Google Lets You Access Private WhatsApp Groups
Google Lets You Access Private WhatsApp Groups

Usually you'd expect WhatsApp groups to be accessed only if YOU ever sent somebody else an invitation to join it. Guess what? A Google search does let you find an index of such invitations. Wrote:Using particular Google searches, people can discover links to the chats, Wildon explained.
App reverse-engineer Jane Wong added in a tweet that Google has around 470,000 results for a simple search of "," part of the URL that makes up invites to WhatsApp groups.
After joining, Motherboard was able to see a list of all 48 participants and their phone numbers.

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What does it mean? People can perform a google search and not only get unrestricted access to your whatsapp group but also check out the members' phone numbers! Shocked Good bye privacy! Confused
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


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Someone at Google's side needs to be fired..... JK JK. They need to clean that mess though.
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Thankfully I don't use any of these messenger apps.
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