MS tileset wip
>.< Am I being bothersome? I will stop posting so much if ya want lol

Sweet! Can't wait to see him finished. Reminds me of Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana with the helments :)
Thanks, and i appreciate the support and most of all the feedback! Please keep em' comin'! ;-)
Leafless tree added with other things.
Please replace the last tileset with this one because i also made some small changes here and there on the tree leaf area and other places.

Coming up next.. flowers, hollow tree and dirt path! Until next time folks.
I will take a look at that, thanks ;)
Looks much better, i've darkened those darker pixels and added a slight yellowish color to to some of the blades.
I've yet to test it out so i will upload later.
To those of you that saved the last tileset please replace that with this one ^^ (I do hope you wont get tired of that XD)
I made some small edits here and there, small lighting pixel edit on tree trunks (leafless tree too),small edit to grass where i darkened and added a slight highlight color, weeds now a tad brighter to stand out better against the grass.

I think that's all.

A picture uploaded! Just the dirt path which is still a work in progress, what's there is good but i need to add a bit more, and of coarse i have to wrap that grass around it.
I will complete the first character before i continue with tileset work peeps.

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