  Shocked

2) Sheena's redesign is currently in the works! Details on that are going to be explained soon, but Karemaki-chan is currently working on it! 
Sketches will be posted on Patreon soon, and the completed images with watermarks and other stuff will also be posted. But for now, just know the chefs are in the kitchen working on something nice!  Grinning
When it came to Sheena's redesign, I actually had trouble settling on a finalized design, and it may have been the stress of not being able to settle down during the near-daily appointments for my mother. I even ended up scrapping the first redesign completely, which set everything back quite a bit. That being said, as things have settled down, the finalized designs are being fleshed out into something solid and tangible for all of you to see.  Thanks for the patience on this.
And once again, this is all thanks to the patrons over on Patreon!

3) If you'd like to support the future redesigns and the game as a whole, head on over to [/url][url=] to show some support! We're working on the tiers to make them neater, so sorry if the tiers are a bit wonky right now. Also, the New Emperor tier is open once again, if you would like to get a character of yours into the game! OCs are preferable.  Tongue sticking out  
We already have one character that was requested to be in the game, and the plan is to have them actually be an optional character you can obtain. You can choose how your character is used if you'd like if you subscribe to the New Emperor tier  Grinning 
The other tiers will have regular updates that get more detailed the higher the tiers are, with the highest tier being extremely detailed on thoughts, etc.
There will also be future promotional videos worked on, and there are goals to get voice acting in the game, and I have names in mind. But that's for the future.

More updates will be coming hopefully quicker than they had been. Hope you all have a great day/night/whatever time of day it is for you, and thank you for supporting Destiny of End, whether it be comments, advice, Patreon, or otherwise. I appreciate all of the support!  Blushing + Cheery 

Byeeee for now!  Grinning

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.png   Watermarked Pipsqueaky injured.png (Size: 624.38 KB / Downloads: 15)
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)

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