Terra Chimera - Soulfire
[Image: Title.png]
Terra Chimera - Soulfire

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Hello everyone. I've been working on this project since February and it seems to be coming together rather nicely. I'm relatively new to RPG Maker (especially VX) but I do have a bit of experience on RM2k. This game started out mostly as an experiment but over time I've improved and rearranged things. I wanted to emphasize story over graphics and features, which is why I'm mostly using default sprites and sounds (although any contributions would be greatly appreciated and acknowledged.) Demo now available!

Anyway, comments, criticism, and random thoughts are appreciated! Let me know what you think. Please no formal reviews until the game is completed, however.

If anyone is interested in submitting resources or helping me on this project, send me a PM.

Please note that this is currently a BETA demo release; There will probably be a few bugs. Let me know if you find any! I will be updating this with new versions as necessary.

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Quick update. Here's a peek at a new character, Annette.

At the beginning of the game, Almos finds her trapped in a cage in the jungle. This cutscene will be in the next demo version, but here's a sneak peek.

By the way, anyone is welcome to use these graphics if they want, just please give credit where credit is due. I used the Famitsu generator for the sprite (with some modifying on my own) and FaceMaker for the face.

[Image: AnnetteContent.png][Image: Annette.png]

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New graphics credits in the "Features" section.

New screenshot added to showcase some work I've done trying to improve the mapping:

[Image: Jungle.jpg]
An early scene of Almos waking up in a jungle.
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New version of the demo will be uploaded shortly. I had to remove the old files because of problems with the uploader, so downloads will be temporarily unavailable.

I will post an update once the new versions are ready to go.
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Your game looks very promising!

The story is intriguing, and sounds almost deceptively simple. I imagine you're planning quite a few surprises. Your mapping is fitting and I'm really enjoying the custom touches such as lighting and character poses. The feature of a custom shop sounds like it would be a lot of fun.

I will give your updated demo a try when it's available and let you know what I think.
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New demo version (0.05) up and ready for download!

New in this update:

New character sprites
Bug fixes
New face sprites
New title screen
Expanded intro sequence
Commodity trading system now in the demo

Let me know what you think of the changes and enjoy :)

EDIT: I noticed the client tag was wrong for this topic. It said "RMXP" but this is a VX game. Updated.

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A few messages are cut off, maybe you could change it with making the font smaller.
Also your saves are in the demo, dunno if this was your purpose^^

But your game looks really cool and I think it's the best vx game I played until now. The battles aren't too hard yet and usually I don't like the front view thing but I kinda like this one (dunno why xD). The new title screen and logo looks much better than your old and the story seems interesting to me, I never played a VX Demo that long :D
Keep up the great work^^
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Do you know which messages in particular are cut off? I could have sworn I tested them all before packaging everything, but maybe I skipped through too quickly ^^;

I don't think any of my saves will work anyway... they're from older versions. Oh well O.o

Thanks for the feedback. I spent a lot of time balancing the gameplay so it was both fun and challenging so feedback in this area is especially valuable to me. I hope you enjoy the rest of the demo :)

Also I wanna give a big shout out to SirJackRex who made the new title screen for me. He did a great job :D
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especially the centered messages are cut off, but later also if someone speaks sometimes a little bit is cut off.
[Image: 2uxu2v9.png]
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That's really strange... I looked at the message preview, then play-tested in full screen and window mode but the text was fine in both cases. Do you have your resolution set lower than normal? Does anyone else have this problem?
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