Trust me guys, I didn't come up with this.
I got this from a website recounting pen-n-paper RPG stories.



In an earlier session of this same campaign the party ended up at the town of Kingsport (it’s a homebrew setting), the largest port town of that particular kingdom. Kell and Zack were there, as well as the party’s cleric named Rochesta de’Chesta. Rochesta had claimed a bag of tricks from an earlier adventure (I don’t remember which strength it was).

They found a contact who lead them to a warehouse where the bandit organization they were tracking sold illegal magic items, along with other items. They were RPing really well, bluffing for information, when an NPC they failed to kill earlier in the game walks into the room. Instead of hiding, the party immediately drops their ruse and attacks.

Rochesta got separated from the group and was trying to fight off a barbarian and a rogue. Reaching into his bag of tricks, he produces a badger! The barbarian rolled like crap and smacked the badger for a single point of damage, which kicked off the badger’s rage ability. This is where the battle turned.

Rochesta turned his back on the barbarian, who hadn’t landed a single hit against him, and could do nothing more than stand in a defensive position and occasionally heal himself just to keep from being killed by the rogue, who he couldn’t hit (bad rolls). The badger single-handedly killed the barbarian, who had been at full HP a couple of rounds before (~70 hp).

Rochesta managed to land a lucky blow with his hammer, which knocked the rogue prone. He rolled an intimidate check and yelled  Surrender, or I’ll feed you to the badger!

She surrendered.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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