Fon-jr OCP
**Original Character Package**

This time i will not be posting the character template i will be using.
These are the first characters to be created for this project, feel free to comment but please do not post any of your own work in here.

1st set.
Heroes and villains.
2 of each, male and female.

M-Warrior complete.
[Image: ch01-sp.png]

I will add the look to the others when i have completed these two first :thumb:

[Image: FON-OCP-Warrior-M-DarkMage-M.png]
[Image: FON-CH01-prevw.png]

Well that's all for some time.
:O wow that is insanely awsome i cant wait for more . But what is the white V on the left guys head or i may be a girl :/
The guys on the right looks a little formal and not combatish (is that how he is meant to be?)
Both of them also have no mouths :/
But i really like them cant wait to see more !
That's really cool in my opinion. The only thing that bothers me is the faces - you have that whole canvas to make a detailed face but just kept with basic, very square eyes on the very edges. It makes the face seem very square and bland. But I like the clothes and the unique feet. Nice work with the depth there on the feet by the way, I can never manage to make them look 3D lol.
Very interesting-looking! I will say, however, that it's difficult to criticize because I'm not sure what kind of look you're going for. The size and the head/torso proportion would suggest a kind of chibi-deformed look, but the rest of the body seems a lot less rounded - so it's more realistic by comparison. I'm also trying to be careful not to inject too much personal preference here, but I tend to favor either tall/long look or short/round. This seems a sort of mix between the two.

Since their arms are so far away from their body, it makes them look very stiff and manly - fine for guys, but girls might be a bit off. The legs are also very spread, but that's a small detail. I don't mind the few facial features, but I'd play with the eyes. Either make them a pixel wider or bring them in a little closer to the nose. I love their hair and the costume choices are spot on - sort of a generic rpg hero that could be customized to look different. I also like their feet. They can be difficult to pull off in a sprite.
the one with green hair looks like they can use a hat. ^^
Definitely some unique looking chars. Very nice looking. I wish I could sprite half as well. But since they have such an interesting look you would have to make sure that you made most of the chars so they match. Overall two thumbs up.
It's a style thing that makes him unique as the character is the head of the OCP (he's my arshes you could say :D), i've heard in another place that he looks female which i like that people see that, i like the idea of this warrior as a pretty boy :D, very anime haha.

For the dark wizard
Just the way i see him, for white wiz i will probably go for a poorer looking outfit ^^.
No mouth is the way to go imo, where looking at the characters from a top down angle so that's no a necessary thing to draw, with the original fon temp i went as far as a nose though.

Drawing the eyes apart is just my style, never liked them closer together than that ^^ so i've always kept the same distance with most templates i've created.
I could add more details around the face but i plan to do that for certain characters only, don't want it to get too repetitive.

I've been spriting SD temps for the most part but i've also worked on more realistic templates like my Grand tyke temp and many other unfinished ones.
This one is more on the sd side but i did not set out for a certain look, just went with what looked good ^^, a good mix in the end imo.

If you guys look at my other templates before this one you will notice that i draw arms a bit longer, legs more apart as well as the eyes (legs a bit closer for the female though), not the way it started out but it's the look i've come to love ^^

The female will not totally look the same as the male, arms and legs will change as well as certain parts of the body to a lesser extent.
I've not started work on the fem yet but i will when my first male character is complete, afterwards i will upload a character frontal frame for that.

I may sprite some extras for characters after i complete them ^^

Plan to do that ^^.
Well here's the side frame for this character (look to first post), last look at this character till it's complete folks.
I will do this for the rest of them before completion.
the eyes for the red head char sprite can move a little bit close to the nose (not too close) just to make it seem her nose isnt too huge. :x

or maybe its proportioned correctly... *.*?
Read answer to Luna my man.

I've decided to release these characters in packs of four, but i will upload a smaller picture as proof of the character completion.

First character complete by tonight.

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