DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Compatibility
DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Compatibility

Version: v1.05a


* Fixes DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB compatibility issues


DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core


* DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Compatibility



* None so far

Credits and Thanks

* None

Author's Notes

* None

Terms and Conditions

* You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact
* You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
* None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases


v1.05a(GMT 0600 26-12-2022):
1. Compatible With Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Artificial Intelligence Core
v1.04a(GMT 0500 1-1-2022):
1. Compatible With Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Extension - Animated Sideview Enemies
v1.03f(GMT 0700 23-6-2021):
1. Fixed the visuals of the action sequences of actor sprites being reset when other actors are inputable bug
v1.03e(GMT 0700 19-6-2020):
1. Fixed the <= patb reset: val> notetag always resetting the ATB to 0 with Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core bug
v1.03d(GMT 0300 14-5-2020):
1. Fixed target cursor disappearing when the windows' refreshed
2. Fixed skill/item/target help window not showing after it's closed
v1.03c(GMT 0400 28-4-2020):
1. Fixed not closing the target help window when the actor's dead with Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core enabled
v1.03b(GMT 0200 7-9-2017):
1. Fixed returning the sprite of the currently inputable actor to its home position when an action performs its finish sequence compatiblity issue
v1.03a(GMT 0400 27-8-2017):
1. Supports Action Sequences in Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core
2. Fixed more changing currently inputable actor with Yanfly Engine Plugins - Target Extension - Selection Control compatibility issues
v1.02b(GMT 1400 26-8-2017):
1. Fixed showing status window with MOG_BattleHud compatility issue
2. Fixed changing currently inpu Yanfly Engine Plugins - Target Extension - Selection Control compatibility issue
v1.02a(GMT 1400 13-8-2017):
1. Compatible with Yanfly Engine Plugins - Target Extension - Selection Control      
v1.01b(GMT 0400 11-8-2017):
1. Fixed the wrong actor window position bug when using skills/items on party members
v1.01a(GMT 0500 10-8-2017):
1. Compatible with MOG_BattleHud
v1.00e(GMT 1200 5-8-2017):
1. Fixed the next action incorrectly highlighting all members in the same party/troop after using an party/troop targeting skill/item
v1.00d(GMT 1500 11-8-2016):
1. In sync with the latest DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core version
v1.00c(GMT 1400 9-8-2016):
1. Fixed skills/items not needing selections not working when Select Help Window in Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core is set as false
v1.00b(GMT 0400 16-7-2016):
1. PATB Hotkey supports selecting inpu when Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core is used Visual Actor Select being set as true as well
   Mouse Over applies to PATB Hotkey as well
v1.00a(GMT 1600 12-4-2016):
1. 1st completed version of this plugin finished
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.00b(GMT 0400 16-7-2016):
1. PATB Hotkey supports selecting inpu when Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core is used Visual Actor Select being set as true as well
Mouse Over applies to PATB Hotkey as well
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.00c(GMT 1400 9-8-2016):
1. Fixed skills/items not needing selections not working when Select Help Window in Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core is set as false
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.00d(GMT 1500 11-8-2016):
1. In sync with the latest DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core version
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.00e(GMT 1200 5-8-2017):
1. Fixed the next action incorrectly highlighting all members in the same party/troop after using an party/troop targeting skill/item
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.01a(GMT 0500 10-8-2017):
1. Compatible with MOG_BattleHud
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.01b(GMT 0400 11-8-2017):
1. Fixed the wrong actor window position bug when using skills/items on party members
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.02a(GMT 1400 13-8-2017):
1. Compatible with Yanfly Engine Plugins - Target Extension - Selection Control
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.02b(GMT 1400 26-8-2017):
1. Fixed showing status window with MOG_BattleHud compatility issue
2. Fixed changing currently inpu Yanfly Engine Plugins - Target Extension - Selection Control compatibility issue
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }
v1.03a(GMT 0400 27-8-2017):
1. Supports Action Sequences in Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core
2. Fixed more changing currently inputable actor with Yanfly Engine Plugins - Target Extension - Selection Control compatibility issues
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
Reply }

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