Ten Games that Punish You for playing EASY mode.
I didn't generate this list.  It's from a gamer's Webseries called 10-Up, a show that gives you lists of top ten lists of games, heroes, weapons or the like based on criteria.  Still, this could be some inspiration to some game developers who wish to add difficulty levels to their game while wondering how to make their audience play games as they were intended. So without further adieu, the top ten games that punish you for playing the game on Easy mode.

#10:  Streets of Rage 3

Who doesn't feel the need to punch something and get rid of some frustration?  Well, this 90's side scrolling fighter from Sega definitely lets you punch something out, if not merely virtual.  But if you play this game on easy level, you can only go through the first five levels of this eight level punch-fest.  If that isn't enough, the boss you beat at the end of level five mocks you and calls you a beginner.

#9:  Twisted Metal 2

Anyone for an insane version of demolition derby?  I hope so.  But playing this game on easy mode just doesn't seem right for a game with vehicular mayhem at the wheel.  And if you play the game on easy level, you encounter a big stopsign at the end of level four, telling you that no losers can pass beyond that point.  So here's another instance where you cannot finish a game on easy level while the game mocks you.

#8:  Castlevania 64

This wasn't a memorable game from Konami, so are you all that disappointed that your game ends after just five levels on easy mode?  But unlike the previous two, you are not mocked by the game for playing easy mode.  Instead, it merely requests you to play it in normal mode.

#7:  Metal Slug 6

We have another 90's styled sidescroller to talk about, but this is one of those shoot-em-ups that were so popular after the advent of Contra.  And everyone always wants the biggest and baddest gun in the game.   But while easy mode allows you to get a super-weapon that makes the game ridiculously easy, you only get to play through four out of five levels of play.

#6:  Earthworm Jim

Video games have had heroes like hedgehogs, foxes, and the odd gorilla, but no one expected a worm until this sidescrolling game showed up.  True that you can actually play through all the game levels, but easy mode denies you from seeing the actual ending to the game's story.  Instead... you get insulted!   They call you a worm!  Sure, you are playing a worm, but the voice-over work reminds you that a worm has no backbone and continues to insult you for taking it too easy.

#5:  Valkyrie Profile

This game appears like typical RPG fare.  And playing the game on Easy mode removes some sections of the game, removes some characters and makes the monsters a bit easier.  But just as it makes the monsters easier, it also lessens the experience points you get to level up, making the game a virtual grindfest that takes a toll on the player.   Was Square Enix trolling the player?  Because Easy mode is actuall even harder than normal mode.

#4:  Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire

Ah, a Star Wars game that actually deals with the classic Trilogy's characters.  Sure, you play as Dash Rendar, but you work for Luke Skywalker.  Still, playing the game on Easy mode ends the game with your character appearing to die in a massive explosion, and the game gives you a message that you should replay the whole game in normal mode to get the real ending.  LucasArts claimed that this was to give the game a level of replayability.  But that seems to be a pathetic excuse to anyone who spent hours on the game, and the excuse doesn't make much sense if you already played the game on normal mode.

#3:  Body Harvest

A top-down game that let you jump into cars before Grand Theft Auto?  Yes, this game had it all; a massive world to explore, cars to joyride in, and evil monsters to destroy.   But this game is yet another game that ends before you can play through all the levels, ending abruptly on level three instead of level five.

#2:  Postal 2

Now this was different!   A shooter game where everyone you shoot at doesn't fire back at you.   No.  Really.   No one else in the game has a gun.  Instead, they are all armed with shovels.    Easy mode sounds a bit too easy, doesn't it?   Well, it appears the game developer is trolling you.  Just as no one has any guns but you, they also don't have spare ammo nor ammo drops you can use.  You run out of ammo in no time and have to keep running while everyone chases after you to bash your head in.

#1:  Contra 4

The Contra series was the most recognized side-scrolling shooter series from the 80's and 90s, and Contra 4 was just as popular as the others of the series.  But playing the game on easy mode only allowed you to play seven of the nine levels of this game.  And after beating the seventh level, it will suggest to you to play it on normal mode for all nine levels of play.

Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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